10 things for which I love Ukraine
On Yap there was a tendency to create themes like: "What I do not like Ukraine, Russia, Belarus". I want to create an alternative theme of Ukraine, and invites those who love their Motherland to do the same.
1. For the beauty of the Ukrainians.
In Ukraine, a lot of beautiful people, so sometimes we cease to notice it. We wonder when foreigners with admiration, we talk about it, go through the usual streets. Especially we are puzzled when they do show to "her ugly" by our standards. =)
2. For outstanding musical ability.
In Ukraine, a huge number of people is the owner of the brightest musical talent, but also have great innate musical ability. At any talent show begins selection of other qualities, so how to choose beautiful voice is simply useless. At any hole you can find an opera singer, who just need to learn to read and write.
No wonder the Ukrainians have about the anecdote ending with the words: "But of Garneau spіvaєmo" ("But we eat well").
3. In Ukraine, do not like any power.
Love in power may manifest itself in one case, "Yeah, better than the last, than this!»
4. Do not hostility, and versatility.
Normal Ukrainian (without the aid of politicians) will not divide Ukraine into warring camps. Each region has its own unique character and features. Ukrainians know how funny banter over each other, and it does not take offense. All templates are imposed on us politicians - are transformed into comic humiliation that people enjoy in the midst of noisy feasts.
The feud is before the elections, but after there is complete cohesion, because ... "Ukrainians do not like any power."
5. compassionate and the ability to be compassionate.
Should anyone offend the eyes of Ukrainians, as immediately it becomes for them a "national hero." This, incidentally, is very often used by politicians and pop stars. =) Soften separate Ukrainian is also very easy. Many sincerely empathize with the misfortunes of others (as we Oksana Makar).
6. History.
History of Ukraine resembles the entangled novel. There is everything: the ups and downs, heroes and anti-heroes, plenty of bright events and experiences. Ukrainians seem to have experienced everything from the timing of the European powers (Kievan Rus') to the most terrible genocides in the history of mankind (the Holodomor). However, as well as her beauty, they do not pay much attention to it.
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7. Nature and talents.
No comments and illustrations =)
8. Tolerance.
Ukrainians are tolerant of almost everything. In Ukraine, two languages coexist. Speakers talk calmly with each other in two different languages, as well as people on the streets of our cities. People respect the representatives of different confessions, and most importantly position themselves outside the relationship I - the mediator - God, pulling away from a church authority. Ukrainians are comfortable with the representatives of different nationalities and cultures. Grievances begin after opposition.
The recent scandal with Gaitana, bloated Ukrainian nationalists, proved that the Ukrainians do not tolerate racial discrimination.
9. Mistrust and naivety.
A strange combination of distrust elderly wise man and naive small child. It seems to me that this is what mainly characterizes the Ukrainians.
10. A sense of humor and love of life.
1. For the beauty of the Ukrainians.
In Ukraine, a lot of beautiful people, so sometimes we cease to notice it. We wonder when foreigners with admiration, we talk about it, go through the usual streets. Especially we are puzzled when they do show to "her ugly" by our standards. =)

2. For outstanding musical ability.
In Ukraine, a huge number of people is the owner of the brightest musical talent, but also have great innate musical ability. At any talent show begins selection of other qualities, so how to choose beautiful voice is simply useless. At any hole you can find an opera singer, who just need to learn to read and write.
No wonder the Ukrainians have about the anecdote ending with the words: "But of Garneau spіvaєmo" ("But we eat well").

3. In Ukraine, do not like any power.
Love in power may manifest itself in one case, "Yeah, better than the last, than this!»

4. Do not hostility, and versatility.
Normal Ukrainian (without the aid of politicians) will not divide Ukraine into warring camps. Each region has its own unique character and features. Ukrainians know how funny banter over each other, and it does not take offense. All templates are imposed on us politicians - are transformed into comic humiliation that people enjoy in the midst of noisy feasts.
The feud is before the elections, but after there is complete cohesion, because ... "Ukrainians do not like any power."

5. compassionate and the ability to be compassionate.
Should anyone offend the eyes of Ukrainians, as immediately it becomes for them a "national hero." This, incidentally, is very often used by politicians and pop stars. =) Soften separate Ukrainian is also very easy. Many sincerely empathize with the misfortunes of others (as we Oksana Makar).

6. History.
History of Ukraine resembles the entangled novel. There is everything: the ups and downs, heroes and anti-heroes, plenty of bright events and experiences. Ukrainians seem to have experienced everything from the timing of the European powers (Kievan Rus') to the most terrible genocides in the history of mankind (the Holodomor). However, as well as her beauty, they do not pay much attention to it.
Posted in [mergetime] 1331993793 [/ mergetime]
7. Nature and talents.
No comments and illustrations =)

8. Tolerance.
Ukrainians are tolerant of almost everything. In Ukraine, two languages coexist. Speakers talk calmly with each other in two different languages, as well as people on the streets of our cities. People respect the representatives of different confessions, and most importantly position themselves outside the relationship I - the mediator - God, pulling away from a church authority. Ukrainians are comfortable with the representatives of different nationalities and cultures. Grievances begin after opposition.
The recent scandal with Gaitana, bloated Ukrainian nationalists, proved that the Ukrainians do not tolerate racial discrimination.

9. Mistrust and naivety.
A strange combination of distrust elderly wise man and naive small child. It seems to me that this is what mainly characterizes the Ukrainians.

10. A sense of humor and love of life.
