India recognized personalities dolphins and dolphins banned !!!

The Government of India has assigned dolphins status of "persons not belonging to the human race." Thus India became the first country to recognize the unique intelligence and self analysis representatives of the order of aquatic mammals - whales.
The decision was announced by the head of the Ministry of Environment and Forests of India, banned as performances with dolphins in captivity - in the dolphinarium, aquariums, aquariums, etc. According to the ministry, the Dolphins' must have their own special rights ».
Dolphins are highly intelligent mammals with highly developed social organization. According to recent studies, dolphins call each other by name and can store a unique name - sounds that "old friends" and heard them only once, 20 years ago.
Before they turn a year, the dolphins themselves choose unique names, which are a series of complex audio signals. From that moment all the other dolphins one social group, use a personal name of each treatment at each other. *
Dolphins use complex grammatical communication
Previous studies have shown that dolphins are peculiar humanoid self analysis and involvement in a complex system of communication with other dolphins using the grammatical structure of sentences. Yes, dolphins have their own language, as well as in humans The main difference between the language of dolphins and human language is that dolphins are not subject to vaccination in children who received a dose of mercury, the negative impact on the brain. Therefore dolphins grow able to communicate fully related proposals, while today many people cognitively limited and may not be meaningful sentences (Vaccinations really damage the brain, as well as the presence of mercury and toxic substances in food, medicines and personal care products).