Bread kvass recipe

What could be better in the heat than cold, refreshing rye-bread? This divine drink is loved by adults and children, but few people dare to prepare it at home. That's too bad. After all, home kvass is many times better than the store. And a barrel, the one that sells at every intersection, and did not stand nearby.

Bread kvass at home today "Site" He'll tell you all the details of making a nucleus drink with lush foam and bubbles. You'll learn to cook real. loaf Eternal leaven without yeast.

Rye kvass is a very useful product. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the state of the cardiovascular system. Waking, toning and well quenches thirst. Bread kvass recipe Very simple. To make a drink, you will need crackers made of black bread, sugar and water.

Cook kvass only in dishes that are not oxidizable. This can be an enamel pan or a stainless steel container. A three-liter glass jar is also suitable. To make the kvass appear sparkling, add raisins to the sourdough, it will saturate the kvass with bubbles of carbon dioxide.

Do not throw away the softened crumbs. Add to them a new portion of dried bread, sugar, raisins and pour clean water. In 12 hours, you'll get a fresh drink.

If you are not going to make a new portion of kvass, store the sourdough in the refrigerator in a glass container. Make small holes in the cover so that the leaven “breathes”. Periodically feed it with sugar and stir. Before cooking kvass, starter should be obtained, added sugar and allowed to stand for 3-4 hours at room temperature.

The ingredients
  • 300g rye bread (black)
  • 3-4 liters of water
  • 10-15 tbsp of sugar
  • 2 tbsp raisins

  1. Cut the bread in pieces and dry it in the oven to the ruddy crust. Make sure that the crackers do not burn, otherwise the kvass will be bitter.

  2. Chilled crackers put in a container in which you will cook kvass.
  3. Boil water and dissolve sugar in it. Cool and fill up the crackers. Add the raisins.

  4. Cover the container with a cotton napkin or gauze and leave for fermentation. After 24 hours, the crackers will start to foam and rise up. If this did not happen, then the bread was not very good quality, you will have to add yeast to the leaven. Mix 2 tbsp of swollen crackers and 0.5 tbsp of water. Add 1 tbsp sugar and 5g yeast. Stir and let the mixture swell. Then pour it into the sourdough.

  5. After the crackers foam and rise up, kvass will be ready in 2-4 days.

  6. Ready kvass drain from the container and strain through 3 layers of gauze. Refrigerate and enjoy a great drink of your own!

  7. Don't throw away all the leaven. Leave half, add freshly dried crackers, 4 tbsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of raisins. Pour water and leave it overnight. In the morning, a new portion of kvass will be ready. Repeat the process as long as you want to cook kvass.

Kvass is a great invigorating drink that can replace morning coffee. Kvass charges with vigor and without caffeine. Make sure to prepare it according to our recipe. The drink will not only quench your thirst, but also suitable for the preparation of vitamin chips.

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