The magic tap: strengthen lungs and kidneys
Tapping is an important element of massage. The method of tapping – one of my favorite Taoist techniques. This practice helps to remove toxins from the tissues. Shaking, vibration helps to "shake out" the toxins from the organs and tissues.
These exercises are performed before or after the breathing exercises. Self tapping runs 15-20 seconds. It is possible to tap not only the palm and fist, in the latter case only works brush.
The exercise is performed sitting. Warms your hands, rubbing them.
Imagine where the lungs are located. Put the right palm over the left lung. Tap-clap with his hand, as hard as it will not cause discomfort. (Women should not touch the breast, you should just Pat around it.)
Now with your left palm clap on the right side. Pat sent from the palm of energy in the region of the lung, which vozdeystviem.
We are gonna wipe the palms of your hands until they become hot. Compress fists.
Put the fists back side, the back, on the kidneys (they are under lower ribs on both sides of the spine). Tapping the back part of the fist in the region of the kidneys. Performing tapping at least 5 times (5-10), alternating fists. Tapping should not cause unpleasant associations.
Now RUB the palm of your hand, so that they become very hot. Position on the back of the palm so that they covered both the kidneys. Now a few minutes three palms back, warming the kidneys.
Quite often classes with beginners our school identify very similar complaints about discomfort in the chest area, the lower the division, the layout area of the diaphragm. The essence of the complaint is that in these areas there is discomfort, some stiffness, tension, which does not pass, and even pain.
How to eliminate these phenomena?
The result of this exercise will be the rejuvenation of the diaphragm, it returned flexibility, mobility, and other way, inherent in a young and healthy condition. Returning to natural to its existence, the diaphragm will help, in turn, to rejuvenate and the body as a whole. So simple and effective!
Place hands in front of chest. Brush bent, fingers pointing to the body. Thumbs bent.
The tapping of the pericardium channel to restore health and prolong life
Digestive system — the mirror of nature and experienced stress
Circular movements massage the solar plexus with the fingertips. Moving, pressing in, down, and then in a circular motion. Perform moves clockwise or counterclockwise. Working with the entire lower part of the thorax, pass right and left in circular motions. Pass the bottom edge of the first one, then the other side of the chest. If working, you will find painful places handle them carefully.published
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_5427
These exercises are performed before or after the breathing exercises. Self tapping runs 15-20 seconds. It is possible to tap not only the palm and fist, in the latter case only works brush.

The exercise is performed sitting. Warms your hands, rubbing them.
Imagine where the lungs are located. Put the right palm over the left lung. Tap-clap with his hand, as hard as it will not cause discomfort. (Women should not touch the breast, you should just Pat around it.)
Now with your left palm clap on the right side. Pat sent from the palm of energy in the region of the lung, which vozdeystviem.

We are gonna wipe the palms of your hands until they become hot. Compress fists.
Put the fists back side, the back, on the kidneys (they are under lower ribs on both sides of the spine). Tapping the back part of the fist in the region of the kidneys. Performing tapping at least 5 times (5-10), alternating fists. Tapping should not cause unpleasant associations.
Now RUB the palm of your hand, so that they become very hot. Position on the back of the palm so that they covered both the kidneys. Now a few minutes three palms back, warming the kidneys.
Quite often classes with beginners our school identify very similar complaints about discomfort in the chest area, the lower the division, the layout area of the diaphragm. The essence of the complaint is that in these areas there is discomfort, some stiffness, tension, which does not pass, and even pain.
How to eliminate these phenomena?
The result of this exercise will be the rejuvenation of the diaphragm, it returned flexibility, mobility, and other way, inherent in a young and healthy condition. Returning to natural to its existence, the diaphragm will help, in turn, to rejuvenate and the body as a whole. So simple and effective!
Place hands in front of chest. Brush bent, fingers pointing to the body. Thumbs bent.
The tapping of the pericardium channel to restore health and prolong life
Digestive system — the mirror of nature and experienced stress
Circular movements massage the solar plexus with the fingertips. Moving, pressing in, down, and then in a circular motion. Perform moves clockwise or counterclockwise. Working with the entire lower part of the thorax, pass right and left in circular motions. Pass the bottom edge of the first one, then the other side of the chest. If working, you will find painful places handle them carefully.published
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_5427
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