How to choose the right diet
In order to choose among the huge variety of existing diets, one that will be suitable exclusively for you, taking into account all your requirements and nuances, it is necessary to take into account not only the physique, but also the goals set, and, of course, the desired final result.
Unloading weekly diets and fasting days are ideal if you need to lose just a few pounds and improve your skin condition and complexion. But even if the excess weight exceeds 5 kg, unloading techniques will still bring tangible benefits, and the result will certainly please you. In addition, they will help to fundamentally change the way of life and nutrition. The main thing is to follow the basic rules regarding food during weight loss and after the result has already been obtained: you can not eat flour, sweet, alcohol, you can eat fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and dishes from them.
Any proper weight loss diet includes a preparatory period (usually one day), several fasting and transition days. On the preparatory day, you can only eat food with a large amount of fiber and carbohydrates, while the number of calories per day should not exceed 600. On a fasting day, you need to clean the intestines, for example, with a tablespoon of glauber salt and a glass of water. And do not neglect the drinking regime, you need to drink as much mineral water as possible (about 2 liters per day).
But strict fasting diets have their own contraindication, which, in any case, should not be ignored - they can not be carried out with the exacerbation of any chronic diseases, you need to wait for remission, and in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, resort to such methods extremely carefully.
Choosing the right diet depends mainly on the physique and functional characteristics of the body.
If you have slow digestion and weight gain occurs quickly, then cleansing with non-carbonated mineral water is perfect. You can drink a cup of herbal decoction with a spoonful of honey for breakfast, freshly squeezed fruit juice for lunch, and vegetable decoction for dinner. The first transition day should consist of herbal tea for breakfast, apple for lunch, vegetable soup for dinner. And on the second day you can eat oatmeal on the water and vegetables steamed.
If your physique is fragile, and plus low pressure and irregular stools, then fasting days are suitable, during which you need to eat only soups from vegetables and cereals. For breakfast, eat soup from oatmeal, for lunch and dinner, eat soup puree from vegetables. You can drink unsweetened herbal tea. For transition days, the diet remains the same, but fruits are added.
To make oatmeal soup, pour 100 grams of oatmeal into a liter of boiling water, cook for about 5 minutes and then add half a teaspoon of grated ginger or ginger powder. If desired, the soup can be salted a little.
For athletic build with good bowel function, fasting days should consist of two kilograms of fruit (except bananas), herbal tea and fruit juices. For dinner there are a couple of cucumbers, sweet pepper and an apple. On the first transition day, you can eat fruit - for breakfast, leaf salad with carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil - for lunch, and for dinner - vegetable soup. On the second transition day, boiled potatoes will be added.
Remember that your health and well-being throughout the correct diet depends on the correctness of its choice. If the diet is selected carefully and wisely, there will be no bad mood or painful hunger. And remember that it is important to walk as much as possible in the fresh air.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru

Unloading weekly diets and fasting days are ideal if you need to lose just a few pounds and improve your skin condition and complexion. But even if the excess weight exceeds 5 kg, unloading techniques will still bring tangible benefits, and the result will certainly please you. In addition, they will help to fundamentally change the way of life and nutrition. The main thing is to follow the basic rules regarding food during weight loss and after the result has already been obtained: you can not eat flour, sweet, alcohol, you can eat fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and dishes from them.
Any proper weight loss diet includes a preparatory period (usually one day), several fasting and transition days. On the preparatory day, you can only eat food with a large amount of fiber and carbohydrates, while the number of calories per day should not exceed 600. On a fasting day, you need to clean the intestines, for example, with a tablespoon of glauber salt and a glass of water. And do not neglect the drinking regime, you need to drink as much mineral water as possible (about 2 liters per day).
But strict fasting diets have their own contraindication, which, in any case, should not be ignored - they can not be carried out with the exacerbation of any chronic diseases, you need to wait for remission, and in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, resort to such methods extremely carefully.
Choosing the right diet depends mainly on the physique and functional characteristics of the body.
If you have slow digestion and weight gain occurs quickly, then cleansing with non-carbonated mineral water is perfect. You can drink a cup of herbal decoction with a spoonful of honey for breakfast, freshly squeezed fruit juice for lunch, and vegetable decoction for dinner. The first transition day should consist of herbal tea for breakfast, apple for lunch, vegetable soup for dinner. And on the second day you can eat oatmeal on the water and vegetables steamed.
If your physique is fragile, and plus low pressure and irregular stools, then fasting days are suitable, during which you need to eat only soups from vegetables and cereals. For breakfast, eat soup from oatmeal, for lunch and dinner, eat soup puree from vegetables. You can drink unsweetened herbal tea. For transition days, the diet remains the same, but fruits are added.
To make oatmeal soup, pour 100 grams of oatmeal into a liter of boiling water, cook for about 5 minutes and then add half a teaspoon of grated ginger or ginger powder. If desired, the soup can be salted a little.
For athletic build with good bowel function, fasting days should consist of two kilograms of fruit (except bananas), herbal tea and fruit juices. For dinner there are a couple of cucumbers, sweet pepper and an apple. On the first transition day, you can eat fruit - for breakfast, leaf salad with carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil - for lunch, and for dinner - vegetable soup. On the second transition day, boiled potatoes will be added.
Remember that your health and well-being throughout the correct diet depends on the correctness of its choice. If the diet is selected carefully and wisely, there will be no bad mood or painful hunger. And remember that it is important to walk as much as possible in the fresh air.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru
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