Half-Life 2 and Portal become available in the NVIDIA SHIELD
NVIDIA has officially announced the extension line of games for the portable console Android-SHIELD on two new projects.
Owners of the console will now be able to purchase and play Android-version of PC-hits as Half-Life 2 and Portal, which is engaged in the development of the company Valve.
News of the porting of the famous logic puzzle Portal on the Android platform went for a few days (and even name the exact date of release), but about Half-Life 2 reliable information was not - only special "leak" in the form sends the Western news sites souvenir mount with green color unambiguous labels and logos. And finally the "secrecy" of bedrooms - both games have appeared in Google Play.
NVIDIA has done an outstanding job porting Half-Life 2 and Portal on SHIELD. Now we can play both games on the console SHIELD, and fans of both franchises will be able to see the same gameplay that they fell on PC. I> - said Doug Lombardi, vice president of marketing at Valve.
But the main disappointment - only game console NVIDIA Shield ( my colleague andrey_snegovik did at her обзор i>). Given the complexity of the control in these games, we can assume that such a restriction is not due to a relatively "heavy" (as for mobile systems) graphics, namely the implementation of control - in the case of the Shield when porting can almost exactly reproduce the "geympadny" version control due to the presence of hardware buttons and joysticks, while for tablets and smartphones would introduce virtual buttons - and how it would be convenient, can not imagine anyone who has tried to play a first person shooter on the tablet.
Both games are 9, $ 99 (351, 99 rub.) And are available for download:
Portal: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nvidia.valvesoftware.portal
Half-Life 2: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nvidia.valvesoftware.halflife2
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Source: habrahabr.ru/company/boxowerview/blog/222525/

Owners of the console will now be able to purchase and play Android-version of PC-hits as Half-Life 2 and Portal, which is engaged in the development of the company Valve.
News of the porting of the famous logic puzzle Portal on the Android platform went for a few days (and even name the exact date of release), but about Half-Life 2 reliable information was not - only special "leak" in the form sends the Western news sites souvenir mount with green color unambiguous labels and logos. And finally the "secrecy" of bedrooms - both games have appeared in Google Play.

NVIDIA has done an outstanding job porting Half-Life 2 and Portal on SHIELD. Now we can play both games on the console SHIELD, and fans of both franchises will be able to see the same gameplay that they fell on PC. I> - said Doug Lombardi, vice president of marketing at Valve.

But the main disappointment - only game console NVIDIA Shield ( my colleague andrey_snegovik did at her обзор i>). Given the complexity of the control in these games, we can assume that such a restriction is not due to a relatively "heavy" (as for mobile systems) graphics, namely the implementation of control - in the case of the Shield when porting can almost exactly reproduce the "geympadny" version control due to the presence of hardware buttons and joysticks, while for tablets and smartphones would introduce virtual buttons - and how it would be convenient, can not imagine anyone who has tried to play a first person shooter on the tablet.

Both games are 9, $ 99 (351, 99 rub.) And are available for download:
Portal: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nvidia.valvesoftware.portal
Half-Life 2: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nvidia.valvesoftware.halflife2
Do not forget to follow us on FaceBook , and Twitter Google+ ! And of course, subscribe to our blog Habré in profile . And yes you will arrive with red crowbar!
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/boxowerview/blog/222525/