How to get rid of belly fat
Big belly is not only an aesthetic problem. According to doctors, accumulation of fat in this area increases the risk of ischemia, diabetes, cholecystitis, metabolic syndrome and other diseases. How to get rid of belly fat, will tell our article.
Big belly, as a rule, is a consequence of the accumulation of not only subcutaneous and internal (visceral) fat. Therefore, to get rid of volume in this area so difficult. Normal visceral fat surrounds the internal organs (pancreas, liver, etc.) and protects them from negative factors. When surpluses of this fabric, there are prerequisites for disease development.
Ways of solving problems
How can you get rid of belly fat? It is necessary to use a complex of measures:
• Exercise
• Diet
• Massage treatments
• Wraps
In the most severe cases will have to resort to abdominoplasty (abdominoplasty).
The surgical removal of excess subcutaneous fat and sagging skin with simultaneous tightening of weakened abdominal muscles and correction of the umbilical depression, called a tummy tuck. Surgery helps to restore the slender contours of the body, but it does not solve the problem of obesity in General. It is performed under General anesthesia and leaves scars.
To get rid of belly it is not enough just to strengthen my core (muscles definitely will strengthen, but under a layer of fat they simply will not be noticeable). Experts recommend the use of an integrated approach to combine training, drying the body (primarily contributes to the running) and weight training, working on the abdominal muscles. A great result show classes with a weighted Hoop (hula Hoop). Wrap not only makes you spend calories, but actively massages the problem area of the body.

Diet to reduce belly
Of course, correct diet alone will not be able stomach – the weight will go more or less evenly. You can use any balanced nutrition plan. Since the appearance of volume of the stomach often contributes to a slagging of the intestine, the diet should include foods rich in fiber (dietary fiber help to improve intestinal motility). Priority position in the diet must take whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins. Eliminated all cured, smoked, salty, sweet, fatty and fried. Diet should be fractional (it will improve digestion and will help to stretch the stomach wall).
Wraps are not a basic measure to get rid of the belly, but make a significant contribution to the solution of the problem. It is important to remember that before applying the composition on the problem area you need to prepare the body. This should take a shower and treat your skin with scrubs, while massage movements (pinching, rubbing, stroking, etc.). After that you can apply the selected tool (often used seaweed, soaked in water). The next stage – wrapping the body with tape (on top of it is recommended to wear warm clothes). The duration is 40-60 minutes. After its completion need to take a shower. To obtain visible results will have to go about 15 procedures.
One of the most effective methods is LPG massage. Before the session, the technician assesses the overall condition of the patient: identifying possible contraindications, finds the key points of impact, etc. Then the patient must put on a suit for LPG massage, laid on the massage table and begin the procedure (time it takes about 40 minutes). For best result requires about 20 procedures performed with a frequency of 2 times a week.

Slightly inferior in efficiency of manual massage – it all depends on how elastic skin (though the fat will go, but the "skin apron" will remain, and the therapist's nothing to do). With a small excess fat, you can resort to a home massage.
Source: updiet.info/