Miss Zen
Forty-two million two hundred three thousand four hundred eighty-nine
Each night came from afar. Says, until you tell me what happened in the compartment, will not rest! So...
12 months ago
Each night came from Voronezh. Bags threw and dragged him to the kitchen to drink tea. Sleep, says, in either eye, unless you tell me how was the trip, not rest.
So, then with his words:
"Barely made the train, bags on the run, threw himself a little nose didn't ride on the platform, but managed. Will promiscous down the corridor and praying that my bottom shelf occupied: hate them, always go at the top, so nobody touched me. Prayers were answered: on my shelf nestled the boy of years of ten, full, socastee, such a well-kept, sleek. Beside her mother, bag taking it apart. On the other the bottom shelf sits a girl of twenty, old sweater, pants and bright blue slates. Reads, on the vanity in front of him zero attention. I caught the woman's look and said, "please." I do not mind the shelf, but the decency to ask would. She snorted and turned away. Thumped the bag beside the girl, started to disassemble and ultimate tone said: "Girl, I'm here Rostusa, with a child, do you mind?" She also had the top.
"Against" – came full of some ethereal Zen and calm voice.
The lady was momentarily taken aback, but recovered and continued to unpack.
"I have to follow Mikhasik, suddenly with it something happens, and the top down for a long time. Let's not bicker and let's switch".
"I will not change..."
I thought she was going to begin to say that specially booked a seat in advance, that it was not her problem and blah-blah-blah. But no. The girl just turned and went back into the trunk ladies, as a pillow, not letting go of the book.
Lady by surprise, jerked the bag free, and miss Zen lying on it at full length.
"The little beast" – growled the woman and placing a bag on the table, climbed up. From there, she soon successfully dropped the comb, which hit the girl right in the forehead. Miss Zen, without being distracted from reading, threw the comb on the floor.
The first two hours the lady groaned, grumbled, pointedly clumsily down from the shelf to wipe sopelki Myasikov and adjust the heat, unbuttoning and buttoning his waistcoat. But soon, realizing that miss Zen wanted to put on her torture went upstairs and fell asleep.
A couple of hours we spent in relative peace. I met a Bear, threw it on a couple of games in the sea battle, the fool – normal, in principle, the kid turned out to be only love. Miss Zen was reading, not paying attention to the outside world.
It was getting dark. The lady woke up and started lamenting the fact that her son apparently dying from starvation. The guy who recently ate a couple of sausages in the test, shrugged. Like, once my mom said, so really hungry.
Just then fate pulled months Zen in the bathroom. Upon returning, she found that she had left a small nook near the window, and the remaining seat was filled with containers, thermos and Mikhasik. The lady, catching her totally phlegmatic view, is still thought, finally getting through the cheek, so triumphantly said:
"The table down, and we have every right to sit here, we're not the entire regiment took!".
With great intrepidity, Miss Zen went to his place, snug in there and fixed her eyes in a blurred movement, the infinity.
...At the end of the dinner the boy, fed so much that from the ears climb, decided it was wrong to starve others, and shared with Miss Zen boiled egg. And, strangely enough, took... And then the mother, thinking that "nothing to waste products at any shelupon", pulled Mikhas, landed ago, and slapped Miss Zen's hand.
Here I was thinking that the wall the level will drop, but wrong again: Ms. Zen returned the egg on the table and saying "All yours" and wiped his hands on the woman's skirt.
What started it all... the Lady seemed to waiting for something to puncture the bubble of indignation. Waving, she started a solo Aria, "the station boorish creature of prematurity". In his third she poured out the soul, choosing Months Zen the root cause of the ills of mankind in General and his in particular. "For people like you, bitch, and nothing ever goes as it should". Rage was Sastamala her eyes, the brain was boiling, and, when control was finally lost, the lady pushed Miss Zen, so much so that and slammed his head against the wall, thank Cthulhu, though gently.
Kicked and fell silent, waiting anxiously for a reaction.
"Fetch!" – I thought. A bear was no longer possible.
If Miss Zen began to make trouble or to dissolve the hands, the Very image of Equanimity, forever lost in my mind. But she did not disappoint.
Slowly, but inevitably she leaned to the woman as if he were about to say something in her ear...
...The effect was devastating and immediate as tranquilizer the lady was silent and began to feel with fingertips cheek... Then grabbed the son, threw him on her shelf and rushed off to wash.
Miss Zen wiped his mouth with a napkin and delicately wet the area. This action has already been calculated for me, and I swear to God, I could not resist and patted.
For the rest of the trip the lady did not utter a word in her direction. Silently they Mikhasik left the car at the station.
And Miss Zen again delved into the book. Her whole appearance told that she left this reality and will return again soon. To disturb I didn't."
Each night came from afar. Says, until you tell me what happened in the compartment, will not rest! So...
12 months ago
Each night came from Voronezh. Bags threw and dragged him to the kitchen to drink tea. Sleep, says, in either eye, unless you tell me how was the trip, not rest.
So, then with his words:
"Barely made the train, bags on the run, threw himself a little nose didn't ride on the platform, but managed. Will promiscous down the corridor and praying that my bottom shelf occupied: hate them, always go at the top, so nobody touched me. Prayers were answered: on my shelf nestled the boy of years of ten, full, socastee, such a well-kept, sleek. Beside her mother, bag taking it apart. On the other the bottom shelf sits a girl of twenty, old sweater, pants and bright blue slates. Reads, on the vanity in front of him zero attention. I caught the woman's look and said, "please." I do not mind the shelf, but the decency to ask would. She snorted and turned away. Thumped the bag beside the girl, started to disassemble and ultimate tone said: "Girl, I'm here Rostusa, with a child, do you mind?" She also had the top.
"Against" – came full of some ethereal Zen and calm voice.
The lady was momentarily taken aback, but recovered and continued to unpack.
"I have to follow Mikhasik, suddenly with it something happens, and the top down for a long time. Let's not bicker and let's switch".
"I will not change..."
I thought she was going to begin to say that specially booked a seat in advance, that it was not her problem and blah-blah-blah. But no. The girl just turned and went back into the trunk ladies, as a pillow, not letting go of the book.
Lady by surprise, jerked the bag free, and miss Zen lying on it at full length.
"The little beast" – growled the woman and placing a bag on the table, climbed up. From there, she soon successfully dropped the comb, which hit the girl right in the forehead. Miss Zen, without being distracted from reading, threw the comb on the floor.
The first two hours the lady groaned, grumbled, pointedly clumsily down from the shelf to wipe sopelki Myasikov and adjust the heat, unbuttoning and buttoning his waistcoat. But soon, realizing that miss Zen wanted to put on her torture went upstairs and fell asleep.
A couple of hours we spent in relative peace. I met a Bear, threw it on a couple of games in the sea battle, the fool – normal, in principle, the kid turned out to be only love. Miss Zen was reading, not paying attention to the outside world.
It was getting dark. The lady woke up and started lamenting the fact that her son apparently dying from starvation. The guy who recently ate a couple of sausages in the test, shrugged. Like, once my mom said, so really hungry.
Just then fate pulled months Zen in the bathroom. Upon returning, she found that she had left a small nook near the window, and the remaining seat was filled with containers, thermos and Mikhasik. The lady, catching her totally phlegmatic view, is still thought, finally getting through the cheek, so triumphantly said:
"The table down, and we have every right to sit here, we're not the entire regiment took!".
With great intrepidity, Miss Zen went to his place, snug in there and fixed her eyes in a blurred movement, the infinity.
...At the end of the dinner the boy, fed so much that from the ears climb, decided it was wrong to starve others, and shared with Miss Zen boiled egg. And, strangely enough, took... And then the mother, thinking that "nothing to waste products at any shelupon", pulled Mikhas, landed ago, and slapped Miss Zen's hand.
Here I was thinking that the wall the level will drop, but wrong again: Ms. Zen returned the egg on the table and saying "All yours" and wiped his hands on the woman's skirt.
What started it all... the Lady seemed to waiting for something to puncture the bubble of indignation. Waving, she started a solo Aria, "the station boorish creature of prematurity". In his third she poured out the soul, choosing Months Zen the root cause of the ills of mankind in General and his in particular. "For people like you, bitch, and nothing ever goes as it should". Rage was Sastamala her eyes, the brain was boiling, and, when control was finally lost, the lady pushed Miss Zen, so much so that and slammed his head against the wall, thank Cthulhu, though gently.
Kicked and fell silent, waiting anxiously for a reaction.
"Fetch!" – I thought. A bear was no longer possible.
If Miss Zen began to make trouble or to dissolve the hands, the Very image of Equanimity, forever lost in my mind. But she did not disappoint.
Slowly, but inevitably she leaned to the woman as if he were about to say something in her ear...
...The effect was devastating and immediate as tranquilizer the lady was silent and began to feel with fingertips cheek... Then grabbed the son, threw him on her shelf and rushed off to wash.
Miss Zen wiped his mouth with a napkin and delicately wet the area. This action has already been calculated for me, and I swear to God, I could not resist and patted.
For the rest of the trip the lady did not utter a word in her direction. Silently they Mikhasik left the car at the station.
And Miss Zen again delved into the book. Her whole appearance told that she left this reality and will return again soon. To disturb I didn't."