The biggest bank robberies

Well, who among us has not watched movies about robbing banks? It seems that most of the criminals only deals with a bank robbery. In fact, to make it much more difficult than in the film, but, nevertheless, some "lucky" it is possible. Let's see, who were more fortunate of all. 1. The Reichsbank, in 1945 a lot of rumor about the German gold (as well as on the gold reserves of the USSR), and yet the fact remains - just gold and was not in the Reichsbank after Germany's defeat in World War II. This bank was a large part of the treasures of Germany, including almost all of the gold reserves of the country. Experts say that there are the greatest value brought by the Nazis from other countries. So, after the official survey of the bank there was nothing. Rather, it was found but it was a trifle compared with what was originally stored. The total amount of the stolen treasure was about 3, 34 billion dollars. Most likely, it was several robberies committed by different people at different times - but the fact remains that nearly 3, $ 5 billion not doschitalis.

2. The Bank of Knightsbridge, London, 1987 One of the biggest bank robberies were committed by only two people. July 12, 1987 by two unidentified men entered the bank, ostensibly to check their cells. Guard reacted to such inconsiderate visitors (customers because, after all), and the criminals managed to smuggle a gun. As a result, security has been neutralized, and criminals hung a sign "Depositary temporarily closed," and began to line the pockets of values. Of course, this figure of speech, for 174 million dollars in any pocket will not fit. 3. The Central Bank of Brazil, Fortaleza, 2005. In this case, the robbers managed to carry more than 69 million dollars. The robbery was committed by means of tunneling. Was filmed house located next to the bank, and from the robbers began digging the tunnel. These were real professionals, who even provided the forced ventilation tunnel, and held the light. For one weekend the criminals have become richer by 69 million dollars. They stole about 3, 5 tons of values. I wonder what it was all taken out?

4. The Bank of England, Kent, in 2006 Enterprising criminals dressed as police officers stopped the car the manager of the bank, saying that his wife and son are kidnapped and held hostage. Naturally, the manager has to promote the criminals, then they come to the bank. Without the noise and dust was stolen about 92, 5 million dollars 5. Banco Andalucia, Spain, 1982. This is generally the most curious robbery from the list. Three young men, including two boys and a girl, rented a room in a hotel in Marbella. The wall of the room is adjacent to the wall directly depositary Banco Andalucia. What did the young people? That's right, pulled down the wall of the hotel and the depositary bank, and carried more than 15 million dollars.
Source: mirfactov.com/