Zen Miss

A friend of the night came from Voronezh. Uncover, bags slung and carried away to the kitchen to chase teas. Sleep, says none of the eye, is not tell you how to get there, will not rest.
So, far away from his face:
"Hardly had the train threw the bag on the run, just not very nose rode on the platform, but he had. I squeeze into the hall and pray that my bottom shelf occupied: I hate them, always go upstairs, so no one touched me. Prayers were heard: on my shelf nestled boy about ten years old, full, chubby, well-kept such sleek. Near the mother, it parses the bag. Across the bottom shelf sits a girl of twenty, in an old sweater, trousers and bright blue slates. Following on the commotion in front of zero attention. I think women are caught and said this: "Please." I do not mind the shelves, but to ask for decency could. She sniffed and turned away. I threw the bag next to the girl, beginning to disassemble and ultimatum tone said: "My child, I was located next to a child, you do not mind," We see it, too, had the upper
. "Against ..." - there was full of some extraterrestrial zen and calm voice
. The lady was taken aback for a moment, but recovered herself and went on to disassemble things.
"I have to watch out for Misha, suddenly it would happen, and peeling off the top for a long time. Let's not swear and change. »
"Will not change ...»
I thought, it will now start to say, specifically to reserve space in advance that it was not her problem and blah-blah-blah. But no. She just turned around and went back to the trunk the ladies as the pillow, not letting go of the book.
The lady in surprise yanked the bag to make room, and Miss Zen lay down on it at full length.
"The cattle juvenile" - clearly a woman muttered, and hoisted the bag on the table, climbed to the top. From there, she soon dropped the comb very well, please the girl on the forehead. Miss Zen, without being distracted from reading, took off the comb on the floor.
The first two hour journey lady groaned, growled defiantly awkwardly down from the shelf to wipe Mishenka sopelki and adjust the heat, and zastёgivaya unbuttoning his waistcoat. But soon he realized that Miss Zen wanted to put on her suffering what universe it cheated, got upstairs and fell asleep.
Just a couple of hours we spent in relative peace and even appeasement. I met Bear, spread it on a couple of games in the sea battle, a fool - normal, in principle, the boy turned out to be only zalyublenny. Zen Miss read, renouncing the outside world.
Night was falling. The lady woke up and began to complain about the fact that her son, probably, dying from hunger. Misha, recently vtochivshy with me a couple of hot dogs in pastry, shrugged. Like, once my mother said so, and really hungry.
It was then that fate fascinated Miss Zen in the bathroom. When he returned, she discovered that she left a small nook near the window, and the rest of the seat has been forced by containers, thermos and Misha. Queen, catching her completely phlegmatic glance, still thought that, finally getting through hussy, so triumphantly declared: "The table at the bottom, and we have every right to sit here, we are not the whole regiment took!»
. Not a bit embarrassed, Miss Zen went to his place, nestled there and fixed his eyes in motion blur infinity.
... At the end of dinner, Misha, fed so that as much of the ear climbed decided it was wrong to others starve, and shared with Miss Zen boiled egg. That, oddly enough, took the mother ... And then, deciding that "nothing waste products into all shelupon" odёrnula Misha landed him back, and slapped his hand on Miss Zen.
That's where I really had thought that the wall will collapse equanimity, but wrong again: Miss Zen returned the egg on the table and saying, "All your" wiped her hands on her skirt damochkinu
. What it was started ... as a lady waited until something protknёt bubble indignation. Waving his hands, she started a solo aria "Vokzalnaya boorish, freak, premature!" In his tirade she poured out soul electing Miss Zen root cause of the ills of mankind as a whole and in particular its. "Because of people like you, bitch, never and nothing goes wrong," Rage blanketed her eyes began to boil the brain, and when control of himself was completely lost, lady shoved Miss Zen, so much so that she venerated head against the wall, thank Cthulhu, though lightly.
He shoved and fell silent, looking forward to the reaction.
"Bite!" - I thought. This bear was no longer possible.
If Miss Zen start to row, or to dissolve the hands, the image most unflappable vanished forever be in my mind. But she did not disappoint.
Slowly, but at the same time inevitably she leaned toward the woman, as if about to say something in her ear ...
And savory, Wet, FROM THE SOUL licked her from the chin to the forehead, through the eye, smudge cosmetics, LEAVING NEXT BRILLIANT slobbering.
Licked, Carlo!
... The effect was instantaneous and Crusher as a tranquilizer by: lady calmed down and began to feel his fingertips cheek ... then grabbed Misha, threw it on his shelf and dashed off to wash
. Zen Miss wiped her mouth with a napkin and dabbed exquisitely area. This action has been intended for me, and God knows I could not resist and tapped.
For the rest of the trip the lady did not utter a word in her direction. As they silently Misha left the car at their station.
And Miss Zen again delved into the book. All her views saying that she left this reality and will not be back soon. I did not bother became "