10 simple tips on how not to be trapped in your own mind

Sometimes it seems that our whole life consists of a struggle with emotions, laziness and temptation. And victory is not always on our side. However, with a few psychological tricks you will easily be able to defeat any temptation and to get rid of laziness.
Today the Site has compiled 10 psychological tricks that will help you better understand ourselves and to take your life under control.
1. Treat yourself with sympathy

Treat yourself well, learn to forgive weaknesses, celebrate successes and don't beat yourself up for mistakes. The point is that our brain protects not only the health of the owner, but also his mood. So while you blame yourself for mistakes and curse weakness, the brain is desperately looking for ways to jazz it up. Nice to seem what you were trying to avoid. "Well, the diet disrupted, eat your piece of cake, spineless creature!"
2. Don't fall into the trap of freebies

We are all often confronted with free services and gifts in shops, salons or clubs. We advise you not to take anything for free, unless you want to spend the extra money. You do not see what the brain sees this gift as a debt and forces you to feel obligated. So you have this "duty" to give a spontaneous purchase, a recommendation of the product or brand to friends, neutral attitude to the inflated price. Remember: in our world nothing's free.
3. Read as many books as possible, but a little bit

Love to read but not enough time? Take to read a certain number of pages a day. In the process of reading between you and the most interesting book is some fear of the brain — fear of the future workload. You may not know it, but the brain doesn't like long-term projects: they need to spend a lot of energy. So read on a bit — 10 or 12 pages a day does not scare your brain. Besides, it's quite a bit, and reading do not even have time to bore you.
4. Train not only the body muscles but also your brain

Visualize your desires — not the specific objects and skills or a certain situation. Find before bed time to practice. For example, when you present that raise the bar, to your muscles starts to pour the blood so your brain prepares them to load. And although one only by the imagination muscles are not pumped up but the visualization will strengthen your motivation, thereby shortening the path to the dream.
5. Do not talk during and after the gym

After any physical exertion or extreme situation, you become more talkative than in real life. So it becomes much easier to accidentally give a mystery or secret, especially if you're with friends. This is because during the sport activities in your body starts the reaction of "fight or flight":it quickens the pulse, accelerated breathing, the brain reacts to this state as the threat of danger and mobilizes all its forces, in order to cope. In particular, you become a godsend for a spy. Keep in mind!
6. Put all the puzzles and charades

Lay all mobile games, "educational intelligence and attention," they do not work. If you really want to take care about the future of your brain get enough exercise. After all during exercise to the brain rushes blood that is more good for you than puzzle toys.
7. Split complex task into several sequential subtasks

If you are faced with a complex task, break it into many subtasks. This will help your brain to stop thinking about a hard case, forcing him to switch exclusively to a few simple sequential tasks. For example, if you need a very important document, note the points and put the list in front of you. You will not notice how gradually retract in the process and perform the task.
8. Put it in place

Love to shop, but sometimes you find it difficult to refrain from spontaneous purchases? The reason for that is "hormone of desire" dopamine. This hormone begins to operate as soon as you come across something interesting and attractive. But when you can touch the desired product, the hormone begins to operate more efficiently, blood starts rushing to the face, heart beats stronger, and without noticing, you have already put in the basket some unnecessary nonsense. Put your hands in your pockets and just look at the junk products, but not anymore. Of course, if you want to avoid unnecessary spending.
9. Close the plate when you feel full

This simple trick will help you not to overeat, even if you are dining in the company and the ability to finish the meal there. Just get the plate out of his sight or close it with a napkin. Help your body by removing from view the food, you unconsciously stop the process of development of dopamine — the "hormone of desire". Your brain perceives food as a reward, but only when it sees or smells something. So instead of trying to restrain myself from wanting to eat another piece, just get the food out of sight, and you will feel better the minute!
10. For healthy sleep try to fall asleep in the dim light

In the hours before bedtime dim the lights in all the rooms. This technique will allow you to sleep, and your sleep will be calm and healthy. When you dim the lights, it serves a signal to the brain that was dusk and time to sleep. In turn, the brain "gives good" for the production of melatonin, a regulator of circadian rhythms. Gradually, the metabolism slows down mental processes into the "sleep mode".
Illustrator Dinara Galieva specifically for the Website
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