9 of tips to help you keep track of bearing

Few of us have the correct posture, but almost all aspire to it. And editors Website is not an exception. So we found some cool tips that will certainly help those who so dreams of a beautiful and straight back.
1. Perform exercises that adjust posture

Take time to perform exercises that will improve your posture. Try to give your body 10-20 minutes a day, but not peretruzhdaetsya not to hurt yourself. If you spend a lot of time sitting, remember to knead the back, shoulders and neck.
2. Tidy your workspace

If you are a long time working at the computer, you should think about the ergonomics of your workspace. The most important thing in this issue - choose the optimum height of the desk and chair.
3. Keep your phone correctly

Many of us, without even noticing, are used to slouch, looking at the screen of your phone or laptop. Try to keep your phone in front of him, and a laptop - is perpendicular to the table where you sit
. 4. Replace your smartphone special applications

Today, there are several excellent applications that are designed to help keep your posture. One of those is Nekoze, using the phone's camera to monitor your posture and, if you slouch, notify you of this.
5. Learn how to breathe properly

Breathing affects our movement and feeling. You should learn how to breathe more efficiently using the diaphragm. Then a beautiful posture does not take long.
6. Keep your posture in any situation

We should be aware of posture, not only when we work, but also when we go driving and even sleep. As for sleep, then we need to seriously come to the choice of a suitable pillows, blankets and mattresses.
7. Sit at an angle of 135 degrees

Remember that when you are sitting at an angle of 135 degrees, your back feels less stress.
8. Engage in yoga and strengthen key muscle groups

Yoga classes are good because they contribute to both spiritual and physical perfection. Other areas, such as Pilates and aerobics will also help you on the path to the ideal posture.
9. Learn to stand

Try not to slouch and stand the most right - back straight, feet shoulder width apart, slightly in front of the pelvis and shoulders deployed - behind. It is in this position, the body weight is optimally supported by the spine. Do not keep your hands in your pockets - it makes you slouch
. via quebellissimo.fr/fitness/mal-dos-7-positions-yoga-qui-peuvent-soulager/
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