The Fresno Chaffee Zoo was born calf sakskogo bakers

The Fresno Chaffee zoo (Fresno Chaffee Zoo) in Fresno (California, USA) presented the only born this year cub rare sakskogo bakers, who were born March 28.
Just want to note that today in the wild there are only 3 thousand caxki bakers. That is why the birth of this baby, the floor of which is not installed yet, of great importance, both for the zoo and for the species as a whole.
Caxki bakers, or bakers czekanski (lat. Catagonus wagneri) is a mammal of the order Artiodactyla, the peccary family (lat. Tayassuidae), kind of catagory (lat. Catagonus). For the first time this animal was discovered in 1930 from subfossil remains. Until 1975 caxki bakers did not admit the survivors.
Thus, cacanski bakers is one of the most recently discovered animals belonging to the class of large mammals (lat. Mammalia). These animals received the nickname "pigs from green hell" because of their habitat, as the areas where there caxki bakers, a pretty wild and inaccessible.

These mammals prefer the dry and deserted places, preferring to avoid encounters with humans. For life in such harsh conditions caxki bakers is adapted: he is rather short, but strong legs that enable the animal to easily Wade through the thorny bushes.
This species peccaries, strong muzzle with a well-formed nose, and the structure of the sinuses, helping him to survive in dry and dusty conditions of the area. Caxki bakers differs from other peccaries by the fact that he has longer ears, nose, and tail. Around the mouth there is a characteristic white stripes. In addition, sakskogo bakers on the rear feet have three fingers and the other peccaries – their only two.
In the arid deserts, these animals feed mainly on cacti. To remove thorns from plants, bakers tinder pieces of cactus on the ground or simply tear them with my teeth. Their digestive system is adapted for digestion of cacti and other thorny plants.
Home to these rare and unique animals is South America. They are mostly found in arid areas of Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. Because of its small size caxki bakers is listed in the IUCN International Red Book.
Source: zoopicture.ru