The famous bank robber
According to the FBI, in recent years has increased the number of bank robberies robbers female. For example, the statistics for the 1st quarter of 2011 shows that about 6% of bank robberies were committed by the fair sex. It's almost the same as in 2009, when the global financial crisis, and 25% more than the data in 2002.
So, what causes a woman to go to a bank robbery? Law enforcement authorities say that in most cases it is a banal lack of money, and not greed or thirst for adventure. But as you will see below, this is not always the case. However, in all cases, a bank robbery is a felony punishable by imprisonment in the United States to 26 years, and the FBI is usually possible to arrest three of the four robbers.
1. Bonnie Parker
Perhaps the most famous bank robber of all time - Bonnie Parker, who has been my companion Clyde Barrow.
After years they ran from justice for murder, pillaging shops, gas stations and small banks, May 23, 1934 Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed and killed on one of the back roads of Louisiana. Texas Rangers and police were waiting for their car on the roadside and then riddled him with bullets 167. When Bonnie found she was holding a submachine gun, a sandwich and a pack of cigarettes. Clyde, which was impossible to learn from the wounds, holding a revolver.
The bodies of the pair were publicly put on display in Dallas, after which they were buried in the family cemetery. Total Bonnie and Clyde were responsible for killing nine policemen and countless civilians.
2. "robber of the Church»
After a long string of bank robberies in Columbus, Ohio, he was finally caught 46-year-old Phyllis Gilbert Sylveth. Law enforcement agencies have given it the nickname "robber of the Church", because after one of the first of its robberies, the witness said that she looked like a woman who goes to church regularly.
January 5, 2011 she was charged with 12 crimes of the second degree and 12 for third-degree robbery, including a large number of banks and businesses in the period between January 2006 and December 2010. Gilbert was arrested on 23 December 2010 and is now in the county jail Franklin.
3. "Bandidas-Barbie»
Heather Johnston and Ashley Miller received from the media nickname "Bandidas-Barbie" after being robbed by one of the branches of the Bank of America in Acworth, Georgia, in February 2007.
Girls who robbed a bank in designer jeans and sunglasses, at the time of the robbery was 18 years old, and reporters could not help but make fun of their age, such as: "The police can not figure out if they had a driver to escape from the scene of robbery or they are old enough to drive themselves ».
The girls met while working at a strip club, and planned the robbery with a guy Heather Johnston - Michael Chastangom and bank employees. Miller was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment, and Johnston 10 years probation for what she first agreed to cooperate with law enforcement authorities.
4. Cora Hubbard
In August 1897 27-year-old Cora Hubbard was arrested for robbing a McDonald County Bank in the town Paynvil, Missouri. It struck all around complete lack of remorse. In Joplin, Cora told the newspaper "Daily Herald" that during the robbery she was "damn" was not afraid and regretted only that they are not accomplices robbed "the whole damn city».
Hubbard and her accomplices had planned their heist a month earlier on a farm in Oklahoma. Bark with short hair and men's clothes keep the horse, while her accomplices robbed the bank.
They fled, but a few days later, and after a few skirmishes, the authorities caught up with them in the house of his father Hubbard. A search of the house were found the money and the Colt .45 caliber revolver with the word "Bob Dalton" to handle that, at first glance, the statement confirms Hubbard on the links to the famous Dalton gang.
5. Starlet
In early 2010, a series of 10 bank robberies led police on a criminal nicknamed "Starlet". In just one week, she robbed five banks in Los Angeles County, including two banks in one day.
Law Enforcement gave her a glamorous nickname despite her unattractive appearance - a plump woman in baggy clothes, sunglasses, with a bag over his shoulder and a mobile phone to the ear.
In May 2010, a spokeswoman for the FBI said in an interview with «Los Angeles Daily News», that in this case two women were detained, and that the investigators believe that the Starlet is not a woman, but several. The FBI did not disclose whether the women really involved in the robbery, and whether handed down any sentences.
6. Ma Barker
Kate "Mother" Clark Barker was the mother of four sons, headed by the famous Gang Barker. However, it is still unknown what role fulfilled Ma Barker gang, and whether it was in the band at all. Group led by Alvin Karpis and Freddie Barker. Karpis later wrote that the Mother was not in a gang.
This is totally contrary to the image of "Bloody Mothers", which is distributed by FBI agents, secure in the knowledge that it is the brain of the gang and keeps a tight rein on all. By 1923, all four Barker were either in prison or in correctional facilities, and Mother did everything tirelessly for their release.
7. Mother-bank robber.
Eric F. Anderson probably trying to do too many things in one day in September 2010 when she was arrested for robbing a bank branch Umpqua Bank in Grant Pass, Oregon.
She went to rob a bank and then remembered about the children, or children from school met and decided that the road can rob a bank?
In any case, nothing would be better if she did not. The witness was able to describe a robbery Anderson and her car. She and her 19-year-old accomplice, Joshua Dieter Tsu, were arrested on charges of robbery and theft in the house Anderson.
8. "robber with a telephone»
Student Candice Martinez was only 20 years old when, in March 2006 she was sentenced to 12 years in prison for robbing a Wachovia bank branch in the suburbs of Washington. Seven years in the verdict because she threatened to revolver during one of the robberies.
The girl was called "robber with a phone," because at the time of the robbery, which brought a couple of $ 48,620, she chatted on the phone with her boyfriend. At sentencing, Candice, who used to work in a bank in the US financial network Wachovia, apologized to the bank tellers. "My life now is broken," - she said.
Guy Martinez also received 12 years in prison for assistance in planning a robbery.
9. The robber of beauty
The owner of a beauty salon Norma Balderas-Dehernandez start robbing banks in New Jersey in January 2009. By May of that year, the mother of three children already robbed three branches, gaining just a little more than $ 8000. Each robbery she passed a note demanding money in Spanish Hispanic cashier.
Her robbery ended in August, when one of the banks told her that they had no one who knows Spanish. One of the tellers recognized her from the description of the FBI reports and called the police. Robber found at the nearest branch of the bank with two notes in Spanish, in a required amount of $ 10 000 in another $ 5000. She was sentenced to 30 months' imprisonment in a federal prison.
10. Patty Hearst
Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw, the granddaughter of publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst, hit the headlines in 1974, when a terrorist organization "Symbionese Liberation Army" had kidnapped her from her own apartment in Berkeley, California. Two months later, Patricia, apparently defected to the side of their captors and waving an assault rifle, spotted cameras when attempting a bank robbery in San Francisco.
At trial, her lawyer tried to prove that the girl brainwashed, but he did not succeed, and in March 1976 Patty condemned. She has stayed almost 2 years before President Jimmy Carter commuted her sentence, and on the last day of his presidency, President Bill Clinton granted her freedom.
So, what causes a woman to go to a bank robbery? Law enforcement authorities say that in most cases it is a banal lack of money, and not greed or thirst for adventure. But as you will see below, this is not always the case. However, in all cases, a bank robbery is a felony punishable by imprisonment in the United States to 26 years, and the FBI is usually possible to arrest three of the four robbers.

1. Bonnie Parker
Perhaps the most famous bank robber of all time - Bonnie Parker, who has been my companion Clyde Barrow.
After years they ran from justice for murder, pillaging shops, gas stations and small banks, May 23, 1934 Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed and killed on one of the back roads of Louisiana. Texas Rangers and police were waiting for their car on the roadside and then riddled him with bullets 167. When Bonnie found she was holding a submachine gun, a sandwich and a pack of cigarettes. Clyde, which was impossible to learn from the wounds, holding a revolver.
The bodies of the pair were publicly put on display in Dallas, after which they were buried in the family cemetery. Total Bonnie and Clyde were responsible for killing nine policemen and countless civilians.
2. "robber of the Church»

After a long string of bank robberies in Columbus, Ohio, he was finally caught 46-year-old Phyllis Gilbert Sylveth. Law enforcement agencies have given it the nickname "robber of the Church", because after one of the first of its robberies, the witness said that she looked like a woman who goes to church regularly.
January 5, 2011 she was charged with 12 crimes of the second degree and 12 for third-degree robbery, including a large number of banks and businesses in the period between January 2006 and December 2010. Gilbert was arrested on 23 December 2010 and is now in the county jail Franklin.
3. "Bandidas-Barbie»

Heather Johnston and Ashley Miller received from the media nickname "Bandidas-Barbie" after being robbed by one of the branches of the Bank of America in Acworth, Georgia, in February 2007.
Girls who robbed a bank in designer jeans and sunglasses, at the time of the robbery was 18 years old, and reporters could not help but make fun of their age, such as: "The police can not figure out if they had a driver to escape from the scene of robbery or they are old enough to drive themselves ».
The girls met while working at a strip club, and planned the robbery with a guy Heather Johnston - Michael Chastangom and bank employees. Miller was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment, and Johnston 10 years probation for what she first agreed to cooperate with law enforcement authorities.
4. Cora Hubbard

In August 1897 27-year-old Cora Hubbard was arrested for robbing a McDonald County Bank in the town Paynvil, Missouri. It struck all around complete lack of remorse. In Joplin, Cora told the newspaper "Daily Herald" that during the robbery she was "damn" was not afraid and regretted only that they are not accomplices robbed "the whole damn city».
Hubbard and her accomplices had planned their heist a month earlier on a farm in Oklahoma. Bark with short hair and men's clothes keep the horse, while her accomplices robbed the bank.
They fled, but a few days later, and after a few skirmishes, the authorities caught up with them in the house of his father Hubbard. A search of the house were found the money and the Colt .45 caliber revolver with the word "Bob Dalton" to handle that, at first glance, the statement confirms Hubbard on the links to the famous Dalton gang.
5. Starlet

In early 2010, a series of 10 bank robberies led police on a criminal nicknamed "Starlet". In just one week, she robbed five banks in Los Angeles County, including two banks in one day.
Law Enforcement gave her a glamorous nickname despite her unattractive appearance - a plump woman in baggy clothes, sunglasses, with a bag over his shoulder and a mobile phone to the ear.
In May 2010, a spokeswoman for the FBI said in an interview with «Los Angeles Daily News», that in this case two women were detained, and that the investigators believe that the Starlet is not a woman, but several. The FBI did not disclose whether the women really involved in the robbery, and whether handed down any sentences.
6. Ma Barker

Kate "Mother" Clark Barker was the mother of four sons, headed by the famous Gang Barker. However, it is still unknown what role fulfilled Ma Barker gang, and whether it was in the band at all. Group led by Alvin Karpis and Freddie Barker. Karpis later wrote that the Mother was not in a gang.
This is totally contrary to the image of "Bloody Mothers", which is distributed by FBI agents, secure in the knowledge that it is the brain of the gang and keeps a tight rein on all. By 1923, all four Barker were either in prison or in correctional facilities, and Mother did everything tirelessly for their release.
7. Mother-bank robber.

Eric F. Anderson probably trying to do too many things in one day in September 2010 when she was arrested for robbing a bank branch Umpqua Bank in Grant Pass, Oregon.
She went to rob a bank and then remembered about the children, or children from school met and decided that the road can rob a bank?
In any case, nothing would be better if she did not. The witness was able to describe a robbery Anderson and her car. She and her 19-year-old accomplice, Joshua Dieter Tsu, were arrested on charges of robbery and theft in the house Anderson.
8. "robber with a telephone»

Student Candice Martinez was only 20 years old when, in March 2006 she was sentenced to 12 years in prison for robbing a Wachovia bank branch in the suburbs of Washington. Seven years in the verdict because she threatened to revolver during one of the robberies.
The girl was called "robber with a phone," because at the time of the robbery, which brought a couple of $ 48,620, she chatted on the phone with her boyfriend. At sentencing, Candice, who used to work in a bank in the US financial network Wachovia, apologized to the bank tellers. "My life now is broken," - she said.
Guy Martinez also received 12 years in prison for assistance in planning a robbery.
9. The robber of beauty

The owner of a beauty salon Norma Balderas-Dehernandez start robbing banks in New Jersey in January 2009. By May of that year, the mother of three children already robbed three branches, gaining just a little more than $ 8000. Each robbery she passed a note demanding money in Spanish Hispanic cashier.
Her robbery ended in August, when one of the banks told her that they had no one who knows Spanish. One of the tellers recognized her from the description of the FBI reports and called the police. Robber found at the nearest branch of the bank with two notes in Spanish, in a required amount of $ 10 000 in another $ 5000. She was sentenced to 30 months' imprisonment in a federal prison.
10. Patty Hearst

Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw, the granddaughter of publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst, hit the headlines in 1974, when a terrorist organization "Symbionese Liberation Army" had kidnapped her from her own apartment in Berkeley, California. Two months later, Patricia, apparently defected to the side of their captors and waving an assault rifle, spotted cameras when attempting a bank robbery in San Francisco.
At trial, her lawyer tried to prove that the girl brainwashed, but he did not succeed, and in March 1976 Patty condemned. She has stayed almost 2 years before President Jimmy Carter commuted her sentence, and on the last day of his presidency, President Bill Clinton granted her freedom.