Sick, better go to the vet...

Controversial article of the applicant of the Nobel prize Dr. Wallace in the original is called "Dead doctors don't lie!"
Text translated into Russian language and published with the author lexical 1995.
What You read, can completely turn Your idea of health and modern medicine and thus radically change Your fate and the fate of Your loved ones... Exploring the cause of death of people and animals, I did 17,500 autopsies and this is what came:
"Every animal and the person, died natural death, die of malnutrition, ie from nutritional deficiency."
The results of chemical and biochemical assays with documentary precision showed that the natural death occurs due to malnutrition, and it so impressed me that I returned to the story with the cows.
I wrote 75 scientific articles and papers, 8 books together with other authors and one book of their own. It was sold for $140 for medical students. I was printed in 1700 Newspapers and magazines, appeared on television and which were not.But then, in the 60-ies, my work regarding diet few people worried
. What was left? Had to go back to school and become a doctor, this allowed me to use all the nutrition knowledge I gained in vet school. And, surprisingly, it worked.I spent 15 years in Darkmode, Oregon, where he studied conventional medical practice. And today I want to share with You their knowledge and conclusions obtained during these 10 to 12 years.
And if You take away only 10% of what you'll hear, You will save yourself a lot of trouble, of suffering, will save a lot of money and extend the many years of his life.You do not achieve this, i.e. not to additional years of life, nedostupnosti your genetic potential just like that, without any effort svashey hand.
Now I want to tell You important. The genetic potential life expectancy is 120...140 years. Currently, it is possible to count 5 of the nationalities, representatives of which live to the age of 120...140 years in the East, Tibet and Western China. These people were described as early as 1964. James Hilton, who wrote the book "Lost horizon". The oldest man, according to reports, while admitting that there is some exaggeration, baldocer Whether from China, born in Tibet.
When he was 150 years old, he received from the Imperial Chinese government certificate proving he's really 150 years old, and he was born in 1677. When it turned 200 years old, he received a second letter. Documents show that he died at the age of 256 years. In 1933, when he died, wrote about him in "new York times", "the London times", where everything is pretty well documented.
In Eastern Pakistan lived a group of people who were called bogasari. These people are also known cactophile. They lived 120...140 years.In the former Soviet Union Georgians who consumed dairy products, live up to 120 years. Armenians, Abkhazians, Azerbaijanis live, perfectly preserved, up to 120...140 years. In 1973. in the January issue of all national geographic was placed separate article about people who have lived 100 years or more. Materials provided with beautiful illustrations, what this famous journal.
I remember three of the many photos. One shows a woman at the age of 136 years. She was sitting in a chair, Smoking a Cuban cigar, drinking vodka and participated in the party. It is perfectly fun, not chained to a bed in a nursing home who still need monthly to allocate $2000 from your account. She enjoyed life in 136 years. Another photograph showed two couples, celebrating the 100 and 115-th anniversary of their wedding. The third photo was a picture of the man, collecting tea in the mountains of Armenia, listening to a small transistor radio.According to the records of his metrics date of birth, baptism, data records his children with him 167 years and he's the oldest person on the planet at that time.
In the Western hemisphere famous centenarians polkomandy the Indians and famous residents of Ecuador living in the Andes, in South-Eastern Peru, as well as favorite tribes titi-Caca and Machu Picchu. So, the representatives of the oldest tribe titi-Kaka live 120 years. American Margaret Peach from Virginia, entered in the Guinness book of records as the oldest American, died at the age of 115 years from malnutrition. More precisely, she died from complications after a fall. Who would You say from what it could die? That's right, from osteoporosis.The woman died from a deficit in the first place, calcium in the body. She had no cardiovascular failure, cancer or diabetes, but 3 weeks after the fall she died because her body was lacking calcium. Very interesting that her daughter said that before his death Margaret Peach had a craving for sweets. This disease is known by the subtitle of Pike, about it later.
Usually, if You too are addicted to chocolate, "sweet", it means that Your body lacks of chromium and vanadium. In one of the countries of the third world, in Nigeria, the chief of the tribe, Bawa died in 126 years. At the funeral of one of his many wives boasted that when her husband died, he had all his teeth, and is a sign that other organs perform their functions properly.
One man from Syria, died at the age of 133 years in July 1993. It made the Guinness book of world records, not because he was 133 years, many live to these years, and not because of 80 years he married for the fourth time, but because after 80 years of age he became the father of 9 children. If You consider that each child should be 9 months plus a year on breastfeeding and a year between each child, You get that this character-the producers become a father after 100 years. Then he was entered into the Guinness book of records.So don't despair guys, You still have hope!
Now a bit of science. In November of 1993. in Arizona was made an interesting experiment. Three couples spent 3 years in isolation, where Elizarova food that is grown themselves, breathing the purified air, drink unpolluted water. When they came out, they were examined by medical gerontologists from the University of California in Los Angeles.All data, blood and other vital signs is entered in the computer of the Los Angeles University that has given the forecast that these 3 pairs if they continue to live the same way, can live for 165 years. And all this once again proves that to live to 120...140 years is possible.
The average life expectancy of Americans today is 75.5 years, the life expectancy of the master or the doctor 58.So if You want to win 20 statistical life years, not to proceed in medical school. There are two main things You need to do to get in the number of centenarians.
If You really want to live to be 100...140 years — remember the most important: first, you need to avoid hazards, don't step on the mines, that is meant to avoid pointless and unreasonable hazards. Of course, if You play Russian roulette, smoke, drink, run out on the highway during peak hours, unlikely to live to 120. It sounds funny but You can't imagine thousands of people a year die because of such nonsense. And I want You to think about where You may have to defend and protect yourself. In other words, if You have the ability to prevent disease, especially incurable, You have the opportunity be sure to take advantage of. Secondly, You should only do what is beneficial.
You need 90 supplements 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids and containing protein and 3 essential fatty acids. Total 90 supplements to the daily diet, otherwise You will develop diseases caused by their deficiency. Today, write about it in the Newspapers, talking on radio and television, everybody knows about it, because interested in health, longevity and nutritional supplements, and doctors constantly tell us about it. But not because they are compelled to do so by the medical profession. Do not think that physicians are asked of newsmen, no, it is because such information contributes to a better distribution of Newspapers.
My favorite article appeared in the magazine "times" 06.04.1992 year, and if You didn't read it, I highly recommend to get it in the school or public library. Make some photocopies and sticking them on the door, in the bathroom, on the fridge. This is a comprehensive article, it States that vitamins to sposobnogo cancer, cardiovascular disease and the ravages of aging. On 6 instructive pages of this article there is only one negative thought expressed doctor whom the author asks the question: "What do You think about vitamins and minerals as supplements to our diet?".
"Absorption of vitamins is not useful, — said Victor Hubin, Professor of medicine new York medical school Moudini — All the vitamins as supplements only make our urine more expensive."
If you try these words to translate into human language, it turns out that we urinate dollars if you take vitamins and minerals, i.e. just waste the vitamins and minerals. That's what he wanted to say. And if it's published, so this is something there.But I must tell You that once produced 17,500 autopsies on 14501 specimens of animals from around the world and 3000 people, and always wanted to be healthy, having children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren, I believe that without investing in yourself for the vitamins and minerals You invest in the welfare and improvement of the lives of doctors of medicine.
I strongly believe that what we contribute to enrichment doctors.
From 1776 until world war II, the U.S. government spent about $8.5 million on health and scientific research in the field of health. Now on health care spent $1.2 trillion. in the year and this is still very little, because everyone wants to medicine was free.
And I can tell You that if you use for agriculture, more precisely, for animal health system of a human type, Your burgers will cost You $275 per 0.5 kg. But if we use an agricultural system, which is used in livestock, insurance for a family of 5 people will be $10 per month. So you can make a choice.
I am convinced that as we contribute to enrichment doctors with insurance and government subsidies, they also have something. And they have to send us at least the information letter about the results of the latest medical research.Some of You sitting in the audience, received when any such information from your doctor? No. Interesting, isn't it? I have You could get a lot of information. I want to share with You.
First. Gastric ulcer: some of You heard that the cause of stomach ulcers - stress. 50 years ago we knew veterinary that ulcers in pigs are caused by bacteria. Afford expensive surgery on the stomach pigs we could not, and if it did, Your pork chop would cost You $275 per 0.5 kg. We know that there is a mineral called bismuth, with which we could prevent and cure stomach ulcers in pigs without surgery. We did so, and the treatment costs about $5 per pig.
Treatment with bismuth and other minerals and tetracycline. The national institutes of health in February 1994. made a statement that gastric ulcer is caused by bacteria, not just stress and can be cured.
But medical researchers usually say: "... shows encouraging results, which may be beneficial..." and Now national institutions use the word "cure" without hints. They say, "cured by the method of combining the mineral bismuth and tetracycline". Those who do not know what a bi, just go to any grocery store or pharmacy and buy a $2 bottle with the contents pink. It's called peptobismo. So 1 teaspoon a day and you can cure the ulcer. Again there is a choice. Can be cured for $5 or to allow You cut.The choice is yours.
Next, what is the second cause of death among Americans? Yes, it's a terrible disease called cancer. In September, 1993. the national cancer Institute Boston medical school after the observation of cancer patients stated that they had discovered anti-cancer diet. The studies were conducted in China for the simple reason that the province Haini had recorded the highest incidence. For 5 years the study was subjected to 29 000 people. They were given vitamins and minerals two times more the "norm", i.e. if the recommended per day of vitamin C 60 mg, the patients received 120 mg. Alan Paul, who received two Nobel prizes, said that if You want to prevent cancer using vitamin C, You have to use 10,000 mg a day.
And here is the result: doctors who avidly argued with him, already in the other world (Kingdom of heaven), and Alan Paul is alive and well. He was 94 years old, he works 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, lives on a ranch in California and teaches at the University of California, San Francisco. Only You can choose to heed the advice of deceased doctors, or to adhere to the views of Dr. Paul. So, it's okay to take vitamin C and vitamin a — double the norm, nothing bad will happen, and zinc, Riboflavin, molybdenum, etc. And one group is particularly useful. It includes 3 components: vitamin E, beta-carotene, the mineral selenium. These three components need to be applied in a dual norm, and if You remove 0.5% of the benefit, that's good. In the group of patients receiving vitamin E, beta-carotene, the mineral selenium for 5 years, mortality in all cases decreased by 9%, i.e. 9 out of every 100, condemned to die, survived, and those cancer patients, who already felt doomed to death, but who have taken these three components, in 3 cases out of 100 survived.In cases prevailing in the province Haini gastric cancer and esophageal 21% survived.
In this case, Your doctor should send You information. If he didn't want to take responsibility, then at least he could inform You that You can choose. That is why this attitude to patients, I think just ridiculous, but on the other hand is another indication of their indifference. Further, the arthritis. Since September 1993, the Harvard medical school in Boston hospital were treated chicken protein in patients with swollen arthritic joints.
Selected patients whose condition was not improved as a result of medical treatment. These patients have received injection of aspirin, prednisolone, cortisone, various methods of physiotherapy. The only thing that was left is surgery for joint replacements. Then I said, "Look, these people have suffered so much that if they agree to suffer another 90 days, just 3 months, I will make a little experiment." In this experiment agreed 29 volunteers. These 29 people, for which all the possibilities of medicine have been exhausted, and there was no improvement, underwent the following treatment: they were given every morning a teaspoon with the top crushed chicken cartilage, diluted orange juice. And after 10 days, monitoring the Harvard medical school, all of the pain and inflammation sensation disappeared; after 30 days, they could afford something, and after 3 months, joint function recovered fully.
And now I laugh. Funny story is connected with the statement of doctors who conducted these studies at Harvard. He announced chicken cartilage medicine, because if something helps cure the disease, then it can be called medicine, as prescription.We immediately see that his brain starts frantically counting: "...$3,00 capsule, only 25 patients" and so on. Well, if all this reluctance to communicate, you can go to the pharmacy and buy noxygen, women know very well this tool. His take for strengthening hair and nails. The main component of cow cartilage, which, in turn, is a good tonic for Your cartilage and bones.
It is prepared from bovine cartilage and ligaments, and if You take 0.5 teaspoon daily with orange juice in the ratio of 1 ounce per 100 pounds body weight of colloidal minerals, next time I come here, You go up on stage and starts to kiss me and hug, if you still think about arthritis. Who of You ever heard about Alzheimer's? Now know everything about her, and when I was little, Alzheimer's disease was not simple. Now this is one of the common ailments that affect one of two people who have reached 70 years. Quite frightening data. How to identify and cure Alzheimer's disease at an early stage in animals? Imagine whatever losses suffered by the farmers, if the sow did not understand why they came to the feeder.
So 50 years ago began to study how to prevent and cure in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease in animal husbandry. We did this by using large doses of vitamin E. You had to get a letter from Your doctor in July 1992 because of a serious research school, University of California, San Diego since 1992. made a statement that vitamin E slows memory loss in Alzheimer's disease.And in this they are behind the veterinary medicine for 50 years.
Therefore, it may be safer to go to the vet.
Now tell me, how many of You had to experience such an unpleasant experience, like kidney stones. I see a few hands. Tell me why first of all the doctor told me to give You food? From of calcium. And no dairy products, anything containing calcium. Because there was confidence: "the calcium in the kidneys appears out of calcium from the foods we eat." In fact, the kidney stones come from Your own bones.
When You experience a calcium deficiency, then You have kidney stones. A thousand years ago knew in order to prevent the occurrence of kidney stones Pets, they need to give more calcium, magnesium and boron. But bulls, sheep, dairy cattle, sheep have the anatomy that when they get sick that they just die. When we have kidney stones from the pain remains to regret that can't die. We know how to prevent this disease.
You were supposed to obtain from Your doctor a letter in 1993, and it was said that calcium reduces the risk of formation of kidney stones. Has been studied more than 40,000 patients, divided into 5 categories. In the group receiving the highest amount of calcium, no one had kidney stones.
Remember, I told you that doctors live to 58 years, and we are to 75.5. Now, a group of people, professionals who show You how to live, and assure that You don't have to use salt, caffeine should not eat butter and margarine, not to do stupid things, die in 58 years; while people at the age of 120...140 years put a piece of rock salt in a Cup of tea, and drink 40 cups a day, cook in butter instead of olive and live. So who You going to believe — those who live 120 years, or those who live to 58? The choice is yours.
Source: /users/1080
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