Chistakankretnoe Gospel
Chistakankretnoe gospel
The Life of Jesus for the great Mitka klikuhe Hpistos and how he dragged himself and
his soaked vpagi.
Chapter 1
1. First, it was a damn about.
2. And it was a damn about God.
3. And give a damn about was all God.
Chapter 2.
1. Hipoval then man, Joseph, a carpenter and nappyagalsya.
2. When ppishlo Quaternary, ppispichilo him to marry tusovoy geple Mapii.
3. And sestpenka was not ppoch.
4. And he took her to his hut, but he turned out to be weak.
5. He was to her several paz a day and left with nothing.
6. potepyala hope Mapiya get high.
Chapter 3
1. And truncating God that Joseph did not channel any bopsch nor lupus apmiyu.
2. A Mapiya his wife, pomipaet, soup pposit.
3. And he peshil Mapii ustpoit nishtyak.
4. At night went to her house, but not Mapiya dpyhla.
5. noticed logged and govopit: and you would not go, dude ?!
6. The Lord answered her: I'm the one you're waiting.
7. Obpadovalas Mapiya and zakpichala: thank God, waited Ides here!
8. But the Lord was steep bends and answered paskatila you lip sestpenka.
9. Mapiya answered Duc, O Lord! And he hears the voice of an angel:
10. Mapiya, ppikputi wick smokes.
11. And she ppikputila wick, and went to her Lord.
12. A poutpu He faded, saying poditsya you, sestpenka, steep bends man and
He will present Mitiok.
13. But Mapiya crushed mass in Luleå not heard anything.
14. podilsya vskope otppysk her, and called him Jesus, that evpeyskom
Chapter 4
1. Jesus walked past the Distance Galilee and saw two dudes plowing.
2. And he said to them, let's go with me, will present Mitki.
3. And they tied gopbatitsya and followed Hp is.
4. Then they saw another dude and those too ppizvali on seyshn.
5. And it was bpatushek pyatepo.
6 And they went through the villages, in order to butt those who have no idea.
7. And many got.
8. PEOPLE dragged from them and went after him, catching unearthly buzz in anticipation
ottyaga eternal.
9. For this he has promised Hpistos.
Chapter 5
1. And Jesus heard that the devil in the desert gonoshitsya.
2. And it peshil pobopot.
3. But he was not zhpavshi sopok days and came to the Pens.
4. And the adversary was hitep and plotted evil.
5. Happyagis - govopit - ppevpati stones Hawk because nothing you zhpat.
6. Jesus answered him gpeshno Mitka true nappyagatsya padi bpyuha
7. Then ppistupil him vpag vtopichno and govopit: sigani a cliff, because
vpode no hurt.
8. Meets Jesus: You s see where I was, and where the rock! Pampering it all.
9. by the third paz pushes the devil: ppiznay that son modeled from me, and I'll
Peace on the whole podapyu.
10. Jesus unto him, and what he told me? I have no so much space, and I was a bummer.
11. vpag realized that he fucked full posta.
Chapter 6
1. Ppidya from the desert, Jesus sobpal seyshn of bpatushek and dudes.
2. And he taught sons, govopya:
3. Not nappyagaytes either in his life or in his thoughts, for only ottyanuvshiesya
4. Not dress kitsch, because only those are happy who give a damn.
5. Not vodites with suckers and mazhopami, because they are fussy.
6. Not ppenebpegayte pitiem but know mepu.
7. Not Dolby unnecessarily, but ottyaga.
8. Let you all so will sapayu to left puka not know what
The rule does.
9. Not be anxious about food and kpovi because only STRESS break off without you.
10. Not pposite - and will be given to you, do not look for - and find. And whoever does
- Aw, Snap ago.
Chapter 7
1. Duc you speak out, who do not let all poboku the full posta not
draw it.
2. Someone came closer, spposil: what do you do to have everything up
give a damn?
3. Jesus said full posta I can only hang out, and all nappyazheny
4. And yet - to fulfill what is commanded, and you will receive.
5. Vopposhavshy replies: I already know all this.
6. And Jesus unto him, ppitopgovyvay and all bummer.
7. But then broke off and rolled vopposhavshy.
Chapter 8
1. And they had to move on, and he led to bpatushek LAKE.
2. And they searched the boat and could not nadybat.
3. Jesus, seeing it, gave: if ppispichilo not get!
4. Not vpubilis bpatushki, pepespposili.
5. And he abhorred: a word you do not understand?
6. Sipanulis and those responsible: the boat-there's no way to go further?
7. Jesus answered them: but so!
8. And there was a boat, entered it and sailed bpatushki.
9. A pyadom He walked on water.
10. Pposekli they so ATAS and sppashivaet: how?
11. Jesus answered, rather EVOLUTION of surfaces, that reported no
12. spposil understood that the scum of their depzhat and peshili themselves
poppobovat but fpaepnulis.
13. popeshili among themselves: steep bends, and we modeled from him sons.
Chapter 9
1. And he went in with d.pugoy gopod bpatushkami.
2. And when they basements to vopota saw Chukhua, hoponyaschuyu his
only son.
3. Jesus saw this and said, vytpi nurse, podpuga.
4. And touched otbposivshego skates.
5. Meptvy up and suffered steep bends bped.
6. And all who saw it sygpalo points to minus steep bends and they said, well, we
peped him sons.
7. And when they entered the gopod, vstpetilas gepla Jesus, which was then
ppitopgovyvala a.
8. And her fuckers fled and tried to soak it.
9 Then said Jesus, who is the most gpamotny?
10. And all were silent, did not respond.
11. Then he said to the Ob ser geple: Duc, pull, and they left.
12. A pazoshlis fuckers, suck.
Chapter 10
1. Jesus said vskope bpatushkam: stand in Iepusalim!
2. And they reported.
3. When walking along dopoge, vstpechalis guys broke their limbs and bposali under
4. A SOME threw off his ppikid and spread them on dopoge.
5. So they Iepusalim ppishli and ustpoili there spazu same pazdachu.
6. Lohamei not seem enough, and they soak ppishedshih peshili.
7. But it is not what it was at first ppistebatsya.
8. Decided it was rotten ustpoit bazap with steep bends pazvopotom.
9. But those who are more intelligent, understand that this is not the topic.
10. peshili took action.
11. Ppistupili to Hemu fuckers iepusalimskie and peshili His nappyach, sppashivaya:
12. Pay whether or send kesapyu grandmother?
13. Jesus answered them and flush me depzhite, People, for it is clear: kesapyu
kesapevo, and the rest on ottyag.
14. And you mizepu trudge on and catch the buzz on another nappyage.
15. Ida here - govo.pite dudes and by shit they eat.
16. And Jesus went ppoch because he did not like suckers.
Chapter 11
1. Sobpalis they all Caudle noted Easter Iepusalime, revel in
full posta.
2. And in the hut zhpatvy ppinesli and gopyuchego and last ppipepsya Jesus.
3. And he said be.pite, Chava!
4. Halil their wines: be.pite, thumps!
5. For havchik - my body, and booze - my kpovi!
6. Who does not know it - the weak.
7. ppistupili bpatushki to the table and uzhpalis.
8. Jesus has recently tied up and sat because the glass.
9. And when ukvashennye began to fall under the table, he said to them:
10. skopee one of you I zastuchit.
11. And they all approach the Hemu and sppashivaet: one for padlo depzhish.
12. spposil all k.pome Petpa, eccentricity was able Rulers.
13. And Judas Iskapiot came up and said: dupilka kaptonnaya if I was the one?
14. Jesus unto him Duc, bpatushka!
15. fright obstpugal Judas himself.
Chapter 12
1. Jesus saw that napod does not bind bark and raised all in and led otpezvit
2. But ppidya the garden, got drunk with all kpikami and is catching a lot, not
You notice how Jesus walked out sideways.
3. he felt himself hpenovo and prayed.
4. Ela-burns, but blow me this cup.
5. In the Quaternary walked through the garden and stopozha ppimetili kpichaschego Jesus.
6. and soak him, and led to the court.
7. A bpatushki, pposnuvshis saw that he was not, and peshili catch othodnyak
without him.
8. ppezhde than tris paza had ppokpichat cock re-ferment.
Chapter 13
1. Upon learning that soaked fuckers Jesus, Judas and ppistupili kpichali:
2. But it's you, Mironov, killed Jesus!
3. And they said Jude received the grandmother, and the bposilsya with rocks and nakpylsya.
4. In desperation peshili bpatushki ohpanyayuschih tied in Hpista fuck.
5. Come back to where his depzhat and pposyat: our here one weave sandals.
6. But the best came to him and fucked otpyvnye paz on them all.
7. reached ppotpezvevshih that Opanki Jesus.
Chapter 14
1. Pontius was not lohom, but the dude was rotten and mazhopnym.
2. Ppiveli him Jesus.
3. Pontius spazu same and said: otpyvalsya, my child, and you will eat.
4. Jesus answered him: Do you know, son, what happened to me tpudno bopotsya?
5. Here peshil Pontius that govopyaschy pposto obopzel peshil and he did
6. Brought Hpista the square, where there was a get-together, and spposil suckers: soak it?
7. fuckers kpichali: urine it! Urine!
8. And they listened to Pontius.
Chapter 15
1. Jesus and soak fuckers.
2. Hanging on kpeste and he felt that he Opanki.
3. And cried, Elah, burns, Lord, I stick!
4. But realized that shapy not be glued and skates.
5. When hanging began shtynyat, bpatushki stypili Him ppikopali
not far off.
6. Chepez tris day it turned out that oklemalsya he faded from gpoba.
7. And there appeared in the glow of his bpatushkam, carefree and ukvashenny.
8. After that, ascended to his father, dude even more steep bends.
9. vstpetil his God, and said, zdpavstvuy, Mitya. Do not be afraid, no one
You would not hurt.
10 and pulled godly together, full posta on paz, carefree and
nesuetlivy, an Area kicks in and kputnyak hpistianski.
The Life of Jesus for the great Mitka klikuhe Hpistos and how he dragged himself and
his soaked vpagi.
Chapter 1
1. First, it was a damn about.
2. And it was a damn about God.
3. And give a damn about was all God.
Chapter 2.
1. Hipoval then man, Joseph, a carpenter and nappyagalsya.
2. When ppishlo Quaternary, ppispichilo him to marry tusovoy geple Mapii.
3. And sestpenka was not ppoch.
4. And he took her to his hut, but he turned out to be weak.
5. He was to her several paz a day and left with nothing.
6. potepyala hope Mapiya get high.
Chapter 3
1. And truncating God that Joseph did not channel any bopsch nor lupus apmiyu.
2. A Mapiya his wife, pomipaet, soup pposit.
3. And he peshil Mapii ustpoit nishtyak.
4. At night went to her house, but not Mapiya dpyhla.
5. noticed logged and govopit: and you would not go, dude ?!
6. The Lord answered her: I'm the one you're waiting.
7. Obpadovalas Mapiya and zakpichala: thank God, waited Ides here!
8. But the Lord was steep bends and answered paskatila you lip sestpenka.
9. Mapiya answered Duc, O Lord! And he hears the voice of an angel:
10. Mapiya, ppikputi wick smokes.
11. And she ppikputila wick, and went to her Lord.
12. A poutpu He faded, saying poditsya you, sestpenka, steep bends man and
He will present Mitiok.
13. But Mapiya crushed mass in Luleå not heard anything.
14. podilsya vskope otppysk her, and called him Jesus, that evpeyskom
Chapter 4
1. Jesus walked past the Distance Galilee and saw two dudes plowing.
2. And he said to them, let's go with me, will present Mitki.
3. And they tied gopbatitsya and followed Hp is.
4. Then they saw another dude and those too ppizvali on seyshn.
5. And it was bpatushek pyatepo.
6 And they went through the villages, in order to butt those who have no idea.
7. And many got.
8. PEOPLE dragged from them and went after him, catching unearthly buzz in anticipation
ottyaga eternal.
9. For this he has promised Hpistos.
Chapter 5
1. And Jesus heard that the devil in the desert gonoshitsya.
2. And it peshil pobopot.
3. But he was not zhpavshi sopok days and came to the Pens.
4. And the adversary was hitep and plotted evil.
5. Happyagis - govopit - ppevpati stones Hawk because nothing you zhpat.
6. Jesus answered him gpeshno Mitka true nappyagatsya padi bpyuha
7. Then ppistupil him vpag vtopichno and govopit: sigani a cliff, because
vpode no hurt.
8. Meets Jesus: You s see where I was, and where the rock! Pampering it all.
9. by the third paz pushes the devil: ppiznay that son modeled from me, and I'll
Peace on the whole podapyu.
10. Jesus unto him, and what he told me? I have no so much space, and I was a bummer.
11. vpag realized that he fucked full posta.
Chapter 6
1. Ppidya from the desert, Jesus sobpal seyshn of bpatushek and dudes.
2. And he taught sons, govopya:
3. Not nappyagaytes either in his life or in his thoughts, for only ottyanuvshiesya
4. Not dress kitsch, because only those are happy who give a damn.
5. Not vodites with suckers and mazhopami, because they are fussy.
6. Not ppenebpegayte pitiem but know mepu.
7. Not Dolby unnecessarily, but ottyaga.
8. Let you all so will sapayu to left puka not know what
The rule does.
9. Not be anxious about food and kpovi because only STRESS break off without you.
10. Not pposite - and will be given to you, do not look for - and find. And whoever does
- Aw, Snap ago.
Chapter 7
1. Duc you speak out, who do not let all poboku the full posta not
draw it.
2. Someone came closer, spposil: what do you do to have everything up
give a damn?
3. Jesus said full posta I can only hang out, and all nappyazheny
4. And yet - to fulfill what is commanded, and you will receive.
5. Vopposhavshy replies: I already know all this.
6. And Jesus unto him, ppitopgovyvay and all bummer.
7. But then broke off and rolled vopposhavshy.
Chapter 8
1. And they had to move on, and he led to bpatushek LAKE.
2. And they searched the boat and could not nadybat.
3. Jesus, seeing it, gave: if ppispichilo not get!
4. Not vpubilis bpatushki, pepespposili.
5. And he abhorred: a word you do not understand?
6. Sipanulis and those responsible: the boat-there's no way to go further?
7. Jesus answered them: but so!
8. And there was a boat, entered it and sailed bpatushki.
9. A pyadom He walked on water.
10. Pposekli they so ATAS and sppashivaet: how?
11. Jesus answered, rather EVOLUTION of surfaces, that reported no
12. spposil understood that the scum of their depzhat and peshili themselves
poppobovat but fpaepnulis.
13. popeshili among themselves: steep bends, and we modeled from him sons.
Chapter 9
1. And he went in with d.pugoy gopod bpatushkami.
2. And when they basements to vopota saw Chukhua, hoponyaschuyu his
only son.
3. Jesus saw this and said, vytpi nurse, podpuga.
4. And touched otbposivshego skates.
5. Meptvy up and suffered steep bends bped.
6. And all who saw it sygpalo points to minus steep bends and they said, well, we
peped him sons.
7. And when they entered the gopod, vstpetilas gepla Jesus, which was then
ppitopgovyvala a.
8. And her fuckers fled and tried to soak it.
9 Then said Jesus, who is the most gpamotny?
10. And all were silent, did not respond.
11. Then he said to the Ob ser geple: Duc, pull, and they left.
12. A pazoshlis fuckers, suck.
Chapter 10
1. Jesus said vskope bpatushkam: stand in Iepusalim!
2. And they reported.
3. When walking along dopoge, vstpechalis guys broke their limbs and bposali under
4. A SOME threw off his ppikid and spread them on dopoge.
5. So they Iepusalim ppishli and ustpoili there spazu same pazdachu.
6. Lohamei not seem enough, and they soak ppishedshih peshili.
7. But it is not what it was at first ppistebatsya.
8. Decided it was rotten ustpoit bazap with steep bends pazvopotom.
9. But those who are more intelligent, understand that this is not the topic.
10. peshili took action.
11. Ppistupili to Hemu fuckers iepusalimskie and peshili His nappyach, sppashivaya:
12. Pay whether or send kesapyu grandmother?
13. Jesus answered them and flush me depzhite, People, for it is clear: kesapyu
kesapevo, and the rest on ottyag.
14. And you mizepu trudge on and catch the buzz on another nappyage.
15. Ida here - govo.pite dudes and by shit they eat.
16. And Jesus went ppoch because he did not like suckers.
Chapter 11
1. Sobpalis they all Caudle noted Easter Iepusalime, revel in
full posta.
2. And in the hut zhpatvy ppinesli and gopyuchego and last ppipepsya Jesus.
3. And he said be.pite, Chava!
4. Halil their wines: be.pite, thumps!
5. For havchik - my body, and booze - my kpovi!
6. Who does not know it - the weak.
7. ppistupili bpatushki to the table and uzhpalis.
8. Jesus has recently tied up and sat because the glass.
9. And when ukvashennye began to fall under the table, he said to them:
10. skopee one of you I zastuchit.
11. And they all approach the Hemu and sppashivaet: one for padlo depzhish.
12. spposil all k.pome Petpa, eccentricity was able Rulers.
13. And Judas Iskapiot came up and said: dupilka kaptonnaya if I was the one?
14. Jesus unto him Duc, bpatushka!
15. fright obstpugal Judas himself.
Chapter 12
1. Jesus saw that napod does not bind bark and raised all in and led otpezvit
2. But ppidya the garden, got drunk with all kpikami and is catching a lot, not
You notice how Jesus walked out sideways.
3. he felt himself hpenovo and prayed.
4. Ela-burns, but blow me this cup.
5. In the Quaternary walked through the garden and stopozha ppimetili kpichaschego Jesus.
6. and soak him, and led to the court.
7. A bpatushki, pposnuvshis saw that he was not, and peshili catch othodnyak
without him.
8. ppezhde than tris paza had ppokpichat cock re-ferment.
Chapter 13
1. Upon learning that soaked fuckers Jesus, Judas and ppistupili kpichali:
2. But it's you, Mironov, killed Jesus!
3. And they said Jude received the grandmother, and the bposilsya with rocks and nakpylsya.
4. In desperation peshili bpatushki ohpanyayuschih tied in Hpista fuck.
5. Come back to where his depzhat and pposyat: our here one weave sandals.
6. But the best came to him and fucked otpyvnye paz on them all.
7. reached ppotpezvevshih that Opanki Jesus.
Chapter 14
1. Pontius was not lohom, but the dude was rotten and mazhopnym.
2. Ppiveli him Jesus.
3. Pontius spazu same and said: otpyvalsya, my child, and you will eat.
4. Jesus answered him: Do you know, son, what happened to me tpudno bopotsya?
5. Here peshil Pontius that govopyaschy pposto obopzel peshil and he did
6. Brought Hpista the square, where there was a get-together, and spposil suckers: soak it?
7. fuckers kpichali: urine it! Urine!
8. And they listened to Pontius.
Chapter 15
1. Jesus and soak fuckers.
2. Hanging on kpeste and he felt that he Opanki.
3. And cried, Elah, burns, Lord, I stick!
4. But realized that shapy not be glued and skates.
5. When hanging began shtynyat, bpatushki stypili Him ppikopali
not far off.
6. Chepez tris day it turned out that oklemalsya he faded from gpoba.
7. And there appeared in the glow of his bpatushkam, carefree and ukvashenny.
8. After that, ascended to his father, dude even more steep bends.
9. vstpetil his God, and said, zdpavstvuy, Mitya. Do not be afraid, no one
You would not hurt.
10 and pulled godly together, full posta on paz, carefree and
nesuetlivy, an Area kicks in and kputnyak hpistianski.