This DETOX cocktail is very helpful for kidney
Grapefruit is the perfect fruit for diet food for a very good reason: it is chock full of nutrients such as lycopene, vitamins a and C and fiber. Moreover, studies show that this citrus fruit can help lower cholesterol, prevent the formation of kidney stones, and even protect you from some cancers.
Not to mention that grapefruit is very good at this time of the year to maintain immunity.
We suggest you make this simple tart-sweet detox cocktail
Number of servings: 2 Ingredients
Ingredien mix in blender at high speed for about 1 min. the Drink is ready. Enjoy! Cook with love!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112129-etot-detoks-kokteyl-ochen-polezen-dlya-pochek
Not to mention that grapefruit is very good at this time of the year to maintain immunity.
We suggest you make this simple tart-sweet detox cocktail
Number of servings: 2 Ingredients
- 1 grapefruit, peeled, remove seeds
- 1 large sweet Apple, peeled
- 2 cups spinach (ice cream)
- 1 large ripe banana, previously sliced and frozen
- Unsweetened almond milk, water or orange juice (~ 1/2 Cup)
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger, peeled and grated

Ingredien mix in blender at high speed for about 1 min. the Drink is ready. Enjoy! Cook with love!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112129-etot-detoks-kokteyl-ochen-polezen-dlya-pochek