Creative Beast
Zoos - a great place for relaxation and positive emotions. If it is, of course, not a cubicle tortured animals in some Gadyukino. Zoo visitors have to fight for a much more untwisted entertainment. Competitors have - no other zoos (many cities do you know where the zoo is more than one), and TV, cinema, computer games and internet.Chtoby survive in such an environment, many zoos (except Russian) apply to advertising agencies and they, in turn, offer them communications solutions by which it is impossible to pass.
In many ways, the merit of the attractiveness of advertising zoos in themselves beast that loves impressive part of humanity, but the creative contribution to the prosperity of individual representatives of the industry can not diminish. There is something to see.
And basically it prints and guerrilla advertising. Firstly, in the main, this is due to not very large budgets. They are not the chocolate is still produced, and the beasts of the children show. And secondly, to some extent, particularly slum advertised object. Animals incredibly photogenic and texture. And this same texture allows us to find the set of solutions for prelyubopytny prints and guerrillas.
One of the first and the main suppliers of "animal creativity" is the tandem of Argentine Agency Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, and Buenos Aires Zoo
Perhaps the most famous work of Del Campo Nazca to Buenos Aires Zoo - a heartbreaking movie about the friendship of monkeys and bears. It is, of course, not too true in terms of the history of the origin and evolution of the continents of the animal world, but it does not matter. Tenderness and tears veiled eyes would not give to think about reliability.
Large and small animal amicably shared the hardships and joys of life, until one day the land is not sold between them forever. But today, friends separated again be seen together.
The idea of the video was a little transformed into a series of prints, published simultaneously with the roller in May 2006.
Cannes Gold for two consecutive years and received BA ZOO Del Campo Nazca in 2003 and 2004 for the emotional, concise and very thoughtful work. For socially-oriented comparison of the cost of plush animals with the cost of a ticket to the zoo, as well as the wisdom of prints, reporting the 115 th anniversary of the zoo.
Also in 2004, the agency has played very well on the spot hides some of fauna and created prints, maps indicating the location of the zoo.
On his night operation Buenos Aires Zoo told the audience, showing her sleepy touching animals, which now has to receive visitors at night. The campaign has affected both print advertising and television.
This year, the main Argentine zoo is also not without Cannes Lions. OOH won bronze in a series of five prints, advertising the tour of the zoo with a guide. Because without a guide can be a lot to miss.
An interesting solution to the problem, similar to the previous (advertising extras zoo), offered in the agency Scholz & Friends gentstvo to Berlin Zoo, when he issued a one-year season tickets. You've come to the zoo, but the lemur was in no mood you seem? "Just come tomorrow».
In the past year, many zoos around the world, as if suddenly realizing that the animal is loved not only children but also adults who switched to clock mode operation. And reported it in many different ways: by demonstrating sleepy animals to attract visitors adrenal emissions, to which so many are eager for adults. But the New Zealand city of Wellington Zoo and the San Francisco Zoo almost simultaneously launched a campaign in which animals mugs scare people in the light of lanterns.
Another type of service required is not so much advertising as attractive announcements - themed weeks, special events and the arrival of new animals to the zoo.
Last summer, the Toronto Zoo has launched a campaign in support of the new dinosaur exhibition, which until October 16 visitors can see a full-size, moving and roaring prehistoric reptiles.
The central part of the campaign developed by agency Lowe Roche, are three rollers, each with a pair of mythical creatures argue with one another: and there are dinosaurs. Creatives commenting on his decision, saying they combined two incompatible (non-existent and non-existent by definition, after so many years), to play with the audience on this paradox and make her laugh, drawing attention to the exhibition. Spectators convince believe: so if leprechauns are engaged in the gym, tooth fairies do pedicures and mermaids lie by the pool, then certainly the dinosaurs and even more so there.
Tagline campaign: «Believe It» - «Believe»
Zoo Utah less than a year ago opened a shelter for "large Asian cats." Agency Richter7 said this without showing any cat. Instead, the creators agency Richter7 placed on prints litter box "Japanese-style" and the dog in horror zabivshuyusya a tree. Under the slogan «Big Asian Cats Are Coming»
To advertise weeks chimpanzee suffered ability of these animals to other fauna. Because they also love to ape and because all of the animals have turned into a chimpanzee at the time of the event.
And advertising arrival at the San Francisco Zoo giraffe made guerrilla. Having such a simple and ingenious parallel between the famous giraffe neck and lampposts.
By the way, guerrilla advertising - because of its low budget and freshness - can be used for the benefit of diverse zoos and efficiently. And sometimes even shocking, as it did the agency Scholz & Friends. The objective of the campaign was to draw attention to the zoo and improving visitors. As the slogan of the zoo sounded like "Come to the zoo is a zoo not come to you", the agency decided to walk their dogs, half "eaten" crocodile. There were developed special mannequins crocodiles in life-size, which were half stuffed dog. Consent to participate in the stock breeders and "swallowed" four-legged friends were walking on all the most important streets of the city.
This agency also owns another eerie progress in the area of guerrillas for the Berlin zoo Zoo Aquarium. Pole vaulter at the international competition in Athletics in Berlin, landed straight into the jaws of a giant shark. Calculation of advertising was made on the assumption that lovers of sports competitions and also love to visit the zoo. In any case, the approach to the problem, of course, interesting.
Not only the terror of being a guerrilla advertising zoos. For the Bronx Zoo, for example, it has made a very nice and witty campaign. Y & R New York has come up with patterns of paper, which were carved the outlines of animals, and then the plywood was placed at facilities outside the texture which best corresponds to the texture of the animal. Slogan: "The Bronx Zoo. Why not today? »
Zoo Brazil Zoo Safari, in fact, the only "nonwilderness" the world who offers visitors a look at the animals out the window and not through the bars of the cage. And in their advertising messages, they strongly emphasize the proximity of wild animals to the visitor. For example, with the help of T-shirts, torn and trampled tigers and lions in this zoo (+ Review "futbolochnogo creativity»).
It is impossible to do in advertising zoos without social implications. WWF, endangered animals, and their beneficial effect on the human and other, and other, and other. In some cases, socially-oriented advertising zoos turns touching, compelling and in some ways even surpasses advertising environmentalists.
Peruvian zoo offers to take patronage over the animals, or at least provide them with food, paying for tickets, demonstrating the benefits of this "adoption" in a series of prints with the slogan "Shelter crocodile / zebra / hippo, without giving his home».
Less social orientation, but perhaps more important for the audience to have a message, in which people are told that modern life leads to otstutstvie nature in our lives that we just forget about the animals and how much joy they give. And if that thing goes on, even our children will associate the word "Puma" and "Jaguar" with the brands, not with such beautiful predators.
Canadian Agency Trigger offers not suffer foolishness, trying to do. "Nothing can replace the zoo," they say, and Calgary Zoo.
And if these calls do not help, and you still do not want to go to the zoo for the sake of themselves, of their own animals, and entertainment, then go at least for the pleasure of the animals themselves. And enjoy beasts could, according creatives can be delivered as follows: Visitors or as a food or as a most amusing creatures.
via # image168805
In many ways, the merit of the attractiveness of advertising zoos in themselves beast that loves impressive part of humanity, but the creative contribution to the prosperity of individual representatives of the industry can not diminish. There is something to see.
And basically it prints and guerrilla advertising. Firstly, in the main, this is due to not very large budgets. They are not the chocolate is still produced, and the beasts of the children show. And secondly, to some extent, particularly slum advertised object. Animals incredibly photogenic and texture. And this same texture allows us to find the set of solutions for prelyubopytny prints and guerrillas.
One of the first and the main suppliers of "animal creativity" is the tandem of Argentine Agency Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, and Buenos Aires Zoo
Perhaps the most famous work of Del Campo Nazca to Buenos Aires Zoo - a heartbreaking movie about the friendship of monkeys and bears. It is, of course, not too true in terms of the history of the origin and evolution of the continents of the animal world, but it does not matter. Tenderness and tears veiled eyes would not give to think about reliability.
Large and small animal amicably shared the hardships and joys of life, until one day the land is not sold between them forever. But today, friends separated again be seen together.

The idea of the video was a little transformed into a series of prints, published simultaneously with the roller in May 2006.

Cannes Gold for two consecutive years and received BA ZOO Del Campo Nazca in 2003 and 2004 for the emotional, concise and very thoughtful work. For socially-oriented comparison of the cost of plush animals with the cost of a ticket to the zoo, as well as the wisdom of prints, reporting the 115 th anniversary of the zoo.

Also in 2004, the agency has played very well on the spot hides some of fauna and created prints, maps indicating the location of the zoo.

On his night operation Buenos Aires Zoo told the audience, showing her sleepy touching animals, which now has to receive visitors at night. The campaign has affected both print advertising and television.

This year, the main Argentine zoo is also not without Cannes Lions. OOH won bronze in a series of five prints, advertising the tour of the zoo with a guide. Because without a guide can be a lot to miss.

An interesting solution to the problem, similar to the previous (advertising extras zoo), offered in the agency Scholz & Friends gentstvo to Berlin Zoo, when he issued a one-year season tickets. You've come to the zoo, but the lemur was in no mood you seem? "Just come tomorrow».

In the past year, many zoos around the world, as if suddenly realizing that the animal is loved not only children but also adults who switched to clock mode operation. And reported it in many different ways: by demonstrating sleepy animals to attract visitors adrenal emissions, to which so many are eager for adults. But the New Zealand city of Wellington Zoo and the San Francisco Zoo almost simultaneously launched a campaign in which animals mugs scare people in the light of lanterns.

Another type of service required is not so much advertising as attractive announcements - themed weeks, special events and the arrival of new animals to the zoo.
Last summer, the Toronto Zoo has launched a campaign in support of the new dinosaur exhibition, which until October 16 visitors can see a full-size, moving and roaring prehistoric reptiles.
The central part of the campaign developed by agency Lowe Roche, are three rollers, each with a pair of mythical creatures argue with one another: and there are dinosaurs. Creatives commenting on his decision, saying they combined two incompatible (non-existent and non-existent by definition, after so many years), to play with the audience on this paradox and make her laugh, drawing attention to the exhibition. Spectators convince believe: so if leprechauns are engaged in the gym, tooth fairies do pedicures and mermaids lie by the pool, then certainly the dinosaurs and even more so there.
Tagline campaign: «Believe It» - «Believe»

Zoo Utah less than a year ago opened a shelter for "large Asian cats." Agency Richter7 said this without showing any cat. Instead, the creators agency Richter7 placed on prints litter box "Japanese-style" and the dog in horror zabivshuyusya a tree. Under the slogan «Big Asian Cats Are Coming»

To advertise weeks chimpanzee suffered ability of these animals to other fauna. Because they also love to ape and because all of the animals have turned into a chimpanzee at the time of the event.

And advertising arrival at the San Francisco Zoo giraffe made guerrilla. Having such a simple and ingenious parallel between the famous giraffe neck and lampposts.

By the way, guerrilla advertising - because of its low budget and freshness - can be used for the benefit of diverse zoos and efficiently. And sometimes even shocking, as it did the agency Scholz & Friends. The objective of the campaign was to draw attention to the zoo and improving visitors. As the slogan of the zoo sounded like "Come to the zoo is a zoo not come to you", the agency decided to walk their dogs, half "eaten" crocodile. There were developed special mannequins crocodiles in life-size, which were half stuffed dog. Consent to participate in the stock breeders and "swallowed" four-legged friends were walking on all the most important streets of the city.

This agency also owns another eerie progress in the area of guerrillas for the Berlin zoo Zoo Aquarium. Pole vaulter at the international competition in Athletics in Berlin, landed straight into the jaws of a giant shark. Calculation of advertising was made on the assumption that lovers of sports competitions and also love to visit the zoo. In any case, the approach to the problem, of course, interesting.

Not only the terror of being a guerrilla advertising zoos. For the Bronx Zoo, for example, it has made a very nice and witty campaign. Y & R New York has come up with patterns of paper, which were carved the outlines of animals, and then the plywood was placed at facilities outside the texture which best corresponds to the texture of the animal. Slogan: "The Bronx Zoo. Why not today? »

Zoo Brazil Zoo Safari, in fact, the only "nonwilderness" the world who offers visitors a look at the animals out the window and not through the bars of the cage. And in their advertising messages, they strongly emphasize the proximity of wild animals to the visitor. For example, with the help of T-shirts, torn and trampled tigers and lions in this zoo (+ Review "futbolochnogo creativity»).

It is impossible to do in advertising zoos without social implications. WWF, endangered animals, and their beneficial effect on the human and other, and other, and other. In some cases, socially-oriented advertising zoos turns touching, compelling and in some ways even surpasses advertising environmentalists.

Peruvian zoo offers to take patronage over the animals, or at least provide them with food, paying for tickets, demonstrating the benefits of this "adoption" in a series of prints with the slogan "Shelter crocodile / zebra / hippo, without giving his home».

Less social orientation, but perhaps more important for the audience to have a message, in which people are told that modern life leads to otstutstvie nature in our lives that we just forget about the animals and how much joy they give. And if that thing goes on, even our children will associate the word "Puma" and "Jaguar" with the brands, not with such beautiful predators.

Canadian Agency Trigger offers not suffer foolishness, trying to do. "Nothing can replace the zoo," they say, and Calgary Zoo.

And if these calls do not help, and you still do not want to go to the zoo for the sake of themselves, of their own animals, and entertainment, then go at least for the pleasure of the animals themselves. And enjoy beasts could, according creatives can be delivered as follows: Visitors or as a food or as a most amusing creatures.

via # image168805