Names of traitors who until old age will stubbornly do their job

It's funny how much people like to do all sorts of statistical surveys. What a rating you will not see today on the Internet! It seems that thanks to them you can find the answer to even the most tricky questions of everyday life. For example, even to such a question: "Which of men cheat on their loved ones more often and why?"

Some believe that the tendency to cheat is inherent in people from birth. In particular, this phenomenon is associated with an astrological portrait of a person. Others argue that infidelity is a personal choice and therefore a profit.

And one of the most interesting theories is that the alleged cheater can be calculated by name alone. By the way, below is a list of the names of those who most often change according to the average indicator.

Despite the fact that this name was on the list of traitors, in fact, most often Ivan are surprisingly decent and caring husbands. The capricious young mistress Ivan does not need when his faithful wife is waiting for him at home.

The only thing that can push this character to cheat is the so-called sports interest. Excessive desire to compete with the rest of the stronger sex and the need to prove their success in matters of the heart - this is the main reason for their misconduct.

As for Andreyev, these guys often become hostages of their pride and excessive love of freedom.

Betrayal for them is a way of self-affirmation. However, it is not necessary to cut all Andrews under one comb. In fact, if the beloved woman behaves gently and patiently towards him, Andrei will never seek consolation on the side.

Dmitry Dmitri for the most part is extremely sociable and charming people. In addition, they are often incredibly amorous. It is not difficult to guess that the combination of these qualities and becomes favorable soil for betrayal.

And although, having woken up from a fleeting passion, Dmitry always tries to improve relations after infidelity, his creative nature still eventually starts again in search of a new muse. However, if the beloved Dima has enough inner potential to inspire her husband, then you will not have to worry about his loyalty.

Of course, you should not immediately refuse a date with Ivan, Andrei or Dmitry, barely hearing the name. It is unlikely that such statistics are created for this. Quite the opposite. After all, knowing the features and patterns of the character of your man, you will quickly understand how to build a relationship with him in such a way as to avoid such unpleasant moments as treason. Isn't it?