Problems of people who physically cannot stand lies and cannot tell lies
The question, “Why do people lie?” can be answered in different ways. Psychologists say that all people lie. It all depends on life circumstances. Sometimes people see no other way but to hide the truth or lie in order not to offend a loved one. And there's the other side of the coin. There are a lot of people who can’t help but lie, and here you should also be wary.
Everything is very simple: either for their own benefit or for the general good. Lying is convenient and in some cases necessary. So say pathological liars, and those who at least once in his life had to sweeten the bitter pill. Before deciding whether to tell the truth to the interlocutor or hide it, a normal person will put himself in the place of his counterpart. Mentally, he will ask himself the question: does he want to hear the truth at this moment, how will words affect the interlocutor? And then a person decides to lie, embellish, understate, and so on. But all this can be called in one simple word – a lie.
Some people lie so skillfully that sometimes they themselves begin to believe what they say. It turns out that not everyone lies are the key to a happy and carefree life. There are people who do not tolerate lies. And the point here is not in moral foundations, but precisely in the psychological state of a person. There are at least three reasons why people never lie, even if the truth causes irreparable damage to relationships with family, friends, or business partners.
Those who do not tolerate hypocrisy deserve respect. Such people would rather know the unpleasant truth than live in lies. But this is not the case for those people who tell this most unpleasant truth instead of keeping silent. For example, a colleague makes a dubious compliment: “A beautiful sweater, but it slightly fats you”, – an adequate person immediately understands that it was possible to do with the phrase “beautiful sweater”, because the second part of the sentence is offensive. If a person cannot remain silent, then he hides negative emotions at the expense of others.
People who always tell the truth want to appear better than others at all costs. They exalt themselves above others and consider it their duty to point out the mistakes and imperfections of others.
Shame. There are people who find even the most innocuous untruths difficult. When such a person tries to lie, he blushes, looks away, starts sweating and so on. It makes them uncomfortable that someone will reveal their lies.
Nobody's perfect. Claudine Bilan, a French psychologist, says that every person lies on average 2 times a day. Women in order not to offend the feelings of others. Men for their own benefit. Why do you think people lie?

Everything is very simple: either for their own benefit or for the general good. Lying is convenient and in some cases necessary. So say pathological liars, and those who at least once in his life had to sweeten the bitter pill. Before deciding whether to tell the truth to the interlocutor or hide it, a normal person will put himself in the place of his counterpart. Mentally, he will ask himself the question: does he want to hear the truth at this moment, how will words affect the interlocutor? And then a person decides to lie, embellish, understate, and so on. But all this can be called in one simple word – a lie.

Some people lie so skillfully that sometimes they themselves begin to believe what they say. It turns out that not everyone lies are the key to a happy and carefree life. There are people who do not tolerate lies. And the point here is not in moral foundations, but precisely in the psychological state of a person. There are at least three reasons why people never lie, even if the truth causes irreparable damage to relationships with family, friends, or business partners.

Those who do not tolerate hypocrisy deserve respect. Such people would rather know the unpleasant truth than live in lies. But this is not the case for those people who tell this most unpleasant truth instead of keeping silent. For example, a colleague makes a dubious compliment: “A beautiful sweater, but it slightly fats you”, – an adequate person immediately understands that it was possible to do with the phrase “beautiful sweater”, because the second part of the sentence is offensive. If a person cannot remain silent, then he hides negative emotions at the expense of others.

People who always tell the truth want to appear better than others at all costs. They exalt themselves above others and consider it their duty to point out the mistakes and imperfections of others.

Shame. There are people who find even the most innocuous untruths difficult. When such a person tries to lie, he blushes, looks away, starts sweating and so on. It makes them uncomfortable that someone will reveal their lies.

Nobody's perfect. Claudine Bilan, a French psychologist, says that every person lies on average 2 times a day. Women in order not to offend the feelings of others. Men for their own benefit. Why do you think people lie?
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