Homemade kvass: recipes you can trust
What to do when it is not possible to escape from the heat on the street at +31 ° C? That's right. Drinking delicious cold kvass. Where can I get it? We met with the famous chefs of Moscow Kirill Zebrin and Viktor Apasev and found out the best recipes for homemade kvass.
Kvass cranberry by Cyril Zebrin
An extraordinary kvass with a spicy cranberry note. Repeatedly tested recipe. It's delicious.
Cranberry kvas recipe
- 3l cranberry juice
- 60–80 g of black dry bread (darnitsky is recommended)
- lemon peel
- 6g 'live' yeast
- 240g leavened wort
- 180-200g sugar
- raisins to taste
Heat the cranberry juice almost to a boil. Add dried slices of bread. Remove from fire. Refrigerate to 30-40°C. Strain. Grind the yeast, stir them in kvass, add wort and sugar. Stir thoroughly. Leave at room temperature for a day. When kvass is ready, add raisins, lemon peel. Bottled, closed and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Kvass Classic by Victor Apasiev
Classic genre. Lovers of tastes, familiar from childhood, when there were no chemical drinks and kvass was a real kvass.
CLASSIC Quasa Recipe
- 3 liters of water
- 2 tbsp leaven wort
- 150g sugar
- loaf
- 1 tbsp raisins
Dry the bread in the oven until the dark crust appears. Mix water, must and sugar, add raisins, crusts from the oven and insist for 2 days. Strain and enjoy.
Source: domashniy.ru/