Anton Shappo: metrosexuals something wrong, and I probably know what
I feel that society lacks heroes. Totally. Everywhere. There is among us a beautiful, violent people. Yesenin not make trouble in the pub, reading his poetry, and Denis Davydov not flying with a squadron of hussars volatile, instilling terror into the hearts of enemies, Galileo, standing before a court of Inquisition, not whispering: "And still it moves!".Trying to see new standards of manhood and lost. They say that the trend of today — metrosexuals. Supposedly, they are the future. Beautiful spirit of men replaced men beautiful body. I sincerely hope that this sign is something there.
Twenty eight million five hundred fifty six thousand sixty one
Anton Shappo — artist, designer, Director of the first Belarusian tattoo salon "the Fox". Professionally tattooing for the last 10 years.
By the way, metrosexuals are not any know-how of today. This, in my opinion, pure imitation. Men who are very eager to monitor their appearance for hundreds of years were military — a special caste of people who, risking their lives, tried to do it at least beautiful. Hussars, sailors, airmen... the Officers were metrosexuals.
The goals and objectives that were set before them, the circumstances in which they had to serve, has always implied an extreme degree of discipline. Hence, posture, clean-shaven face, tidy clothes, clean nails, correct and at the same time, accurate speech. These people were, as a rule, a broad education, knew several languages, felt very comfortable in high society... You do not like?
The trouble is that this lifestyle was the result of certain internal processes of men. Whatever hell they may have known, all understood: that happen — these people will go on bayonets or bullets first.The admiration was justified.
Now behind the picture hides something else. When men began to preen not fear of death, and just so delicious to look lost a certain amount of charisma. Holiest is a trend that has come to us from the East and Asia. We can say that now in trend man from the South — lightly tanned, moderately jacked, spicy-smelling, stacking gel hair.
Can't say that this trend is something wrong. She just needs to be underpinned by a certain cultural background and its not visible yet. When the show is sleek Norwegian Scandinavian-the lumberjack that comes out of the house, and the sun plays on every hair of his perfectly manicured beard, when working pants of this macho elegant pressed and cut of the shirt emphasizes the waist, then in my head something isn't working. You just don't believe this is happening. "Viking" Kozlowski on the TV screen, with a delightful manicure, white-toothed smile and thoroughly thoughtful "mess" on the head, — adapted, comfortable masculinity.
Society has gone the demand for the classic characters: hussars, Musketeers, knights, pilots, people who every second risked their lives. Lost their metrosexuality. If earlier any kid from the cradle wanted to become a soldier, today he is thinking about becoming a programmer or financier. And most important: it's not bad. Do not tear the hair on his head, wailing that all was lost and the world is going to hell. Just the value of life has increased a lot — men who are willing to die for whatever it is, becomes smaller. To call a man to a duel after he came your lady on foot, today will look like a huge folly.
Ninety one million two hundred sixty four thousand six hundred six
Mettle is now only associated with puberty and adolescence, when hormones have the feeling that it is possible to change something hurriedly. And even this is not a revolt of youth, but rather "buntic" mad and after a couple of years senses. And become good professionals. People, perfectly knowing their peaceful profession, that's probably who is the hero of time. Is it bad? Of course not! Only in this metrosexuality has become an element of cunning — the ability to apply themselves and to sell.
The heroes of my childhood — pirates and filibusters with a split face — gone. Look at the actors of the old school — Sylvester Stallone, Mickey Rourke, al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Bruce Willis... It's all the charismatic freaks with vivid characters. I miss them.
There was a transition period, when there was a johnny Depp, brad pitt and DiCaprio. Looking back at the old school, these guys with the right looks, on the contrary, tried to get rid of the sweetness. They did, but that era came to an end.
Modern actors I like and to not single out anyone can. Some sugar men that bring to mind a wild dissonance. Understand that it is not necessary to hang labels, but honestly, looking at them, you know: had big trouble — they will go to protect their families, sacrificing their lives, and will appeal to law enforcement agencies, after going to a psychologist to heal the deep wounds, and in the end will go for a vacation to Goa.
Guys dream of is now not nice to put your life on the altar of victory, and become the Superman who zips out of the eye or a jet of flame from the ass will amaze all your opponents without any special effort.
What children don't even fantasize that someday will have to cross the Rubicon, is alarming. This is the patina of civilization that sooner or later we can very much fail. But it's possible I'm just grumpy. The history that the youth is not the same as an old record spinning over and over again every 15 years.
In addition, let's admit that talking about Millennials, the metrosexuals, lumbarsacral, dandy's, hipsters and other trendy "...Oh," we study a very thin layer of refined society, which, though declaring itself loud enough, but is not the salt of the earth.
If you do not have enough of the brutality, machismo, present, not dilute the expensive perfume testosterone, go to walk in the evening in Shabana or Kurasovshina. Even better off away from Minsk to any Chavusy or Petrikov.
The guys who live there (and they are, like it or not, still the vast majority) will be very surprised by the fact that someone concerned about the problems of plucking the eyebrows, application of decorative nail Polish and hard choices between switchedon and cardigan. Such conversations for them is akin to thinking about some computer game, which has no relation to reality.
Woodcutters from Petrikov district, probably not metrosexuality. The hair on them grow everywhere and may not be very neat. But it seems to me that these guys sooner or later will want to take life by the throat, and arrived in the capital, will penetrate into the different areas of our existence with the fury, which is very lacking Bohemia.
Irina Khakamada: the Extra money take energyGregory Pomerantz: the Soul that has come true
For some it may seem "barbarian invasions", but I personally believe that this fresh blood will once again be able to put everything in places as in his time did Yuri Gagarin, Chaim Soutine, Vasil Bykov, Petr Masherov, and many others. But the men lost the simple life orientation, will have to move. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: people.onliner.by/opinions/2017/01/16/mnenie-610
Twenty eight million five hundred fifty six thousand sixty one
Anton Shappo — artist, designer, Director of the first Belarusian tattoo salon "the Fox". Professionally tattooing for the last 10 years.
By the way, metrosexuals are not any know-how of today. This, in my opinion, pure imitation. Men who are very eager to monitor their appearance for hundreds of years were military — a special caste of people who, risking their lives, tried to do it at least beautiful. Hussars, sailors, airmen... the Officers were metrosexuals.
The goals and objectives that were set before them, the circumstances in which they had to serve, has always implied an extreme degree of discipline. Hence, posture, clean-shaven face, tidy clothes, clean nails, correct and at the same time, accurate speech. These people were, as a rule, a broad education, knew several languages, felt very comfortable in high society... You do not like?
The trouble is that this lifestyle was the result of certain internal processes of men. Whatever hell they may have known, all understood: that happen — these people will go on bayonets or bullets first.The admiration was justified.
Now behind the picture hides something else. When men began to preen not fear of death, and just so delicious to look lost a certain amount of charisma. Holiest is a trend that has come to us from the East and Asia. We can say that now in trend man from the South — lightly tanned, moderately jacked, spicy-smelling, stacking gel hair.
Can't say that this trend is something wrong. She just needs to be underpinned by a certain cultural background and its not visible yet. When the show is sleek Norwegian Scandinavian-the lumberjack that comes out of the house, and the sun plays on every hair of his perfectly manicured beard, when working pants of this macho elegant pressed and cut of the shirt emphasizes the waist, then in my head something isn't working. You just don't believe this is happening. "Viking" Kozlowski on the TV screen, with a delightful manicure, white-toothed smile and thoroughly thoughtful "mess" on the head, — adapted, comfortable masculinity.
Society has gone the demand for the classic characters: hussars, Musketeers, knights, pilots, people who every second risked their lives. Lost their metrosexuality. If earlier any kid from the cradle wanted to become a soldier, today he is thinking about becoming a programmer or financier. And most important: it's not bad. Do not tear the hair on his head, wailing that all was lost and the world is going to hell. Just the value of life has increased a lot — men who are willing to die for whatever it is, becomes smaller. To call a man to a duel after he came your lady on foot, today will look like a huge folly.
Ninety one million two hundred sixty four thousand six hundred six
Mettle is now only associated with puberty and adolescence, when hormones have the feeling that it is possible to change something hurriedly. And even this is not a revolt of youth, but rather "buntic" mad and after a couple of years senses. And become good professionals. People, perfectly knowing their peaceful profession, that's probably who is the hero of time. Is it bad? Of course not! Only in this metrosexuality has become an element of cunning — the ability to apply themselves and to sell.
The heroes of my childhood — pirates and filibusters with a split face — gone. Look at the actors of the old school — Sylvester Stallone, Mickey Rourke, al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Bruce Willis... It's all the charismatic freaks with vivid characters. I miss them.
There was a transition period, when there was a johnny Depp, brad pitt and DiCaprio. Looking back at the old school, these guys with the right looks, on the contrary, tried to get rid of the sweetness. They did, but that era came to an end.
Modern actors I like and to not single out anyone can. Some sugar men that bring to mind a wild dissonance. Understand that it is not necessary to hang labels, but honestly, looking at them, you know: had big trouble — they will go to protect their families, sacrificing their lives, and will appeal to law enforcement agencies, after going to a psychologist to heal the deep wounds, and in the end will go for a vacation to Goa.
Guys dream of is now not nice to put your life on the altar of victory, and become the Superman who zips out of the eye or a jet of flame from the ass will amaze all your opponents without any special effort.
What children don't even fantasize that someday will have to cross the Rubicon, is alarming. This is the patina of civilization that sooner or later we can very much fail. But it's possible I'm just grumpy. The history that the youth is not the same as an old record spinning over and over again every 15 years.
In addition, let's admit that talking about Millennials, the metrosexuals, lumbarsacral, dandy's, hipsters and other trendy "...Oh," we study a very thin layer of refined society, which, though declaring itself loud enough, but is not the salt of the earth.
If you do not have enough of the brutality, machismo, present, not dilute the expensive perfume testosterone, go to walk in the evening in Shabana or Kurasovshina. Even better off away from Minsk to any Chavusy or Petrikov.
The guys who live there (and they are, like it or not, still the vast majority) will be very surprised by the fact that someone concerned about the problems of plucking the eyebrows, application of decorative nail Polish and hard choices between switchedon and cardigan. Such conversations for them is akin to thinking about some computer game, which has no relation to reality.
Woodcutters from Petrikov district, probably not metrosexuality. The hair on them grow everywhere and may not be very neat. But it seems to me that these guys sooner or later will want to take life by the throat, and arrived in the capital, will penetrate into the different areas of our existence with the fury, which is very lacking Bohemia.
Irina Khakamada: the Extra money take energyGregory Pomerantz: the Soul that has come true
For some it may seem "barbarian invasions", but I personally believe that this fresh blood will once again be able to put everything in places as in his time did Yuri Gagarin, Chaim Soutine, Vasil Bykov, Petr Masherov, and many others. But the men lost the simple life orientation, will have to move. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: people.onliner.by/opinions/2017/01/16/mnenie-610