This method will help you to deal with the problem once and for all
Forty eight million eight hundred twenty nine thousand four hundred forty nine
Forty one million five hundred fifty one thousand ninety four
When everything in life goes awry, I'd like to know what is the universal recipe for how quickly and effortlessly to regain harmony and confidence in the future.
Site found on the website Psychologies.ru one incredibly simple and cool technique that will allow you to feel better after three days.
The background In the computer industry Dallas fired one hundred senior engineers. For most, it was the only job they could do and he loved. It was dismissed in a panic. It's been four months, but none of them was able to find a new job.
To help fired came Professor Pennebaker the author of the method of "expressive writing". The engineers left without work, were glad of any opportunity to escape from depression.
A method expressive writing: Write without notes, without stoppingThey had to write about what they felt after the dismissal: humiliation, rejection, anger. They have hurt the heart and how they felt bad physically. How this unpleasant event has affected their family, morally and financially.
The basic rules of the method
They wrote about what he experienced, the whole truth. And it not only helped them to leave your emotions out on paper. They looked at the situation from the outside. And it gave them new perspective, new look. Their leaves began to appear the word "in", "I now understand", "it struck me that".
Note: For those who don't like to write, not necessarily to take a pen and paper. You can Express all on tape, if so you will be better. The effect is the same as the letter.
How did the method? The author James Pennebaker, currently Professor Emeritus of the University of Texas, came to him in the 70-ies, when he fell into a depression after a divorce. As he himself writes, he's been eating less, drinking more and he more and more wanted to isolate myself from everyone.
A month later, he crawled out of bed, sat down at the typewriter. For a moment he looked at her, and then began to write freely and without stopping — about myself, about marriage, about his parents, about his sexuality and his career. Even on his death.
Some days he got up every morning and continued to write. Then began to happen something strange. He felt that becomes free, it is easier. And suddenly he realized how much he loves his wife. But what is most strange, for the first time he saw clearly the purpose and possibilities in your own life.
Source psychologies
See also
Answer these 10 questions before you give up
This seems to be the sweetest "Book about depression»
12 signals our body about the inner emotional problems
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/12-signalov-nashego-tela-o-vnutrennih-emocionalnyh-problemah-1334265/
Forty one million five hundred fifty one thousand ninety four
When everything in life goes awry, I'd like to know what is the universal recipe for how quickly and effortlessly to regain harmony and confidence in the future.
Site found on the website Psychologies.ru one incredibly simple and cool technique that will allow you to feel better after three days.
The background In the computer industry Dallas fired one hundred senior engineers. For most, it was the only job they could do and he loved. It was dismissed in a panic. It's been four months, but none of them was able to find a new job.
To help fired came Professor Pennebaker the author of the method of "expressive writing". The engineers left without work, were glad of any opportunity to escape from depression.
A method expressive writing: Write without notes, without stoppingThey had to write about what they felt after the dismissal: humiliation, rejection, anger. They have hurt the heart and how they felt bad physically. How this unpleasant event has affected their family, morally and financially.
The basic rules of the method
- You need to put the timer on 20 minutes. To open a notebook or file on your computer. When the timer gives the signal, start writing. Without thinking about punctuation, points and where they are on the keyboard. Especially about literacy and accuracy. The sequence of events is also not important. Just record the flow of thoughts, everything, even if they jump. Write for yourself and no one else.
- When the timer rings, stop. The next day, re-open the notebook and write for 20 minutes about those events and about their emotions.
- Repeat the exercise for three days. If you think that you haven't expressed, you can continue a few more days.
- Then close the document and do not save it. Click the delete button. If you wrote on the paper, throw it away. Or put it in a bottle and throw it into the sea, if you like. Or find a literary agent, or open your blog. It doesn't matter. Writing is, first and foremost, is a way to let off steam, but not subject to introspection.
They wrote about what he experienced, the whole truth. And it not only helped them to leave your emotions out on paper. They looked at the situation from the outside. And it gave them new perspective, new look. Their leaves began to appear the word "in", "I now understand", "it struck me that".
Note: For those who don't like to write, not necessarily to take a pen and paper. You can Express all on tape, if so you will be better. The effect is the same as the letter.
How did the method? The author James Pennebaker, currently Professor Emeritus of the University of Texas, came to him in the 70-ies, when he fell into a depression after a divorce. As he himself writes, he's been eating less, drinking more and he more and more wanted to isolate myself from everyone.
A month later, he crawled out of bed, sat down at the typewriter. For a moment he looked at her, and then began to write freely and without stopping — about myself, about marriage, about his parents, about his sexuality and his career. Even on his death.
Some days he got up every morning and continued to write. Then began to happen something strange. He felt that becomes free, it is easier. And suddenly he realized how much he loves his wife. But what is most strange, for the first time he saw clearly the purpose and possibilities in your own life.
Source psychologies
See also
Answer these 10 questions before you give up
This seems to be the sweetest "Book about depression»
12 signals our body about the inner emotional problems
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/12-signalov-nashego-tela-o-vnutrennih-emocionalnyh-problemah-1334265/
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