The photographer asked what would take people with me if they had to leave the house

Photographer Yekaterina Sahakyan (Ekaterina Sahakyan) has prepared a project called "drill", whose goal was to study the readiness of an individual in the short term to move from a region of comfort in "open world". Participants learned about the essence of the project just before shooting and had only 10 minutes to pack before you leave your home "forever".
According to Catherine, things had taken with them reflect how a person perceives the external world, and how he imagines adaptation. With permission of the author Website to share with you the photos of the participants of the project and those things they put in your "alarming suitcase".
Alex, 35 years old, computer programmer

Laptop, charger, keys, flashlight, lighter, compass, carabiner, tools, glue, knife, mug, batteries, sharpening stone, bottle of vodka, rope.
Egor, 40 years old, entrepreneur

Papers, cigarettes, a lighter, a monkey from the coconut (memorabilia), chess, laptop, company seal, ashtray, candle holder (home ward), personalized knife, wooden mug, a camera, a silver ring in the form of a dragon, the mask (amulet).
Irina, 38 years, artist

A cat, a notebook for sketches, passport, telephone, axe, cooking pot, shoes.
Suren, 58 years old, the artist

Bike, axe, knife, tobacco, lighter, matches, gloves, a bandana.
Alexander, 42, a photographer

Computer, hard drive, camera, phone, charger, passport, money, knife, headphones, medicines (paracetamol, no-Spa, regidron), band-AIDS, gauze, extra set of underwear, t-shirt, turtleneck, sweater, shoes.
Inna, 38 years, artist

Cat, wallet, passport, jewelry, cat food, change of clothes, suitcase, bags, hat.
Liliana, 29 years, Manager

Cat, phone, passport, a porcelain figurine of a bear (an amulet, a totem), removable sweater, socks, gloves, first aid kit (bandages, plasters, tetracycline, condoms, napkins), suitcase, photo album, driving license and credit card.
Elena, an ecologist, a rescuer, a volunteer

Sleeping bag, towel, tablet, notebook, pen, phone, compass, music player, passport, money, a machete, a thermos, drugs (suprastin, nekst, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin), thermometer, knife, tangerines, axe, cooking pot, matches, lighter, hemp rope.
What would you have? Please share your answers in the comments!
Source Photographer Yekaterina Sahakyan / Photographer Ekaterina Sahakyan
Photos on the preview Ekaterina Sahakyan / vk.com
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