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A wonderful project "Be a dolphin"

The indigenous inhabitants of the Black Sea - bottlenose dolphins, have occupied this place about 10 000 years ago. When none of the Russian, nor about Ukrainians, let alone about the Tatars in these places and slyhom nor heard of. Fifty years ago, we caught the dolphins to make them fertilizer, and now this species may disappear in the Black Sea.
Five months of the creators of the project to be removed dolphin Black Sea bottlenose dolphins. Inside - photos and a short story.

Poses that takes a dolphin, not just. Body position, movement of the tail fin touch dolphins talk, body language have a very developed. Scientists believe that this is why they have so developed underwater vision.

According to current scientific evidence the Black Sea has become so, as we know, not so long ago - a little less than 10 thousand years ago. Thin jumper, separating the Sea of ​​Marmara from the freshwater lake, which was a black sea, collapsed and the water level in the Black Sea rose sharply by more than 70 meters. Freshwater sea inhabitants died, but nature abhors a vacuum - they were replaced by the sea very quickly settled saltwater organisms. Plankton and algae, jellyfish, fish them. And after shoals of fish come Dolphins. According to geneticists, the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins for about 10 thousand years of living apart and do not interbreed, even with our closest neighbors - bottlenose dolphins living in the Mediterranean Sea. It is long enough, to populate the Black Sea animals changed. So far, very little: a little less than was the tail fin, convex "head" - melon, and the dolphins themselves on average are slightly smaller and shorter. In 1940, Soviet scientists Barabash and Nikiforov proved that the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin stood in a subspecies Tursiops Truncatus Ponticus.

After the war, it was hard and hungry, and dolphins in the set being studied at the Black Sea, including bottlenose dolphins began to produce in commercial quantities. In general, for technical purposes: fertilizer and animal feed. The dolphin meat for human consumption is almost gone: a strong smell of fish. The animals were killed by the thousands: shooting from harpoon guns and hunted with nets-alomanov. Whaling has flourished throughout the world, and has proven so effective that it has put some cetacean species to the brink of extinction. Scientists estimate that in the last century in the Black Sea were killed not less than 6 million dolphins.

In the late 40's abilities dolphins interested US researchers. First of all, their excited speculation that dolphins use echolocation. In the mid 50's they were able to prove this hypothesis in a series of experiments. This made it possible to use dolphins for military missions: search and recovery of items of security purposes: detection of saboteurs, submarines and sabotage. The secrecy in San Diego, and then in Hawaii, built military dolphins to study and training dolphins. In the Soviet Union realized it only in the 60s and in 1966 in the Cossack Bay (Sevastopol) built the first Soviet military Dolphinarium.

It was in the 60s of last century, when the great maritime powers especially carried away with the ability to use dolphins for military purposes, and there was a powerful impetus to both the American and Soviet delfinologii and has made a series of discoveries. And despite a decent handicap over time, not all discoveries belonged to American science. This happened, for example, the problem of sleeping dolphins.
The US military scientists have suggested that dolphins do not sleep much, and the female dolphins do not sleep a few months after birth due to a special hormone, and even spent a lot of money for research, the purpose of which was to find this mysterious hormone. After such a discovery made it possible to create a tireless soldier.

Soviet scientists also do dolphins sleep problems. The data first aroused suspicion: one of the hemisphere animals emit slow waves, as if the brain is asleep, and the other continued to stay awake! Scientists have even doubted, whether this is not an error, but the picture was quite clear: the dolphin brain hemispheres take turns sleeping. At the time, as one hemisphere rests, second next to the dolphin was able to just float to the surface and take a breath. Thus opened yet another mystery of dolphins: intolerance of general anesthesia. The fact that, unlike humans, cetaceans arbitrary breath, and if the animal is not in mind, it does not breathe.

And REM sleep has remained a mystery - it has a dolphin or not. This is a condition where the body is completely motionless, but the brain cells, by contrast, a real storm is raging. And occasionally it breaks short jerks of the body and limbs. REM sleep - a time when people see dreams. External signs of REM sleep are observed in dolphins, but the proper activity of the brain is unable to burn, so that scientists can not yet say whether they see dolphins dreams or not.
In fact, this dolphin is not sleeping. Just because he loves to swim. During sleep, the dolphins swim in circles.

This process was also a dark side: the animals killed during the "acute" experiments, and when you try to implement a "brilliant" ideas war. For example, the Americans hoped to train a dolphin to blow up enemy ships as a living torpedoes, and planned to place explosives ... the dolphin in the stomach! A Soviet military occurred to reset the dolphin with a parachute. Fortunately for the bottlenose dolphin, it turned out that she was not capable of carrying a sufficient amount of explosives and can not breathe at an altitude of more than a thousand meters, and projects have been closed.

Now the dolphins in the Black Sea is not very good. He needs 8 to 20 kg of fish per day, but because of overfishing, the Black Sea is strongly scantily.
They eat only fish the dolphins, do not drink the water, although they may swallow some amount of sea with fish. Water for life, they receive directly from the fish, breaking down fat. Therefore, if the fish are too "dry." that is, low-fat, dolphins suffer from dehydration.

Few people know, but the air sonar does not work, but nice to see dolphins in the water and in the air. And they have binocular vision, both eyes are looking at the muzzle.
Soniruyut Dolphins narrow beam, but adapt himself to use someone else's signal. For example, in this picture the animals are at the rear of the "first" purpose behind: they listen to the reflection signal, which publishes the near Dolphin.

The famous dolphin curiosity, their passion to accompany the ships, scientists explain the theory content space. Such highly organized essentially as a dolphin, a part of dozens of the world's most intelligent animals, along with an elephant, a dog and a monkey, you need "intelligent" load. It attracts bottlenose where something is happening. Content area is so important to them that dolphins prefer to be in places where there is something interesting, even at the expense of food.

Dolphin is born tail first, the umbilical cord is easily torn, and the kid comes up to the surface to breathe for the first time. Woman in labor is often at this point in a state of extreme stress, and can not keep track of the newborn immediately, and then taken down to business "midwife" - other dolphins from the herd cub emerge and help to breathe.
Veterinarian makes ultrasound a pregnant female and the father watching the procedure. Dolphins "recognize" the usefulness of medical procedures and treat them well. Often themselves "asked" to take a blood test, if unwell.

Dolphins - not good. The pack can be very tough showdown. Dolphin rastrumom fights, bites, has side and tail.
Dolphin biting the tail relative of the barrel.

The result of such bites - deep scars.

Eye - the pupil of the dolphin-round, like fish, but there are two zones of the best vision, allowing good to see both underwater and on land. When increasing the illumination from the top of the iris extends projection - operkulyum that constricts the pupil, so that he gets bean-shaped form. And if the illumination is high, almost closes the gap, and from it there are only two separate holes in the front and back of the iris. Each of them is located just so to get to the corresponding zone of the best vision.

The tail - with the help of bottlenose dolphin is capable of speeds up to 40 km.h, and is a powerful weapon.

At the same dolphin 40-60 sharp teeth, but he does not chew them, but only keeps them fish. The teeth are worn down unevenly dolphins right and left. On this basis shared by lefties and righties.

Blowhole - a nostril, which in the course of evolution have moved on ... forehead, and their number was reduced to one.

Breathing dolphins uneven. If the animal is breathing rhythmically, like a person, it is very likely to hurt.
Breath of them arbitrary, that is, they "knowingly" to decide that it is time to breathe. The cycle of "breath-breath is very short, less than a second, while the air in the lungs is updated by 80%, and a person only 10-15%.
Before deep dives they "razdyshivayutsya" that is doing more frequent breaths.

Dolphin shows hunting behavior. He hid in a shelter and scans space.

About sex dolphins can write a whole book. They are constantly engaged in them and all. Although there favorite wife, with whom the male spends most of the time.

For the dolphins is very important component of tactile communication. Previously, when you do not know how to train the dolphins eat the dead fish, the fishermen trained dolphins to corral fish exclusively tactile reinforcement. Usually this was done by the boys in the fishing villages.

Jump and wild dolphins

and trained. Why jump until now the science is not clear, but a pack of notes successful hunt. Dolphins jump in the wild often and with pleasure. for example, there is a game: to jump and fall on top comrade. They also make indicative jumping, to see what is happening at the top, as well as during the mating season.

Dolphin will not part with his mother 2-3 years.

Generally, to tail for dolphin - is the highest form of trust.

And a rare dolphin bottom frame - cryptic coloring does not work.

Dolphins have the instinct to push young and relatives who can not vspyt to the surface to breathe. Apparently so there are times when a dolphin supports a person afloat.

Streamlined body perfectly adapted to life in water.

The project is dedicated to the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins, ends (there are only 2 months of filming).
For more information about the project on the boomstarter.ru/projects/samebody/byt_delfinom

Source: leprosorium.ru