Interesting facts about love ❤
Twelve million two hundred ninety nine thousand eight hundred four
Pure love, painful love, sweet and terrible. Love can be different. Maybe the only thing that unites us all — we cannot live without love. Sometimes our lives depend on it. And sometimes it seems to us that the earth stood still, when we lose a loved one and the loved one.
Once some wise man said, "If you've never been hurt, then you either were lucky, or you never loved."
We understand the poetry of the heart, but for many centuries, tend to lose their value more and more. We learn about the biological processes that cause specific reactions on cultural and social influences on our actions predictable in certain situations, on psychological and physiological processes that make us fall in love.
And as soon as we agree with the scientific explanations and talk about the fact that true love doesn't exist, the one they write about in books, believing that it is just a set of chemical reactions and influences on the psyche — we fall in love. Or just looking into the eyes of a loved one, we forget about all the reading, and believe that scientists самыt large fools do not know anything about love. But in the end, what is all this?!
Love affects the human nervous system, like cocaine
Love triggers the same effect as taking a dose of cocaine. The person feels euphoric. The study showed that at this point the stimulation of the 12 areas of the brain.
Us just four minutes to understand whether we like the person
If you want to make someone a good impression, you will have only four minutes. It is believed that most influence the other person is having the body language, tone and speed of your voice, not what you say.
When two lovers look into each other's eyes, their hearts start to beat in unison
Extraordinary studies have shown that couples can synchronize your heart rate, if you would look into each other's eyes for three minutes.
Embrace is a natural pain reliever
Oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, is produced during the embrace. Studies have shown that the dose of oxytocin significantly reduces headache, and a few hours it may finally pass. Before resorting to the use of chemicals and pills, is definitely worth a try first embrace.
Even when you look at the photograph of a loved one can take the pain
It is known that the presence of a loved one, contributes to the improvement and speedy recovery of the patient, but no less influenced, even a photo of a loved one. The experiment showed that when participants were shown a photograph of a loved one, physical pain decreased. Those who were shown photos of friends, it did not help.
People who consider each other equally attractive, usually remain together for life
Many psychological and social research confirm that there are significant principles by which people choose each other, to create romantic relations. Typically the partners closer together if they are from the same social stratum.
Couples in which the partners are too similar tend to break up because of boredom
As they say, opposites attract. But couples in which the people are very similar to each other, or too different, usually shortly parted. For harmonious relations, it is necessary that partners that we are alike but also different interests, so they can surprise each other.
A broken heart is not just a metaphor
The results obtained during the scientific studies confirm that intense, traumatizing events, such as divorce, loss of a loved one, or betrayal can cause real physical pain in the heart. This condition is called "broken heart syndrome". Strong emotional experiences cause chemical reactions in the brain that significantly weaken the heart, leading to strong chest pains and labored breathing.
Romantic love eventually ends
The pair are in the stage of development of relations, next year will be different. Scientists estimate that the romantic period in the relationship — a feeling of euphoria, bonding, butterflies in the stomach, lasts about a year.
The lovers are like the people with the mental disorder OCD
Studies show that people at an early stage of love have lower levels of serotonin are associated with happiness and well-being as well as higher cortisol levels associated with stress. During this period, the lovers are like the people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Thoughts about love and sex influence creative and analytic thinking
Scientists discovered that the mention of love influence more abstract and creative thinking because it is associated with long-term relationships, devotion, commitment and intimacy. While, reminders about sex affect specific and analytical thinking that makes a person pay more attention to the immediate things at the same time, making it impossible to concentrate on long-term objectives.
Attachment + Caring + Intimacy = Perfect relationship
Three-component theory of love offers the formulas describing the components of different types of love. There are three kinds of love: romantic love = passion + intimacy, friendship, love = intimacy + commitment, and silly love = passion + commitment. Of course, the most effective formula of love consists of all three components.
When choosing a partner for a long relationship, a beautiful face is preferable to a beautiful figure
If you are looking for a temporary partner of your choice starts from physical attraction of the body, but in that case, if you need permanent long-term relationship, you choose a partner with pleasant facial features.
To get rid of pain or stress, you must take the hand of a loved one
Studies show that couples with a deep and strong connection between them, can successfully soothe each other in stressful situations or when one of them suffers from severe physical pain.
Expressing gratitude to others makes us feel happy
Butterflies in the stomach cause a splash of adrenaline
When you fall in love, your stomach appear butterflies that flick their wings cause a surge of adrenaline and the feeling of flying.
Dilated pupils give your eyes a great attraction
In the 1870-ies, Darwin suggested that mydriasis is caused by increasing level of attention. This is especially the case when we look at an object of desire or a loved one, even if it's just a photo or video. In addition, dilated pupils give your eyes more attractive.
If long and hard look into the eyes of the stranger, you can fall in love
The eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is therefore not surprising that just looking into the eyes of each other can suddenly find themselves falling in love with a stranger. It has been proven that when someone looks at you, in your body produces a chemical called phenylethylamine, which is associated with the feeling of flight. So if you continue to see each other, soon your heart can pierce Cupid's arrow.
The only thing that makes sense is love
An amazing study was conducted by a team of Harvard researchers, which showed that love is the only thing that is important to the person. The life experience of participants showed that happiness and fulfillment were present in the lives of people only when they are in relationships.
In the animal world, are distributed in a monogamous relationship
Even if we believe that the only people capable of loving and find their faithful companion for life, we are wrong. Wolves, swans, Gibbons, black vultures, albatrosses and even termites are just a few animals that mate for life.
Pure love, painful love, sweet and terrible. Love can be different. Maybe the only thing that unites us all — we cannot live without love. Sometimes our lives depend on it. And sometimes it seems to us that the earth stood still, when we lose a loved one and the loved one.
Once some wise man said, "If you've never been hurt, then you either were lucky, or you never loved."
We understand the poetry of the heart, but for many centuries, tend to lose their value more and more. We learn about the biological processes that cause specific reactions on cultural and social influences on our actions predictable in certain situations, on psychological and physiological processes that make us fall in love.
And as soon as we agree with the scientific explanations and talk about the fact that true love doesn't exist, the one they write about in books, believing that it is just a set of chemical reactions and influences on the psyche — we fall in love. Or just looking into the eyes of a loved one, we forget about all the reading, and believe that scientists самыt large fools do not know anything about love. But in the end, what is all this?!
Love affects the human nervous system, like cocaine
Love triggers the same effect as taking a dose of cocaine. The person feels euphoric. The study showed that at this point the stimulation of the 12 areas of the brain.
Us just four minutes to understand whether we like the person
If you want to make someone a good impression, you will have only four minutes. It is believed that most influence the other person is having the body language, tone and speed of your voice, not what you say.
When two lovers look into each other's eyes, their hearts start to beat in unison
Extraordinary studies have shown that couples can synchronize your heart rate, if you would look into each other's eyes for three minutes.
Embrace is a natural pain reliever
Oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, is produced during the embrace. Studies have shown that the dose of oxytocin significantly reduces headache, and a few hours it may finally pass. Before resorting to the use of chemicals and pills, is definitely worth a try first embrace.
Even when you look at the photograph of a loved one can take the pain
It is known that the presence of a loved one, contributes to the improvement and speedy recovery of the patient, but no less influenced, even a photo of a loved one. The experiment showed that when participants were shown a photograph of a loved one, physical pain decreased. Those who were shown photos of friends, it did not help.
People who consider each other equally attractive, usually remain together for life
Many psychological and social research confirm that there are significant principles by which people choose each other, to create romantic relations. Typically the partners closer together if they are from the same social stratum.
Couples in which the partners are too similar tend to break up because of boredom
As they say, opposites attract. But couples in which the people are very similar to each other, or too different, usually shortly parted. For harmonious relations, it is necessary that partners that we are alike but also different interests, so they can surprise each other.
A broken heart is not just a metaphor
The results obtained during the scientific studies confirm that intense, traumatizing events, such as divorce, loss of a loved one, or betrayal can cause real physical pain in the heart. This condition is called "broken heart syndrome". Strong emotional experiences cause chemical reactions in the brain that significantly weaken the heart, leading to strong chest pains and labored breathing.
Romantic love eventually ends
The pair are in the stage of development of relations, next year will be different. Scientists estimate that the romantic period in the relationship — a feeling of euphoria, bonding, butterflies in the stomach, lasts about a year.
The lovers are like the people with the mental disorder OCD
Studies show that people at an early stage of love have lower levels of serotonin are associated with happiness and well-being as well as higher cortisol levels associated with stress. During this period, the lovers are like the people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Thoughts about love and sex influence creative and analytic thinking
Scientists discovered that the mention of love influence more abstract and creative thinking because it is associated with long-term relationships, devotion, commitment and intimacy. While, reminders about sex affect specific and analytical thinking that makes a person pay more attention to the immediate things at the same time, making it impossible to concentrate on long-term objectives.
Attachment + Caring + Intimacy = Perfect relationship
Three-component theory of love offers the formulas describing the components of different types of love. There are three kinds of love: romantic love = passion + intimacy, friendship, love = intimacy + commitment, and silly love = passion + commitment. Of course, the most effective formula of love consists of all three components.
When choosing a partner for a long relationship, a beautiful face is preferable to a beautiful figure
If you are looking for a temporary partner of your choice starts from physical attraction of the body, but in that case, if you need permanent long-term relationship, you choose a partner with pleasant facial features.
To get rid of pain or stress, you must take the hand of a loved one
Studies show that couples with a deep and strong connection between them, can successfully soothe each other in stressful situations or when one of them suffers from severe physical pain.
Expressing gratitude to others makes us feel happy
Butterflies in the stomach cause a splash of adrenaline
When you fall in love, your stomach appear butterflies that flick their wings cause a surge of adrenaline and the feeling of flying.
Dilated pupils give your eyes a great attraction
In the 1870-ies, Darwin suggested that mydriasis is caused by increasing level of attention. This is especially the case when we look at an object of desire or a loved one, even if it's just a photo or video. In addition, dilated pupils give your eyes more attractive.
If long and hard look into the eyes of the stranger, you can fall in love
The eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is therefore not surprising that just looking into the eyes of each other can suddenly find themselves falling in love with a stranger. It has been proven that when someone looks at you, in your body produces a chemical called phenylethylamine, which is associated with the feeling of flight. So if you continue to see each other, soon your heart can pierce Cupid's arrow.
The only thing that makes sense is love
An amazing study was conducted by a team of Harvard researchers, which showed that love is the only thing that is important to the person. The life experience of participants showed that happiness and fulfillment were present in the lives of people only when they are in relationships.
In the animal world, are distributed in a monogamous relationship
Even if we believe that the only people capable of loving and find their faithful companion for life, we are wrong. Wolves, swans, Gibbons, black vultures, albatrosses and even termites are just a few animals that mate for life.