Heroes and anti-heroes of the Olympics
Japanese weightlifter from a concentration camp
Skinny asthmatic child named Tamio Kono began his sport (!) Career in a very unlikely place - in a Japanese internment camp in the United States. During World War II, he and his family were evicted from their home in San Francisco and placed in a special settlement (in fact, a concentration camp) in the desert region of California. Three and a half years they lived there in appalling conditions, suffering deprivation and abuse by their "masters". In spite of the bad environment, hot dry air had done its work, and Tamio suddenly cured of asthma, and in addition, became engaged in weightlifting in the local "rocking".
The young man continued to weight lifting, and after the war, becoming with time an indispensable member of the US national team weightlifters. Despite the fact that his family could not leave the camp, Tamio played for the US team, picking up more and more weight. Its unique feature was that Tamio able to widely change their weight - from 67 to 89 kilograms during his career. This enabled him to act in various weight categories, "plugging holes" in the list of athletes. In order to lift the weight, he ate 6 or 7 times a day, and to lose weight, reduce their appetite up to 2-3 times.
The first Olympic medal in the lightweight Tamio won in 1952, in 1956 - in the light, in 1960 - to moderate. During his career he has put seven Olympic and 26 world records. In addition, Tamio Kono was Mr. Universe title holder three times - not bad for a former dohlyaka weighing 47 kilograms.
Darkwing Duck slalom
Frenchman Jean-Claude Killy made very good slalom in 1968 at the Olympics in Grenoble. He left only to show the best result in slalom, so he took the track pretty quickly. His rival, the Austrian Karl Schranz, also started well, but did not reach the finish line stopped. On the questions of the judges, what was the matter, he argued that the middle of the track ran across the road it's a man in black clothes, which is why he could not continue the descent. According to the rules it is considered that on the track at the time of launching the athlete should not be strangers, so Schranz demanded re-start. Repeated descent, he showed a very good result, beating Jean-Claude.
However, after detailed analysis of the situation, the judges decided to give the victory in this match, Jean-Claude, because, as it turned out, Carl missed one of the control points during the passage of the road, then stopped and claimed that on his way there was some stranger. None of the judges did not see strangers on the road, so Schranz was disqualified and medal went to Jean-Claude.
Later, supporters of Jean-Claude claimed that his rival has invented a mythical man in black to hide his error in passing, and Charles, in turn, was confident that the judges of the local, as well as the police, specifically prevented him pass a line, to give winning local athletes.
Lazy skaters
Americans are good at making money, but as far as integrity in sports, as it is no longer impossible. For example, look at the Olympic Games in Lake Placid in 1932. There is a kind of sports - speed skating, where the participants are moving at high speed along a circular path. European athletes are used to move on the rink alone, as is the case at the Games in Vancouver. However, when they arrived at the game in America, it was found that in the process have made adjustments, and now all the athletes will have to start at the same time, ie at the start will be "a lot of small." By the way, this format has now, but only for short distances.
So, all these athletes, including local, American skaters. started the race, the Europeans started the habit is very bad, and tried my best to keep up with the main group. But the interesting thing happened while half the distance of 1,500 meters has already been passed. The judges stopped short competition, made the remarks athletes for "doing nothing", and re-started race. Europeans utterly confused, started even worse, and "honest" Americans have received numerous gold medals, in contrast to the Old World. Here is a fair game.
Forward to the victory! Without legs ...
In 1944, the Danish rider Liz Hartel polio, being pregnant. Despite the fact that as a result of the disease it is almost completely paralyzed, Liz was able to give birth to a healthy baby. The most amazing thing is that despite the very limited motor skills, Liz continued to train, and three years later, in 1947, again sat on the horse, despite the fact that her legs did not move below the knee. She sat down and went to the horse with the help of others, and in spite of this, won a silver medal in equestrian championship in Denmark in 1952. On the podium girl could only be reached via a gold medal winner, Swede Henry Saint Cyrus - that's what real sports mutual! In subsequent years, Liz continued to play sports, and won another silver medal in the 1956 Olympics.
In addition, Liz, in sports competitions of the highest level of well-armed participated shooter Karoly Takaks, which during a grenade attack in the army tore off his right arm. Athlete continued to train, learned to shoot with his left hand, and then won the gold medal at the Games in 1948 and 1952.
Known more unique case - in 1904 at the Olympics in St. Louis American gymnast George Eyzer won one bronze, two silver and three gold medals. This gymnast instead of one leg was a wooden prosthesis.
Unselfish Cuban boxer
Cuban boxer Theophile Stevenson in the boxing ring was invulnerable. He has performed in the heavyweight division, and in 1972 at the Games in Munich defeated his opponent in 30 seconds. Quick was a boxer and strong ... After his victory in 1972, took him right up different promoters, so he joined the professional league and has signed a contract, but Theophilus refuses. He believed in the idea of communist revolution in Cuba and wanted to fight only for their homeland. After another victory in Montreal in 1976, promoters have become more active to offer him a contract and money, but refused to millions Theophile fees, becoming a national hero in his homeland.
The third time gold medal boxer won in 1980 at the age of 28 years. Then, after leaving the big boxing Cuban boxing he became a teacher earning $ 400 a month. When he later asked why he refused a lot of money, Theophile said, "What do I do these millions against 8 million Cubans who love me?"
Hit the judge
In hockey, as you know, real men play, but nevertheless there are certain rules still there. Some hockey players are unable to restrain himself, and then miracles begin. For example, Swedish hockey player Carl Oberg in a game against Canada in 1964 as rasperezhivalas that hit Canadian coach David Bauer hockey stick. In itself, this act is disgusting, but it gets even worse if we add that the full name of the coach - Father David Bauer, a Catholic priest.
The other team, or at any other time this act would cause a huge fist fight, but David has publicly forgiven Charles symbolically covering his head with his jersey, and urged his team to play again and take revenge on the offender. This request was made, and the Canadians won 3-2.
Orange attack
His bad behavior demonstrate not only athletes, but also the fans. At the 1956 Games in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, the fans were so outraged by the bad result of the German pair skaters - Marika Kilius and Franz Ningelya that threw in the judges and the coach oranges. This citrus attack lasted, so we had three times to clear the ice from foreign objects. German couple, in spite of this, took the fourth place.
Lost regatta and saved the lives of
In 1988 at the Games in Seoul, Canadian Laurence Lemieux took part in the sailing regatta with the length of 450 kilometers, moving toward Busan, the second largest city of South Korea, hosted the Olympic Games. The sea was restless, winds in some places reached 20 meters per second. When Lawrence on his yacht took half of the distance, and before him was the only leader of the race, he saw close to two people who were different class yacht team, which participated in the same race, which was held in parallel. Joseph Chan and Shaw Hye Sue lost control and two-meter waves, and at the next gust of wind their boat overturned, injuring both, so that the athletes were not able to get back, floundering in the water. Lawrence changed course, went on board the two athletes and waited for the arrival of the rescue boat, took them to his side. After that the Canadian race continued, and eventually come to finish 22nd.
The selfless act athlete has not gone unnoticed, and the awards ceremony he was awarded the Medal of Pierre de Coubertin - a special reward for athletic prowess.
Japanese gymnast and damaged knee
The Japanese men's team won the gold medal gymnasts from 1969 to 1972, so the 1976 Games get gold was a matter of honor for the Japanese. However, life has made adjustments. One of the leading gymnasts, Shun Fujimoto, making regular exercise, cotton and felt a sharp pain in the knee. He realized that he broke the patella, but did not tell the coach, because he knew that he was forbidden to speak, and a comparable replacement in the Japanese team had. He did not let on that he feels a lot of pain, fully implement the program of exercise on the balance beam and received 9.5 points out of 10. It said later athlete, knee pain helped him to focus on a perfect performance numbers, as any wrong move would result in even more painful and irreversible consequences.
The next item was the ring presentation. After completing all planned, the athlete has committed a triple somersault and almost perfect landing, received 9.7 points, putting a personal record. After locking landing Shan fell to the floor in pain, and only if the doctor knew that he had problems with his knee. He recommended not to participate, not to become disabled, and the team to give everything 100 percent, winning by a whisker Team USSR. To say there is nothing - the Japanese have always been famous for their "crazy" to achieve the goal.
And I threw the medal into a river ...
It's about Cassius Clay, who became Muhammad Ali later. At the Games in 1960 in Rome, he was desperate unbeaten 18-year-old boxer Cassius earning the gold medal. Besides his skill Cassius distinguished friendliness and direct behavior to win the favor of many Americans. A Soviet journalist at a press conference with the boxer tried to hurt in order to ask questions regarding racial discrimination in America. Cassius said: "We in America are working to eradicate this phenomenon, and in addition, makes the best cars in the world, grow the food we need, and all America - the great country!".
On motives of the Soviet journalist, I say nothing - at the time there was the Cold War, and the representatives of the two superpowers tried to kick one another more painfully. But let us return to Cassius Clay. Returning to competition, it did not take off his gold medal, but even so he was not allowed into one of the restaurants, explaining it by the fact that an institution for whites. Once outside he was attacked by a gang of white thugs from which he successfully fought. Cassius, he said, he realized that his medal is not worth anything, even glory, and he, according to popular legend, threw it into the Ohio River.
Only 40 years later, in 1996, the Olympic Committee awarded the Medal of Muhammad Ali during the Olympic Games in Atlanta.
Marathon with a glass of wine
As the French historian Michel Brill planned the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, he wanted to associate them with the ancient Olympic Games. As such a link has been suggested to use a race from Athens to Marathon, which was done by the Greeks in ancient times, in order to bring news of the victory. Greek runners are excited about the idea and started to train in full.
While other countries as runners carelessly prepared for the race, the Greek athletes held two qualifying race by most endurance athletes for participation in the competition. With the exception of the Greeks, in other commands, only one runner had the experience of the marathon, the other trained virtually "on cats".
And that started the race. Training Greeks gave their results, in contrast to other runners. And not reaching the middle distance, foreign athletes simply fell from the strain. Three hours after the start of the event was the leader of the Greek Spiridon Louis, which easily beat all rivals and even made a break in the race, after drinking a glass of wine. Greek Prince George and Constantine kronprits so impressed by the success of his countryman that ran with him the last stage of the race. Luis, a typical farmer, has quickly become a national hero, and even became the hero of sayings - "be Louis" in his homeland means "run fast".
Typist with an accordion
At the Olympic Games 1932 in Los Angelos involved 19-year-old typist named Mildred Didrikson pi. Girl preparing to take part in five sports, but the rules have been adjusted, according to which the athlete can not compete in more than three disciplines. Mildred chose javelin, running hurdles at 80 meters and the high jump, as holds the world record in all these sports.
Her first performance was bad - a spear come loose and damaged the cartilage in his right shoulder. For another, it would mean the athlete's refusal to participate further, but she continued to struggle, throwing the spear in the second attempt on 43 and a half meters, setting a new world record. Two days later she also set a record in the steeplechase, and was ready to continue the fight. however, in the high jump, she was disqualified because of the fact that jumped "fish" forward head at that time was a violation of the rules. After all these adventures Mildred "was satisfied" the silver medal.
Generally speaking, the girl was outstanding courage. She said their rivals before the competitions: "Yep, I'm gonna beat you" (Yeah, I'll do), and during the training of athletes drove his team into a frenzy, winding circles around them and playing the harmonica.
By participating in these sports activities are not limited to Mildred. In 1935, she took up the game of golf, and in 1950 won all possible titles available to women in the sport. It is considered one of the greatest players of all time among women and men. In her autobiography, she wrote: "My goal - to be the best athlete of all time." Immodest, but it is quite true.
And under the veil - is another interesting story.
Running Hurdles life
This history can be called a Cinderella story. After spending his childhood on the streets of Casablanca, Moroccan El Moutawakel used their athletic ability to get scholarships and admission to the University of Iowa, where he won several championships Big Eight. In 1984, she became the only woman in the Moroccan Olympic team at the Games in Los Angeles.
She ran the 400 hurdles metrovku fastest, bringing his country's first gold medal. At the same time she became the first Muslim woman and the first representative of the African continent, winning the gold medal. At a time when El make a victory lap around the stadium, its compatriots at home rejoiced, recognizing in it the national hero (still!)
Taking advantage of its success, Al decided not to stop there, and help other women around the world to present their achievements in sports (then, it was tight), and the top of her efforts was the organization of a 10-kilometer women's race in Casablanca, which still collects dozens thousands of participants. As Minister for sport and family and a leading specialist in the international Olympic Committee, El promoted choice of London as Olympic capital in 2012.
One day, this brave woman said: "My sports life began with the 400-meter hurdles race, and a diagram of my life - to move and overcome obstacles"
Skinny asthmatic child named Tamio Kono began his sport (!) Career in a very unlikely place - in a Japanese internment camp in the United States. During World War II, he and his family were evicted from their home in San Francisco and placed in a special settlement (in fact, a concentration camp) in the desert region of California. Three and a half years they lived there in appalling conditions, suffering deprivation and abuse by their "masters". In spite of the bad environment, hot dry air had done its work, and Tamio suddenly cured of asthma, and in addition, became engaged in weightlifting in the local "rocking".
The young man continued to weight lifting, and after the war, becoming with time an indispensable member of the US national team weightlifters. Despite the fact that his family could not leave the camp, Tamio played for the US team, picking up more and more weight. Its unique feature was that Tamio able to widely change their weight - from 67 to 89 kilograms during his career. This enabled him to act in various weight categories, "plugging holes" in the list of athletes. In order to lift the weight, he ate 6 or 7 times a day, and to lose weight, reduce their appetite up to 2-3 times.
The first Olympic medal in the lightweight Tamio won in 1952, in 1956 - in the light, in 1960 - to moderate. During his career he has put seven Olympic and 26 world records. In addition, Tamio Kono was Mr. Universe title holder three times - not bad for a former dohlyaka weighing 47 kilograms.

Darkwing Duck slalom
Frenchman Jean-Claude Killy made very good slalom in 1968 at the Olympics in Grenoble. He left only to show the best result in slalom, so he took the track pretty quickly. His rival, the Austrian Karl Schranz, also started well, but did not reach the finish line stopped. On the questions of the judges, what was the matter, he argued that the middle of the track ran across the road it's a man in black clothes, which is why he could not continue the descent. According to the rules it is considered that on the track at the time of launching the athlete should not be strangers, so Schranz demanded re-start. Repeated descent, he showed a very good result, beating Jean-Claude.
However, after detailed analysis of the situation, the judges decided to give the victory in this match, Jean-Claude, because, as it turned out, Carl missed one of the control points during the passage of the road, then stopped and claimed that on his way there was some stranger. None of the judges did not see strangers on the road, so Schranz was disqualified and medal went to Jean-Claude.
Later, supporters of Jean-Claude claimed that his rival has invented a mythical man in black to hide his error in passing, and Charles, in turn, was confident that the judges of the local, as well as the police, specifically prevented him pass a line, to give winning local athletes.

Lazy skaters
Americans are good at making money, but as far as integrity in sports, as it is no longer impossible. For example, look at the Olympic Games in Lake Placid in 1932. There is a kind of sports - speed skating, where the participants are moving at high speed along a circular path. European athletes are used to move on the rink alone, as is the case at the Games in Vancouver. However, when they arrived at the game in America, it was found that in the process have made adjustments, and now all the athletes will have to start at the same time, ie at the start will be "a lot of small." By the way, this format has now, but only for short distances.
So, all these athletes, including local, American skaters. started the race, the Europeans started the habit is very bad, and tried my best to keep up with the main group. But the interesting thing happened while half the distance of 1,500 meters has already been passed. The judges stopped short competition, made the remarks athletes for "doing nothing", and re-started race. Europeans utterly confused, started even worse, and "honest" Americans have received numerous gold medals, in contrast to the Old World. Here is a fair game.

Forward to the victory! Without legs ...
In 1944, the Danish rider Liz Hartel polio, being pregnant. Despite the fact that as a result of the disease it is almost completely paralyzed, Liz was able to give birth to a healthy baby. The most amazing thing is that despite the very limited motor skills, Liz continued to train, and three years later, in 1947, again sat on the horse, despite the fact that her legs did not move below the knee. She sat down and went to the horse with the help of others, and in spite of this, won a silver medal in equestrian championship in Denmark in 1952. On the podium girl could only be reached via a gold medal winner, Swede Henry Saint Cyrus - that's what real sports mutual! In subsequent years, Liz continued to play sports, and won another silver medal in the 1956 Olympics.
In addition, Liz, in sports competitions of the highest level of well-armed participated shooter Karoly Takaks, which during a grenade attack in the army tore off his right arm. Athlete continued to train, learned to shoot with his left hand, and then won the gold medal at the Games in 1948 and 1952.
Known more unique case - in 1904 at the Olympics in St. Louis American gymnast George Eyzer won one bronze, two silver and three gold medals. This gymnast instead of one leg was a wooden prosthesis.

Unselfish Cuban boxer
Cuban boxer Theophile Stevenson in the boxing ring was invulnerable. He has performed in the heavyweight division, and in 1972 at the Games in Munich defeated his opponent in 30 seconds. Quick was a boxer and strong ... After his victory in 1972, took him right up different promoters, so he joined the professional league and has signed a contract, but Theophilus refuses. He believed in the idea of communist revolution in Cuba and wanted to fight only for their homeland. After another victory in Montreal in 1976, promoters have become more active to offer him a contract and money, but refused to millions Theophile fees, becoming a national hero in his homeland.
The third time gold medal boxer won in 1980 at the age of 28 years. Then, after leaving the big boxing Cuban boxing he became a teacher earning $ 400 a month. When he later asked why he refused a lot of money, Theophile said, "What do I do these millions against 8 million Cubans who love me?"

Hit the judge
In hockey, as you know, real men play, but nevertheless there are certain rules still there. Some hockey players are unable to restrain himself, and then miracles begin. For example, Swedish hockey player Carl Oberg in a game against Canada in 1964 as rasperezhivalas that hit Canadian coach David Bauer hockey stick. In itself, this act is disgusting, but it gets even worse if we add that the full name of the coach - Father David Bauer, a Catholic priest.
The other team, or at any other time this act would cause a huge fist fight, but David has publicly forgiven Charles symbolically covering his head with his jersey, and urged his team to play again and take revenge on the offender. This request was made, and the Canadians won 3-2.
Orange attack
His bad behavior demonstrate not only athletes, but also the fans. At the 1956 Games in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, the fans were so outraged by the bad result of the German pair skaters - Marika Kilius and Franz Ningelya that threw in the judges and the coach oranges. This citrus attack lasted, so we had three times to clear the ice from foreign objects. German couple, in spite of this, took the fourth place.

Lost regatta and saved the lives of
In 1988 at the Games in Seoul, Canadian Laurence Lemieux took part in the sailing regatta with the length of 450 kilometers, moving toward Busan, the second largest city of South Korea, hosted the Olympic Games. The sea was restless, winds in some places reached 20 meters per second. When Lawrence on his yacht took half of the distance, and before him was the only leader of the race, he saw close to two people who were different class yacht team, which participated in the same race, which was held in parallel. Joseph Chan and Shaw Hye Sue lost control and two-meter waves, and at the next gust of wind their boat overturned, injuring both, so that the athletes were not able to get back, floundering in the water. Lawrence changed course, went on board the two athletes and waited for the arrival of the rescue boat, took them to his side. After that the Canadian race continued, and eventually come to finish 22nd.
The selfless act athlete has not gone unnoticed, and the awards ceremony he was awarded the Medal of Pierre de Coubertin - a special reward for athletic prowess.

Japanese gymnast and damaged knee
The Japanese men's team won the gold medal gymnasts from 1969 to 1972, so the 1976 Games get gold was a matter of honor for the Japanese. However, life has made adjustments. One of the leading gymnasts, Shun Fujimoto, making regular exercise, cotton and felt a sharp pain in the knee. He realized that he broke the patella, but did not tell the coach, because he knew that he was forbidden to speak, and a comparable replacement in the Japanese team had. He did not let on that he feels a lot of pain, fully implement the program of exercise on the balance beam and received 9.5 points out of 10. It said later athlete, knee pain helped him to focus on a perfect performance numbers, as any wrong move would result in even more painful and irreversible consequences.
The next item was the ring presentation. After completing all planned, the athlete has committed a triple somersault and almost perfect landing, received 9.7 points, putting a personal record. After locking landing Shan fell to the floor in pain, and only if the doctor knew that he had problems with his knee. He recommended not to participate, not to become disabled, and the team to give everything 100 percent, winning by a whisker Team USSR. To say there is nothing - the Japanese have always been famous for their "crazy" to achieve the goal.

And I threw the medal into a river ...
It's about Cassius Clay, who became Muhammad Ali later. At the Games in 1960 in Rome, he was desperate unbeaten 18-year-old boxer Cassius earning the gold medal. Besides his skill Cassius distinguished friendliness and direct behavior to win the favor of many Americans. A Soviet journalist at a press conference with the boxer tried to hurt in order to ask questions regarding racial discrimination in America. Cassius said: "We in America are working to eradicate this phenomenon, and in addition, makes the best cars in the world, grow the food we need, and all America - the great country!".
On motives of the Soviet journalist, I say nothing - at the time there was the Cold War, and the representatives of the two superpowers tried to kick one another more painfully. But let us return to Cassius Clay. Returning to competition, it did not take off his gold medal, but even so he was not allowed into one of the restaurants, explaining it by the fact that an institution for whites. Once outside he was attacked by a gang of white thugs from which he successfully fought. Cassius, he said, he realized that his medal is not worth anything, even glory, and he, according to popular legend, threw it into the Ohio River.
Only 40 years later, in 1996, the Olympic Committee awarded the Medal of Muhammad Ali during the Olympic Games in Atlanta.

Marathon with a glass of wine
As the French historian Michel Brill planned the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, he wanted to associate them with the ancient Olympic Games. As such a link has been suggested to use a race from Athens to Marathon, which was done by the Greeks in ancient times, in order to bring news of the victory. Greek runners are excited about the idea and started to train in full.
While other countries as runners carelessly prepared for the race, the Greek athletes held two qualifying race by most endurance athletes for participation in the competition. With the exception of the Greeks, in other commands, only one runner had the experience of the marathon, the other trained virtually "on cats".
And that started the race. Training Greeks gave their results, in contrast to other runners. And not reaching the middle distance, foreign athletes simply fell from the strain. Three hours after the start of the event was the leader of the Greek Spiridon Louis, which easily beat all rivals and even made a break in the race, after drinking a glass of wine. Greek Prince George and Constantine kronprits so impressed by the success of his countryman that ran with him the last stage of the race. Luis, a typical farmer, has quickly become a national hero, and even became the hero of sayings - "be Louis" in his homeland means "run fast".

Typist with an accordion
At the Olympic Games 1932 in Los Angelos involved 19-year-old typist named Mildred Didrikson pi. Girl preparing to take part in five sports, but the rules have been adjusted, according to which the athlete can not compete in more than three disciplines. Mildred chose javelin, running hurdles at 80 meters and the high jump, as holds the world record in all these sports.
Her first performance was bad - a spear come loose and damaged the cartilage in his right shoulder. For another, it would mean the athlete's refusal to participate further, but she continued to struggle, throwing the spear in the second attempt on 43 and a half meters, setting a new world record. Two days later she also set a record in the steeplechase, and was ready to continue the fight. however, in the high jump, she was disqualified because of the fact that jumped "fish" forward head at that time was a violation of the rules. After all these adventures Mildred "was satisfied" the silver medal.
Generally speaking, the girl was outstanding courage. She said their rivals before the competitions: "Yep, I'm gonna beat you" (Yeah, I'll do), and during the training of athletes drove his team into a frenzy, winding circles around them and playing the harmonica.
By participating in these sports activities are not limited to Mildred. In 1935, she took up the game of golf, and in 1950 won all possible titles available to women in the sport. It is considered one of the greatest players of all time among women and men. In her autobiography, she wrote: "My goal - to be the best athlete of all time." Immodest, but it is quite true.

And under the veil - is another interesting story.
Running Hurdles life
This history can be called a Cinderella story. After spending his childhood on the streets of Casablanca, Moroccan El Moutawakel used their athletic ability to get scholarships and admission to the University of Iowa, where he won several championships Big Eight. In 1984, she became the only woman in the Moroccan Olympic team at the Games in Los Angeles.
She ran the 400 hurdles metrovku fastest, bringing his country's first gold medal. At the same time she became the first Muslim woman and the first representative of the African continent, winning the gold medal. At a time when El make a victory lap around the stadium, its compatriots at home rejoiced, recognizing in it the national hero (still!)
Taking advantage of its success, Al decided not to stop there, and help other women around the world to present their achievements in sports (then, it was tight), and the top of her efforts was the organization of a 10-kilometer women's race in Casablanca, which still collects dozens thousands of participants. As Minister for sport and family and a leading specialist in the international Olympic Committee, El promoted choice of London as Olympic capital in 2012.
One day, this brave woman said: "My sports life began with the 400-meter hurdles race, and a diagram of my life - to move and overcome obstacles"