The world's best advertising photographers. Part 2.
Some photographers have succeeded in highly artistic art print advertising more than others. They do not just have been doing some great shots for prints, they change standards, raise the bar and move the whole industry forward. We bring you the second part of the collection of the world's best advertising photographers.
Part 1.
1. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
2. The Irishman by birth, this brilliant photographer firmly established in New York, but his permanent residence does not matter, because he is a true citizen of the world.
3. In an extensive list of clients Dixon Vincent (Vincent Dixon), a professional photographer specializing in advertising images, such world famous companies such as Absolut, Coca Cola, Microsoft and Perrier.
4. His work with enviable frequency appear in the pages of Newsweek, Vogue, GQ and other popular books, and the shelves and walls of the New York apartment is decorated with Vincent awards and certificates of the most prestigious international competitions for photography.
5. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
6. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
7. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
8. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
9. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
10. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
11. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
12. Photographer Vincent Dixon.
13. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.
14. Most of the works of Dmitry Danilov (Dmitri Daniloff) want to consider indefinitely. Taken together, they turn into a real whirlpool, which we hope will delay you in a unique and interesting world that creates this pro.
15. Cvoimi Russian roots Dmitry Danilov obliged grandfather.
16. "My way of advertising has taken 5 years. I tried different areas of photography. I love advertising photo. Because I like to work with the idea, the concept, and not just to create beautiful pictures. It is a channel for transmitting ideas. "
17. "I do not aspire to create their own style of hard, just trying to convey the idea as good as I can. Working on these principles, I also avoid the danger of copying itself. "
18. "The most important thing for me - the belief that the post-production will be perfect, seamless. Only in this way can give a realistic picture, that people will not even think about some sort of processing these photos. "
19. "I do not use 3D, only work in Photoshop. Every single item that you see in the photographs was, indeed, removed one way or another. Most often, I use the real model, such as a series of insects in the bed for which it was created doll scorpion. Then I took the little insect, and then imposed its characteristic natural "texture" on an artificial model. "
20. "For over five years, my retoucher - Christophe Huet. He's the only one I trust. "
21. "More often customers come up with the idea, but expect and my contribution, which can be and offer a completely different concept, and simply adjusted its direction. It depends on the relationship with the agency. Some are waiting for the concept to me. When there is a long history of cooperation, they can trust me. And we spend a lot of time thinking about sharing ideas. "
22. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.
23. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.
24. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.
25. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.
26. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.
27. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.
Photographer Nadav Kander 28..
29. Nadav Kander (Nadav Kander) - one of the most famous photographers of our time.
30. It is known and appreciated in all quarters, though a little associated with photos: professional and amateur photographers, publishers, artists, representatives of the world of fashion and, of course, creative people.
31. Nadav - stunning mnogostanochnik, and he takes a lot of different things, and all he can that fotomire, frankly, a rarity.
32. He writes books about photography, organizes exhibitions.
33. Another feature of Nadav Kander - its openness to people. Usually photographers prefer to hide behind his work, and Nadav great pleasure talking about himself and his work. The main thing in which he said that the author's intention and understanding of the audience - there are two different things.
34. In an interview, he said: "This semantic richness of my photos - it is in the eye of the beholder, whether criticism or just an ordinary person looking at my pictures. The most important is that my job to ask questions. I do not answer questions. My work is not about that. It's pretty much about feelings. Dissatisfaction. I'm not trying to make people feel a certain way. Therefore, semantic richness ... I would say the value is dependent on the other. Emotion - from me. "
Photographer Nadav Kander 35..
Photographer Nadav Kander 36..
Photographer Nadav Kander 37..
Photographer Nadav Kander 38..
Source: bigpicture.ru
Part 1.

1. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

2. The Irishman by birth, this brilliant photographer firmly established in New York, but his permanent residence does not matter, because he is a true citizen of the world.

3. In an extensive list of clients Dixon Vincent (Vincent Dixon), a professional photographer specializing in advertising images, such world famous companies such as Absolut, Coca Cola, Microsoft and Perrier.

4. His work with enviable frequency appear in the pages of Newsweek, Vogue, GQ and other popular books, and the shelves and walls of the New York apartment is decorated with Vincent awards and certificates of the most prestigious international competitions for photography.

5. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

6. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

7. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

8. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

9. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

10. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

11. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

12. Photographer Vincent Dixon.

13. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.

14. Most of the works of Dmitry Danilov (Dmitri Daniloff) want to consider indefinitely. Taken together, they turn into a real whirlpool, which we hope will delay you in a unique and interesting world that creates this pro.

15. Cvoimi Russian roots Dmitry Danilov obliged grandfather.

16. "My way of advertising has taken 5 years. I tried different areas of photography. I love advertising photo. Because I like to work with the idea, the concept, and not just to create beautiful pictures. It is a channel for transmitting ideas. "

17. "I do not aspire to create their own style of hard, just trying to convey the idea as good as I can. Working on these principles, I also avoid the danger of copying itself. "

18. "The most important thing for me - the belief that the post-production will be perfect, seamless. Only in this way can give a realistic picture, that people will not even think about some sort of processing these photos. "

19. "I do not use 3D, only work in Photoshop. Every single item that you see in the photographs was, indeed, removed one way or another. Most often, I use the real model, such as a series of insects in the bed for which it was created doll scorpion. Then I took the little insect, and then imposed its characteristic natural "texture" on an artificial model. "

20. "For over five years, my retoucher - Christophe Huet. He's the only one I trust. "

21. "More often customers come up with the idea, but expect and my contribution, which can be and offer a completely different concept, and simply adjusted its direction. It depends on the relationship with the agency. Some are waiting for the concept to me. When there is a long history of cooperation, they can trust me. And we spend a lot of time thinking about sharing ideas. "

22. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.

23. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.

24. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.

25. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.

26. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.

27. Photographer Dmitry Danilov.

Photographer Nadav Kander 28..

29. Nadav Kander (Nadav Kander) - one of the most famous photographers of our time.

30. It is known and appreciated in all quarters, though a little associated with photos: professional and amateur photographers, publishers, artists, representatives of the world of fashion and, of course, creative people.

31. Nadav - stunning mnogostanochnik, and he takes a lot of different things, and all he can that fotomire, frankly, a rarity.

32. He writes books about photography, organizes exhibitions.

33. Another feature of Nadav Kander - its openness to people. Usually photographers prefer to hide behind his work, and Nadav great pleasure talking about himself and his work. The main thing in which he said that the author's intention and understanding of the audience - there are two different things.

34. In an interview, he said: "This semantic richness of my photos - it is in the eye of the beholder, whether criticism or just an ordinary person looking at my pictures. The most important is that my job to ask questions. I do not answer questions. My work is not about that. It's pretty much about feelings. Dissatisfaction. I'm not trying to make people feel a certain way. Therefore, semantic richness ... I would say the value is dependent on the other. Emotion - from me. "

Photographer Nadav Kander 35..

Photographer Nadav Kander 36..

Photographer Nadav Kander 37..

Photographer Nadav Kander 38..
Source: bigpicture.ru