Diet nursing mothers
So you and your baby feel good in the first months of your communication – it is better to give up your favorite sweets and savory dishes. Diet in this case, the Holy thing.
What can a nursing mom: cereal, any rice you have to be careful; meat and fish low-fat varieties — boiled, stewed in water without oil, baked; the cheese is processed, yoghurt, homemade is better; — hypoallergenic vegetables, heat treated potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini; pasta without sauces; eggs, preferably in the form of an omelette; baked apples and pear, banana; compotes from dried fruits, water without gas, green tea or black mild welding; dried black bread, app cookies without additives.
What's not: condensed milk; sweets and chocolate; fried; preservatives; dyes; concentrates; spicy seasonings and sauces; greasy food; marinades; allergens; carbonated drinks, especially sweet; fruits and vegetables, substudies gas production; meat and fish broths; the red berries, vegetables and fruits; caviar; smoked.
Offer you versatile and challenging diet.
1-10 days after delivery
Breakfast: barley porridge, boiled beef, brown bread (no butter), fennel tea.
Second Breakfast: 2-3 baked Apple, green tea.
Lunch: vegetable soup(water, buckwheat or other cereals, some potatoes, carrots and onions), black bread, compote from dried apples.
Snack: 1 banana, stewed fruit.
Dinner: Buckwheat/wheat porridge, boiled rabbit, brown bread, green tea.
Late dinner: dry apples, fennel tea.
11-20 days after delivery
Gradually varied menu — for example, in the soup, you can add herbs: parsley, celery, fennel, parsnips (in a small amount at a time).
21-31 day after birth
You can gradually enter into the diet of foods such as baked fish, greens in a small amount, stewed vegetables separately in the form of vegetable stew.
Source: /users/147

What can a nursing mom: cereal, any rice you have to be careful; meat and fish low-fat varieties — boiled, stewed in water without oil, baked; the cheese is processed, yoghurt, homemade is better; — hypoallergenic vegetables, heat treated potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini; pasta without sauces; eggs, preferably in the form of an omelette; baked apples and pear, banana; compotes from dried fruits, water without gas, green tea or black mild welding; dried black bread, app cookies without additives.

What's not: condensed milk; sweets and chocolate; fried; preservatives; dyes; concentrates; spicy seasonings and sauces; greasy food; marinades; allergens; carbonated drinks, especially sweet; fruits and vegetables, substudies gas production; meat and fish broths; the red berries, vegetables and fruits; caviar; smoked.

Offer you versatile and challenging diet.
1-10 days after delivery
Breakfast: barley porridge, boiled beef, brown bread (no butter), fennel tea.
Second Breakfast: 2-3 baked Apple, green tea.
Lunch: vegetable soup(water, buckwheat or other cereals, some potatoes, carrots and onions), black bread, compote from dried apples.
Snack: 1 banana, stewed fruit.
Dinner: Buckwheat/wheat porridge, boiled rabbit, brown bread, green tea.
Late dinner: dry apples, fennel tea.

11-20 days after delivery
Gradually varied menu — for example, in the soup, you can add herbs: parsley, celery, fennel, parsnips (in a small amount at a time).
21-31 day after birth
You can gradually enter into the diet of foods such as baked fish, greens in a small amount, stewed vegetables separately in the form of vegetable stew.
Source: /users/147