Who is better? 10 photos that take you smile
Eighty three million forty seven thousand eight hundred twenty
Sometimes celebrities make mistakes and come to the party in identical outfits. Of course, this is followed by scandal and debate who looks better in this dress. But sometimes the coincidences in style of clothing can bring us to tears... of laughter! The website offers its readers to choose who looks better!
Highlighter or teacher?
Photo source: Boredpanda.somework a dress or Homer Simpson?
Model Heidi Klum or brush at the car wash?
Singer Justin Bieber or a cute baby in a diaper?
Funny grandma or carpet?
Ivanka trump or gyros?
President Donald trump or an ear of corn?
Rapper Lil Wayne or E. T. from the movie "Alien"?
Kim Kardashian or actor Danny DeVito in costume of the villain the Penguin?
Lady Gaga or street lamp?
via www.boredpanda.com/who-wore-it-better-9/
Sometimes celebrities make mistakes and come to the party in identical outfits. Of course, this is followed by scandal and debate who looks better in this dress. But sometimes the coincidences in style of clothing can bring us to tears... of laughter! The website offers its readers to choose who looks better!
Highlighter or teacher?

Photo source: Boredpanda.somework a dress or Homer Simpson?

Model Heidi Klum or brush at the car wash?

Singer Justin Bieber or a cute baby in a diaper?

Funny grandma or carpet?

Ivanka trump or gyros?

President Donald trump or an ear of corn?

Rapper Lil Wayne or E. T. from the movie "Alien"?

Kim Kardashian or actor Danny DeVito in costume of the villain the Penguin?

Lady Gaga or street lamp?

via www.boredpanda.com/who-wore-it-better-9/
Watch for the Queen of Denmark
The laws of karma, bringing to life the order and in the soul — harmony