Hello, Fuckers! What would happen if training was telling the truth
Fifty nine million three hundred sixty nine thousand eight hundred forty six
Today, the Internet is replete with many announcements about the training that will make you successful and will change lives. Of course, among them you can find is the one where you give useful information, but most is just hype and pumping money. Site shares with the reader an interesting video that will tell you the whole truth about the "successful and wealthy" entrepreneurs!
The authors of the video in a very elegant and funny manner to show us what is really happening in such sessions, where young "businessmen" talk about their success strategies.
via factroom.ru
Today, the Internet is replete with many announcements about the training that will make you successful and will change lives. Of course, among them you can find is the one where you give useful information, but most is just hype and pumping money. Site shares with the reader an interesting video that will tell you the whole truth about the "successful and wealthy" entrepreneurs!
The authors of the video in a very elegant and funny manner to show us what is really happening in such sessions, where young "businessmen" talk about their success strategies.
via factroom.ru
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