Without drugs! How to quickly reduce high blood pressure
Arterial hypertension is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases of the cardiovascular system. This pathology is characterized by chronically high blood pressure.
As an independent disease hypertension is very rare. Most often, the pathology is one of the complications of other serious diseases.
Hypertension can cause failures in the operation of almost all systems of the human body, but the most serious of all complications is hypertensive crisis. This is a complex condition that can trigger the development of myocardial infarction or stroke.
How to lower your blood pressure quickly? And talk about this.
Smooth slow motions on the neck, focusing on the occipital region.
Vinegar compresses
Take 2 piece of cloth and soak them in Apple cider or ordinary table vinegar. Apply to heels and hold for 5-7 min. after 20-30 minutes, measure the pressure. If no improvement, repeat again.
Cranberry juice
Dissolve in 100 ml of juice has the same amount of honey. To be taken three times a day for a small spoon. Suitable for people with chronic hypertension.
Acupuncture points
Impact on line, ranging from the deepening under the earlobe and collarbone. Please place index finger in the recess under the ear lobe, just tap and drag the line to the middle of the clavicle. An imaginary line should be almost vertical.
Head turning: the technique of liberation from the clamps, back problems and necklives in Fear of feet of mirror reflection of emotions in our body
To push hard is not enough to stroke the skin with your finger. Slide 8-10 times on each side of the head. Result to fix by measuring the pressure before the massage and immediately after it.
Try it and you will succeed! published
Source: vk.com/teleska_tot?w=wall-63485629_16338
As an independent disease hypertension is very rare. Most often, the pathology is one of the complications of other serious diseases.

Hypertension can cause failures in the operation of almost all systems of the human body, but the most serious of all complications is hypertensive crisis. This is a complex condition that can trigger the development of myocardial infarction or stroke.
How to lower your blood pressure quickly? And talk about this.
Smooth slow motions on the neck, focusing on the occipital region.
Vinegar compresses
Take 2 piece of cloth and soak them in Apple cider or ordinary table vinegar. Apply to heels and hold for 5-7 min. after 20-30 minutes, measure the pressure. If no improvement, repeat again.
Cranberry juice
Dissolve in 100 ml of juice has the same amount of honey. To be taken three times a day for a small spoon. Suitable for people with chronic hypertension.

Acupuncture points
Impact on line, ranging from the deepening under the earlobe and collarbone. Please place index finger in the recess under the ear lobe, just tap and drag the line to the middle of the clavicle. An imaginary line should be almost vertical.
Head turning: the technique of liberation from the clamps, back problems and necklives in Fear of feet of mirror reflection of emotions in our body
To push hard is not enough to stroke the skin with your finger. Slide 8-10 times on each side of the head. Result to fix by measuring the pressure before the massage and immediately after it.
Try it and you will succeed! published
Source: vk.com/teleska_tot?w=wall-63485629_16338
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