How to adjust posture at home
A healthy spine, jointsA sense of balance and balance, beautiful posture - these are real treasures for any person. Money can’t buy health, and without good health, nothing is nice for us.
With age, we have the physical shape and well-being we deserve. The example of one of my friends once again proved how important it is to take time. exerciseAnd it is advisable to do this regularly and not to free. In fact, it does not take as much time and effort as we sometimes think.
If you slouch a lot, walk hunched, over time, even the most ideal posture begins to deteriorate, and the spine curves. Because posture The whole body suffers, although at first glance it is imperceptible.
The consequences of poor posture can be expressed in headaches, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat during loads, chest pain. And, in the end, it looks unaesthetic and unattractive.
My friend Irina posture It helped one exercise she did every day for half a minute for 2 weeks. The effect became noticeable from the 3rd day, and a number of positive changes appeared.
The eagle posture, or garudasana A classic yoga exercise, which is often included in complexes for working out the muscles of the whole body. Garudasana solves a wide range of tasks that inevitably arise for beginners.
Exercise belongs to the balance, therefore, develops the ability to concentrate, after its execution, thoughts about work, everyday trifles cease to bother and distract from the really important, happening at the moment in time, here and now.
Positive effects of this exercise: stiffness of the joints (both elbow and hip) is eliminated, posture improves. This is an excellent prevention of rheumatism of the lumbosacral department, as well as the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and rectum.
The eagle pose develops the ankles, strengthens the leg muscles, prevents convulsions in the calf muscles, develops a sense of balance and coordination, strengthens the vestibular apparatusIt helps with varicose veins.
Today's edition. "Site" tell you, eagle posture (garudasanu) at home. The effect of regular practice of this posture will appear as soon as possible!
How to perform eagle pose
And to see how to perform the eagle pose in stages, watch this video. It also tells an interesting legend about why this exercise is called garudasana.
Pay attention, Garudasana is contraindicated in humans with knee injuries, because they account for the weight of the whole body. Especially carefully, the eagle posture should be performed by people who have pronounced problems in the area of the sacroiliac joint and the lumbar spine.
After leaving the Garudasana, due to the compression of a number of arteries and veins, slight dizziness may occur. This is not to be afraid, because in this way the vessels of the body are trained, their tone improves.
I also suggest you learn an excellent set of exercises to get a charge of vivacity for the whole day, and at the same time for a good stretching of the spine, shoulder joints and neck. We've already assessed its effectiveness, now it's your turn.
Now I do the eagle pose every morning. A week later, everyone I knew noted my royal posture, but I felt a positive change in my health, and it’s great.
If you, like me, want to be healthy and happy, I highly recommend this exercise. Only half a minute a day and you'll want to soar like an eagle!
With age, we have the physical shape and well-being we deserve. The example of one of my friends once again proved how important it is to take time. exerciseAnd it is advisable to do this regularly and not to free. In fact, it does not take as much time and effort as we sometimes think.

If you slouch a lot, walk hunched, over time, even the most ideal posture begins to deteriorate, and the spine curves. Because posture The whole body suffers, although at first glance it is imperceptible.
The consequences of poor posture can be expressed in headaches, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat during loads, chest pain. And, in the end, it looks unaesthetic and unattractive.
My friend Irina posture It helped one exercise she did every day for half a minute for 2 weeks. The effect became noticeable from the 3rd day, and a number of positive changes appeared.

The eagle posture, or garudasana A classic yoga exercise, which is often included in complexes for working out the muscles of the whole body. Garudasana solves a wide range of tasks that inevitably arise for beginners.
Exercise belongs to the balance, therefore, develops the ability to concentrate, after its execution, thoughts about work, everyday trifles cease to bother and distract from the really important, happening at the moment in time, here and now.

Positive effects of this exercise: stiffness of the joints (both elbow and hip) is eliminated, posture improves. This is an excellent prevention of rheumatism of the lumbosacral department, as well as the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and rectum.
The eagle pose develops the ankles, strengthens the leg muscles, prevents convulsions in the calf muscles, develops a sense of balance and coordination, strengthens the vestibular apparatusIt helps with varicose veins.

Today's edition. "Site" tell you, eagle posture (garudasanu) at home. The effect of regular practice of this posture will appear as soon as possible!
How to perform eagle pose
- Lightly bend your knees, transfer the weight to your left leg, hug and raise your right knee to your chest.
- Put the right thigh cross on the left, hooked with the right foot either on the left ankle or on the shin (you need to wrap one leg of the second, as far as stretching the knees allows), socks look down.
- Extend your right hand under your left and squeeze your palms together, your fingertips look up.
- Sit down, keep your pelvis straight, stretch your elbows and fingertips.
- The shoulder part of the hands is parallel to the floor, and the fingertips are directed from the face to open the shoulder girdle. Do five deep breathing cycles. Turn around and repeat it the other way.
And to see how to perform the eagle pose in stages, watch this video. It also tells an interesting legend about why this exercise is called garudasana.
Pay attention, Garudasana is contraindicated in humans with knee injuries, because they account for the weight of the whole body. Especially carefully, the eagle posture should be performed by people who have pronounced problems in the area of the sacroiliac joint and the lumbar spine.
After leaving the Garudasana, due to the compression of a number of arteries and veins, slight dizziness may occur. This is not to be afraid, because in this way the vessels of the body are trained, their tone improves.

I also suggest you learn an excellent set of exercises to get a charge of vivacity for the whole day, and at the same time for a good stretching of the spine, shoulder joints and neck. We've already assessed its effectiveness, now it's your turn.
Now I do the eagle pose every morning. A week later, everyone I knew noted my royal posture, but I felt a positive change in my health, and it’s great.
If you, like me, want to be healthy and happy, I highly recommend this exercise. Only half a minute a day and you'll want to soar like an eagle!