Lady in black
Dr. Stredzhest loved his job. Two years ago he escaped from the clutches of a "revolution" in Kansas this backwater town on the outskirts of Texas, recklessly believing chapter of the Confederation of the ruling letter of the law in the territory of twenty-eight states. Alas. Law was not here. On the first day of the visit, he witnessed a brutal firefight drunken farmer and he almost caught the "iron pill" in the stomach. The local sheriff then laughingly asked, Would you like a visiting doctor immediately leave their hospitable town? But Stredzhest just gritted his teeth, shook his head and rushed to help the wounded. Since then, it took two years. The town grew and there were more than five thousand inhabitants and Stredzhest insistently demanded from the administration permission to build a hospital. However, the mayor issued a mocker face Aesculapius clubs smelly cigar smoke, and with feigned regret tsedil: "With all due respect, Doc, no money». [Next]
Now, remembering the unpleasant conversation, Stredzhest frowned and muttered a curse under his breath. "The money they have. Five thousand inhabitants two and three saloon brothel, and the house of mercy, no! What would you do? President Pierce to write? »
His hands trembled with anger as he poured on the tin burner prepared powders. What can you do, the pharmacist was not there and I had to cook the drug itself. "All! We must pull yourself together! I am calm. I am very calm. So, put the coca leaf, adding urea and malonic acid, light the burner. Excellent. Now, note the time, otherwise, instead of anesthetic obtain a laxative ... »
Stredzhest habitually reached for the vest to get a gold pocket watch, but then he pulled his hand away with a curse. How could he forget? After three months ago, he lost their poker Richard Melo!
"It sclerosis! Three months have passed and I still rummage in his belly! And all because the hours were so dear to me! Damn! »
Stredzhest cracked his fist on the table and shouted:
- Henry! Run more here and grab more hourglass! Hey, Henry! You do not hear, brat ?!
However, Henry - son of the sheriff, who promised to teach the basics Stredzhest surgeon's profession, in no hurry to go. Dr. grunting got up from the table and went into the back room. Where else to look for Breakfast with Scot? Only in the back.
Henry, according to doctors, was one foolish passion. He collected newspaper clippings about all sorts of unusual, mysterious and fantastic incidents. And this good enough in the newspapers! Already filing Henry has more than two hundred of these notes.
In the back room the boy was not there. But the filing was in place. Stredzhest disgust leafed through it, chuckling absurd title "Green men in Los Angeles," "Indian chief self-igniting at a reception at the White House," "Kansas train ascended into the clouds!».
Unexpectedly doctor declined to comment on the headlines:
--Voznessya Say? Perhaps gangsters overdid with dynamite! "A woman gave birth to a pig from Arizona!" Apparently her husband was a rare pig! "Colonel Adams grows a second head!" The second chin he grows, and not the head! And what's that? "Death was late for three minutes!" Why is she late?
Stredzhest ran interesting eyes.
"This afternoon, our correspondent witnessed the amazing scene! In the saloon Sandy Bisher took an ugly brawl between a known ganfayterom Doug Makuoli nicknamed "Wolf" and the son of a prosperous gold-sulfur from Kentucky Benjamin Bollisa. According visitors saloon, Jr. Bollis accused Makuoli cheating in card and the last publicly slapped in the face. The bounty hunter was furious and immediately called the offender to a duel. In vain witnesses asked Pete Bollisa was the name of the young man, bring Makuoli apology, the "bit between his teeth," and did not want to listen to anyone. Duelists came out and drew their weapons on the signal. Of course, "Wolf" took his colt before, because this hunter rumored that he shoots faster than any other time to blink. And so it happened. A shot rang out and the younger Bollis fell to the ground with prostrelyanny heart. And here begins the incredible. When everyone thought the young man dead, he suddenly stood up and said that he was all right. Meanwhile, his chest gaping hole the size of a rabbit head! "Lucky," surrounded by a crowd of curious, some even put his fingers into a huge wound to verify its existence. Everyone was extremely surprised. Even Makuoli puzzled looked at his Colt unable to believe what had happened. One of the witnesses, a drunken farmer suggested that perhaps Death is a season of need and miss the beginning of the duel. This announcement was greeted with loud laughter of all present, and laughed even Bollis Makuoli. The young man at all ganfaytera asked forgiveness, and he vowed that never again raise his hand on the man who pardoned Death itself. At this point, the street appeared the Rev. Stephanie. He obviously had his own version of what happened. Pointing a finger at Bollisa, he shouted: "Grab it! This limb of Satan! Vampire! It takes only a silver bullet! Look! The wound did not shed blood! ". And then there was terrible! His eyes glazed over boys, and the wound will cast a fountain of blood splashing all around. He fell to the ground and remained motionless. Without a doubt, he was dead. Later, the sheriff said that precisely timed duel. He said the death of late for three minutes. And be right reverend father, and it's much worse? Dark moonlit night Pete Bollis selected from the grave, and .... »
Stredzhest threw binder on the floor. & quot; Well, nonsense! Some idiots write, read other idiots! & Quot; At that moment, Dr. sensitive nose caught the unpleasant smell of burning. Damn! How could he have forgotten ?!
Back in the room, he found on the burner and a crackling embers chadyaschie. What works for nothing!
In impotent rage Stredzhest brushed gun on the floor and furiously trampling.
"Damn Melo! It took hours and did not wince! And who is to blame ?! You are to blame mindless Eugene! He knew in fact that Melo can not win, but I still got to play with him! But Melo scoundrel! Beast! Shuler!
The doctor hardly breath. What's the use to scold the man who has long been in the grave. He was terminally ill. Consumption ate his lungs rather than the flame devours dry paleno. And he, Eugene Stredzhest, nothing could help him. Unfortunately, there are diseases to which the medicine is powerless ...
From bitter reflections doctor distracted zvyaknuvshy bell on the front door. Turning around, the doctor felt the hair on his head began to move. On the threshold stood Richard Melo alive and well. He looked at Stredzhesta and smiling ...
Spasm intercepted throat doctor, unable to utter a word, he just pulled towards the guest trembling finger.
- Hi, doc! - Melo greet him. - Do not be afraid. I did not bring.
--You .... You ... you are dead ....
Melo laughed:
- And Jesus said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands; Hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; And be not faithless, but believing ".
Melo stepped to the doctor, but he backed away in horror from it. I tripped on a chair behind his back and fell, hurt venerating the coccyx on the floor.
- Careful, Doc! - Melo hurried toward him, grabbed a big hand by the collar and hauled to his feet. - At your age you have to be careful.
Calm voice, "resurrected" and cutting back pain positively acted on the doctor.
- About what age did you say? I'm only fifty ... Do you remember sixty ...
--Shestdesyat Five, to be exact. - He nodded, "dead".
- But ... but still I do not understand ... After all, you have to die?
- Yes, I should. Remember, you dosed me a month of life.
--I lied! You had no more than a week!
Melo nodded:
--You were right. Every day, vyblevyvyya a piece of light, I felt the approach of death. Remember how I wanted to meet her?
--Yes. You said that you want to die at the card table ...
--Exactly. The passion for poker has forced me to leave this city. Here, no one wanted to sit with me at the table.
--Of course! Such idiots left in Texas! I was the last!
- So I went to your native Kansas.
--Bog With him from Kansas! I do not understand how you managed to survive! It's impossible!
- And yet I'm alive.
--No! It's incredible! Let me examine you?
--Konechno, Doctor.
Melo took off his jacket and shirt. Stredzhest hastily grabbed the auditory tube and attach it to the dead man's naked torso failed.
--Please, Breathe deeply!
Painfully pressing in the other end of the tube into his own ear, Eugene listened intently, hoping to catch any sign of disease. Nothing!
Five minutes later, the doctor dropped helplessly wooden stethoscope on the floor and sadly stated:
- I am a nonentity ... I ... I'm incompetent doctor immediately stop their practice ...
Melo raised the auditory tube, put into the hands of the doctor and said quietly:
--You Wonderful doctor. All Texas knows it. I was supposed to die, but I was saved by God's mercy, and probably my ability to play poker ...
--Hell! What does poker!
Melo winced:
- Do not swear, doctor. For some time now, I can not stand that word. I, you know, became a devout Catholic. Every day I visit the church.
--It is commendable! But how do you survive ?!
--I'll tell you. Perhaps my story will save another lost soul. Let's sit down?
--Sure sure! Sit down! Whiskey, brandy?
--Kofe, If I may?
- World exactly crazy! Richard Melo refuses a drink!
- I got another.
Slowly sipping scalding flavored drink, Melo began his story:
- Three months ago, I came to you at the reception. I was very bad. You promised me a month of life, but I read in your eyes false. I realized that I will not last a week. But as I was determined to die at the card table, then I had no choice but to go to Kansas ...
I should not have hoped for kanzastsev ignorance about his person. My popularity has overtaken me. I played only five games, when all citizens learned that they were visited by Richard himself Melo. "Miss Poker," they called me. At the table with me no longer sit ...
Slowly flowing gray dull days. And along with them, my life flowed.
That morning, the fifth of July, I awoke in a cold sweat, shaken by painful fever. My pillow was wet with blood. Then I clearly understood - this is my last day on earth. Today I stand before God. I confess, I do not really believe in its existence.
With difficulty, I slipped out of bed and went to the mirror. Pathetic: he looked at me pale, skinny, emaciated old man with bloodshot eyes dull, three-day stubble and black clotted blood on his chin. From his own vile kind I had an attack of painful cough. I fell down on all fours and, like brehlivomu dog, barking hysterically long, splashing on the floor blood clots. Looks like I lost consciousness ...
When I woke up, it was already day. With difficulty rearranging his heavy feet, I washed, carefully shaved and put a new starched shirt. Death is necessary to meet clean ...
Despite the early day in the saloon it has been the people. Three tables full were playing poker. Surprisingly, the kind of flashing cards heap of crumpled bills and strained faces of the players, affected me as a healing balm. I literally nose could smell the smell of mouthwatering games that mixes fear, hope, despair, unbridled joy and passion killer.
- Hey, Dick! - I called the owner of the saloon Sandy Bisher. - Lousy look! Beautiful in the coffin lay!
- Yes, Sandy, my works are unimportant. Have someone spill?
- I'm sorry, old man, you're a little late! Today came a Rich cockerel from the East, but he was caught and now Doug browses!
Doug Makuoli apparently felt that talking about it. He raised his head slightly and nodded at me. The upper lip curled in a sneer, revealing long yellow fangs. Maybe for that he got his nickname - "Wolf & quot ;? And in his yellow eyes, I read a hidden warning: "Do not poke your nose, man! This is my prey! »
I nodded at him, and turned back to Sandy:
- Man, you have no idea how I want to play the game though. Maybe it's the last game of my life ...
- So bad?
- Even worse than you think.
Bisher sadly spread his hands. - You know, Dick, your reputation ...
- I know, my friend! But if someone comes, I ask, sending it to me! I will not stay in debt!
Sandy nodded sadly. Trying not to notice him a sympathetic look, I sat down at a free table and with the calmly began to shuffle the deck. And then she appeared ... lady in black.
Her appearance was so unexpected that I flinched. She stood at the bar and stared unblinkingly at me. I could have sworn that even a second ago she was not there.
She was very beautiful. Tall, slender, with a narrow waist and slender fingers pampered in which she held a long black cigarette holder with a smoking cigar. Yes, it was incredibly beautiful, but her beauty exuded cold grave. In spite of the July heat, my back sweat trickle drip of ice. And yet, I found it strange that no one in the saloon did not react to her appearance. And it's in a small town, where any visitor immediately becomes the object of attention.
The stranger, meanwhile, walked up to me. It seemed to me that it floats, so it was a graceful gait. Black mourning garb only accentuated her pallor amazing. From under a black hat with a veil casually thrown over, looked at me black eyes framed oil fluffy eyelashes.
- Will you allow? - She asked a low, throaty voice.
With difficulty swallowing the lump in his throat the approaches, I mumbled in reply:
- Of course, Miss ...
She stood for a moment beside the table, apparently waiting for me to jump in and otodvinu her chair, but I stupidly continued to sit. Her full lips stretched into a sneer. Sitting in front of me, she released me in the face a stream of cigar smoke. This tobacco seemed disgusting. I even felt dizzy. And he was very familiar smell, something very far wrong, from my past. But what? I could not remember how.
- What kind of tobacco you, Miss?
- Do not you like?
- No!
- It's called meskalersky tobacco ... "Anger Tachekumte» ...
Like a lightning shot through my mind, and the hair on his head moved. As in that memorable day, when we were with Sanders captured Apaches. I instantly experienced the horror of a twelve-year-old when he stood tethered to a stake of torture, and my friend was burned on a slow fire. Damn savages stuck to his naked body wood chips and burned them. Sanders screamed from the unbearable pain, but I seem to be yelling, too, with horror!
Tachekumte! That was the name of the leader - the monster that mocks us! I do remember it! And I remembered the smell! So smells burnt human flesh!
But how could this lady know? Well no! The coincidence! Randomness!
Deliberately rough I said:
- Lady, I ask you not to smoke! I'm sick!
--Yes. - She said. - You die.
She said it so calmly and positively, as if was my doctor. In support of her words, I started coughing. I doubled over, watering his handkerchief with blood. And she slowly extinguished cigar in an ashtray clay, staring at me, his black eyes. They had not a drop of compassion.
- God. - I whispered. - Why do I do this?
- For the sins, dear. For the sins. He gave you a chance to repent, but you did not hear him.
Suddenly, I felt a surge of furious anger. I'm always very liberties with women believing that they are much lower than levels of men and are much cheaper good or Colt faithful horse. And then I give in to some girl, Godea my daughter!
- What do you need, ma'am? I'm the player! Waiting for partners in poker! If you have business with me - tell me! And no, so get the hell out!
- The one you have remembered, is waiting for you, and I came here to briefly postpone this meeting, and at the same time a little pin down your excessive self-importance. Because you think you are the best player in poker.
- Maybe there are better - I chuckled arrogantly. - But I have not seen.
- So let's play.
- To me?! With you ?!
- And why are you so surprised? Or do you think that only men know how to play poker?
- From what. Somehow I had to play with the ladies in Robstown, say, that is where invented this exciting game. But I will say for the honor, they played lousy.
- So we play?
- Well, you can and play.
Frankly, the presence of this strange person affected me painfully. From it came a wave of cold that I wanted to throw on the shoulders of a warm jacket. This is despite the July heat. Everyone in the saloon sweated and my teeth were chattering. I attributed this fact in me progressive disease. Still, I wanted her to leave.
& quot;
* * * * *
& quot;
Now, remembering the unpleasant conversation, Stredzhest frowned and muttered a curse under his breath. "The money they have. Five thousand inhabitants two and three saloon brothel, and the house of mercy, no! What would you do? President Pierce to write? »
His hands trembled with anger as he poured on the tin burner prepared powders. What can you do, the pharmacist was not there and I had to cook the drug itself. "All! We must pull yourself together! I am calm. I am very calm. So, put the coca leaf, adding urea and malonic acid, light the burner. Excellent. Now, note the time, otherwise, instead of anesthetic obtain a laxative ... »
Stredzhest habitually reached for the vest to get a gold pocket watch, but then he pulled his hand away with a curse. How could he forget? After three months ago, he lost their poker Richard Melo!
"It sclerosis! Three months have passed and I still rummage in his belly! And all because the hours were so dear to me! Damn! »
Stredzhest cracked his fist on the table and shouted:
- Henry! Run more here and grab more hourglass! Hey, Henry! You do not hear, brat ?!
However, Henry - son of the sheriff, who promised to teach the basics Stredzhest surgeon's profession, in no hurry to go. Dr. grunting got up from the table and went into the back room. Where else to look for Breakfast with Scot? Only in the back.
Henry, according to doctors, was one foolish passion. He collected newspaper clippings about all sorts of unusual, mysterious and fantastic incidents. And this good enough in the newspapers! Already filing Henry has more than two hundred of these notes.
In the back room the boy was not there. But the filing was in place. Stredzhest disgust leafed through it, chuckling absurd title "Green men in Los Angeles," "Indian chief self-igniting at a reception at the White House," "Kansas train ascended into the clouds!».
Unexpectedly doctor declined to comment on the headlines:
--Voznessya Say? Perhaps gangsters overdid with dynamite! "A woman gave birth to a pig from Arizona!" Apparently her husband was a rare pig! "Colonel Adams grows a second head!" The second chin he grows, and not the head! And what's that? "Death was late for three minutes!" Why is she late?
Stredzhest ran interesting eyes.
"This afternoon, our correspondent witnessed the amazing scene! In the saloon Sandy Bisher took an ugly brawl between a known ganfayterom Doug Makuoli nicknamed "Wolf" and the son of a prosperous gold-sulfur from Kentucky Benjamin Bollisa. According visitors saloon, Jr. Bollis accused Makuoli cheating in card and the last publicly slapped in the face. The bounty hunter was furious and immediately called the offender to a duel. In vain witnesses asked Pete Bollisa was the name of the young man, bring Makuoli apology, the "bit between his teeth," and did not want to listen to anyone. Duelists came out and drew their weapons on the signal. Of course, "Wolf" took his colt before, because this hunter rumored that he shoots faster than any other time to blink. And so it happened. A shot rang out and the younger Bollis fell to the ground with prostrelyanny heart. And here begins the incredible. When everyone thought the young man dead, he suddenly stood up and said that he was all right. Meanwhile, his chest gaping hole the size of a rabbit head! "Lucky," surrounded by a crowd of curious, some even put his fingers into a huge wound to verify its existence. Everyone was extremely surprised. Even Makuoli puzzled looked at his Colt unable to believe what had happened. One of the witnesses, a drunken farmer suggested that perhaps Death is a season of need and miss the beginning of the duel. This announcement was greeted with loud laughter of all present, and laughed even Bollis Makuoli. The young man at all ganfaytera asked forgiveness, and he vowed that never again raise his hand on the man who pardoned Death itself. At this point, the street appeared the Rev. Stephanie. He obviously had his own version of what happened. Pointing a finger at Bollisa, he shouted: "Grab it! This limb of Satan! Vampire! It takes only a silver bullet! Look! The wound did not shed blood! ". And then there was terrible! His eyes glazed over boys, and the wound will cast a fountain of blood splashing all around. He fell to the ground and remained motionless. Without a doubt, he was dead. Later, the sheriff said that precisely timed duel. He said the death of late for three minutes. And be right reverend father, and it's much worse? Dark moonlit night Pete Bollis selected from the grave, and .... »
Stredzhest threw binder on the floor. & quot; Well, nonsense! Some idiots write, read other idiots! & Quot; At that moment, Dr. sensitive nose caught the unpleasant smell of burning. Damn! How could he have forgotten ?!
Back in the room, he found on the burner and a crackling embers chadyaschie. What works for nothing!
In impotent rage Stredzhest brushed gun on the floor and furiously trampling.
"Damn Melo! It took hours and did not wince! And who is to blame ?! You are to blame mindless Eugene! He knew in fact that Melo can not win, but I still got to play with him! But Melo scoundrel! Beast! Shuler!
The doctor hardly breath. What's the use to scold the man who has long been in the grave. He was terminally ill. Consumption ate his lungs rather than the flame devours dry paleno. And he, Eugene Stredzhest, nothing could help him. Unfortunately, there are diseases to which the medicine is powerless ...
From bitter reflections doctor distracted zvyaknuvshy bell on the front door. Turning around, the doctor felt the hair on his head began to move. On the threshold stood Richard Melo alive and well. He looked at Stredzhesta and smiling ...
Spasm intercepted throat doctor, unable to utter a word, he just pulled towards the guest trembling finger.
- Hi, doc! - Melo greet him. - Do not be afraid. I did not bring.
--You .... You ... you are dead ....
Melo laughed:
- And Jesus said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands; Hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; And be not faithless, but believing ".
Melo stepped to the doctor, but he backed away in horror from it. I tripped on a chair behind his back and fell, hurt venerating the coccyx on the floor.
- Careful, Doc! - Melo hurried toward him, grabbed a big hand by the collar and hauled to his feet. - At your age you have to be careful.
Calm voice, "resurrected" and cutting back pain positively acted on the doctor.
- About what age did you say? I'm only fifty ... Do you remember sixty ...
--Shestdesyat Five, to be exact. - He nodded, "dead".
- But ... but still I do not understand ... After all, you have to die?
- Yes, I should. Remember, you dosed me a month of life.
--I lied! You had no more than a week!
Melo nodded:
--You were right. Every day, vyblevyvyya a piece of light, I felt the approach of death. Remember how I wanted to meet her?
--Yes. You said that you want to die at the card table ...
--Exactly. The passion for poker has forced me to leave this city. Here, no one wanted to sit with me at the table.
--Of course! Such idiots left in Texas! I was the last!
- So I went to your native Kansas.
--Bog With him from Kansas! I do not understand how you managed to survive! It's impossible!
- And yet I'm alive.
--No! It's incredible! Let me examine you?
--Konechno, Doctor.
Melo took off his jacket and shirt. Stredzhest hastily grabbed the auditory tube and attach it to the dead man's naked torso failed.
--Please, Breathe deeply!
Painfully pressing in the other end of the tube into his own ear, Eugene listened intently, hoping to catch any sign of disease. Nothing!
Five minutes later, the doctor dropped helplessly wooden stethoscope on the floor and sadly stated:
- I am a nonentity ... I ... I'm incompetent doctor immediately stop their practice ...
Melo raised the auditory tube, put into the hands of the doctor and said quietly:
--You Wonderful doctor. All Texas knows it. I was supposed to die, but I was saved by God's mercy, and probably my ability to play poker ...
--Hell! What does poker!
Melo winced:
- Do not swear, doctor. For some time now, I can not stand that word. I, you know, became a devout Catholic. Every day I visit the church.
--It is commendable! But how do you survive ?!
--I'll tell you. Perhaps my story will save another lost soul. Let's sit down?
--Sure sure! Sit down! Whiskey, brandy?
--Kofe, If I may?
- World exactly crazy! Richard Melo refuses a drink!
- I got another.
Slowly sipping scalding flavored drink, Melo began his story:
- Three months ago, I came to you at the reception. I was very bad. You promised me a month of life, but I read in your eyes false. I realized that I will not last a week. But as I was determined to die at the card table, then I had no choice but to go to Kansas ...
I should not have hoped for kanzastsev ignorance about his person. My popularity has overtaken me. I played only five games, when all citizens learned that they were visited by Richard himself Melo. "Miss Poker," they called me. At the table with me no longer sit ...
Slowly flowing gray dull days. And along with them, my life flowed.
That morning, the fifth of July, I awoke in a cold sweat, shaken by painful fever. My pillow was wet with blood. Then I clearly understood - this is my last day on earth. Today I stand before God. I confess, I do not really believe in its existence.
With difficulty, I slipped out of bed and went to the mirror. Pathetic: he looked at me pale, skinny, emaciated old man with bloodshot eyes dull, three-day stubble and black clotted blood on his chin. From his own vile kind I had an attack of painful cough. I fell down on all fours and, like brehlivomu dog, barking hysterically long, splashing on the floor blood clots. Looks like I lost consciousness ...
When I woke up, it was already day. With difficulty rearranging his heavy feet, I washed, carefully shaved and put a new starched shirt. Death is necessary to meet clean ...
Despite the early day in the saloon it has been the people. Three tables full were playing poker. Surprisingly, the kind of flashing cards heap of crumpled bills and strained faces of the players, affected me as a healing balm. I literally nose could smell the smell of mouthwatering games that mixes fear, hope, despair, unbridled joy and passion killer.
- Hey, Dick! - I called the owner of the saloon Sandy Bisher. - Lousy look! Beautiful in the coffin lay!
- Yes, Sandy, my works are unimportant. Have someone spill?
- I'm sorry, old man, you're a little late! Today came a Rich cockerel from the East, but he was caught and now Doug browses!
Doug Makuoli apparently felt that talking about it. He raised his head slightly and nodded at me. The upper lip curled in a sneer, revealing long yellow fangs. Maybe for that he got his nickname - "Wolf & quot ;? And in his yellow eyes, I read a hidden warning: "Do not poke your nose, man! This is my prey! »
I nodded at him, and turned back to Sandy:
- Man, you have no idea how I want to play the game though. Maybe it's the last game of my life ...
- So bad?
- Even worse than you think.
Bisher sadly spread his hands. - You know, Dick, your reputation ...
- I know, my friend! But if someone comes, I ask, sending it to me! I will not stay in debt!
Sandy nodded sadly. Trying not to notice him a sympathetic look, I sat down at a free table and with the calmly began to shuffle the deck. And then she appeared ... lady in black.
Her appearance was so unexpected that I flinched. She stood at the bar and stared unblinkingly at me. I could have sworn that even a second ago she was not there.
She was very beautiful. Tall, slender, with a narrow waist and slender fingers pampered in which she held a long black cigarette holder with a smoking cigar. Yes, it was incredibly beautiful, but her beauty exuded cold grave. In spite of the July heat, my back sweat trickle drip of ice. And yet, I found it strange that no one in the saloon did not react to her appearance. And it's in a small town, where any visitor immediately becomes the object of attention.
The stranger, meanwhile, walked up to me. It seemed to me that it floats, so it was a graceful gait. Black mourning garb only accentuated her pallor amazing. From under a black hat with a veil casually thrown over, looked at me black eyes framed oil fluffy eyelashes.
- Will you allow? - She asked a low, throaty voice.
With difficulty swallowing the lump in his throat the approaches, I mumbled in reply:
- Of course, Miss ...
She stood for a moment beside the table, apparently waiting for me to jump in and otodvinu her chair, but I stupidly continued to sit. Her full lips stretched into a sneer. Sitting in front of me, she released me in the face a stream of cigar smoke. This tobacco seemed disgusting. I even felt dizzy. And he was very familiar smell, something very far wrong, from my past. But what? I could not remember how.
- What kind of tobacco you, Miss?
- Do not you like?
- No!
- It's called meskalersky tobacco ... "Anger Tachekumte» ...
Like a lightning shot through my mind, and the hair on his head moved. As in that memorable day, when we were with Sanders captured Apaches. I instantly experienced the horror of a twelve-year-old when he stood tethered to a stake of torture, and my friend was burned on a slow fire. Damn savages stuck to his naked body wood chips and burned them. Sanders screamed from the unbearable pain, but I seem to be yelling, too, with horror!
Tachekumte! That was the name of the leader - the monster that mocks us! I do remember it! And I remembered the smell! So smells burnt human flesh!
But how could this lady know? Well no! The coincidence! Randomness!
Deliberately rough I said:
- Lady, I ask you not to smoke! I'm sick!
--Yes. - She said. - You die.
She said it so calmly and positively, as if was my doctor. In support of her words, I started coughing. I doubled over, watering his handkerchief with blood. And she slowly extinguished cigar in an ashtray clay, staring at me, his black eyes. They had not a drop of compassion.
- God. - I whispered. - Why do I do this?
- For the sins, dear. For the sins. He gave you a chance to repent, but you did not hear him.
Suddenly, I felt a surge of furious anger. I'm always very liberties with women believing that they are much lower than levels of men and are much cheaper good or Colt faithful horse. And then I give in to some girl, Godea my daughter!
- What do you need, ma'am? I'm the player! Waiting for partners in poker! If you have business with me - tell me! And no, so get the hell out!
- The one you have remembered, is waiting for you, and I came here to briefly postpone this meeting, and at the same time a little pin down your excessive self-importance. Because you think you are the best player in poker.
- Maybe there are better - I chuckled arrogantly. - But I have not seen.
- So let's play.
- To me?! With you ?!
- And why are you so surprised? Or do you think that only men know how to play poker?
- From what. Somehow I had to play with the ladies in Robstown, say, that is where invented this exciting game. But I will say for the honor, they played lousy.
- So we play?
- Well, you can and play.
Frankly, the presence of this strange person affected me painfully. From it came a wave of cold that I wanted to throw on the shoulders of a warm jacket. This is despite the July heat. Everyone in the saloon sweated and my teeth were chattering. I attributed this fact in me progressive disease. Still, I wanted her to leave.
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