The collection of pre-revolutionary recipes lemon brew
1909 P P. ALEXANDROVA-IGNATIEVA "Practical foundations of culinary arts".
Lemon kvas
Lemon – 6 pieces
Molasses, honey or sugar – 1, 2, or 1, 4 kg.
The boiling water – 26 booth.
Raisins white – 400 gr.
Yeast – 50 gr.
Wheat flour – 1 tablespoon.
Recipe. Taking good Mature lemons, wash and slice them into thin slices, not cutting off the peel; remove all the seeds, otherwise the brew will be bitter, put the lemons in the barrel, the best stone to add there white refined raisins, which also remove the seeds and white sugar molasses sugar or the sugar, but it is best fresh honey, pour it all in one kettle (5 booth.) the boiling water, cover and leave it until the next day in a warm place. The next day to wash it down with cooled boiled water in an amount of 21 booth. to add the yeast, preferably brewer's or, in the absence of the latter, ordinary dry, diluted with lukewarm water and seasoned with a little flour (1 tbsp.) Put the yeast, leave the brew in a warm place until, until the sour: it is easy to learn because lemons and raisins will rise to the top. Then strain the brew through a fine cloth, pour into bottles, cork it and put it on the cold.
Use no sooner than in 5 days. To sugar is better dissolved, it can be filled with part water (2 bottles.) and bring it to a boil, and then pour the syrup over the lemons and add rest of the boiling water.
Fifty four million fifty three thousand two hundred seventeen
Brew lemon.
Take the zest that was erased on a grater with 5 lemons and put in the tub and make 10 bottles of hot water. When cool, put the yeast in 2-3 COP. (stir them in lukewarm water – B1/2 stack.) then положить1 ½ Cup sugar, stir it well with a spatula, strain it through a sieve, to add a full spoon to remortared and juice of 5 lemons. Pour into bottles, well clogging and leave the room. When the top is in the bottle will seem foam, make a brew in the cold, in two days it will be ready. The proportion of 10 bottles.
1893. V. FILATOV, "a New Handbook ..»
Lemon kvass.
In a bucket of boiling water put 4 f. honey, 4 sliced lemon (remove seeds), 1 f. raisins and one Cup of flour krupitchatoy. When cool, like fresh milk, put two tea-Cup of good yeast, allow to ferment well (thus the whole mass will rise up and show bubbles), strain, pour into bottles, cork it, tie a rag or, better tar, put on ice, and the next day ready.
Lemon kvass.
In a bucket of water (20 booth) take 6 lemons, 3 ½ f. sugar, 1 f. raisins, 1 Cup of yeast (less than ¼ f.). Raisins, sugar, and lemons, cut into 4 pieces and without seeds, pour boiling water; when you get cold, add the yeast, leave until morning. In the morning drain, let it sit a little, pour into bottles and put on ice. After 3-4 days the kvass is ready.
Lemon kvass.
Having cut cups 4 good ripe lemon, remove the seeds from them and rejecting absolutely the tops of lemons, put them in a pot and add there 3 – 3 ½ lbs of granulated sugar. 2 hours a day it all pour 45 cups of boiling water, and stir the water with the sugar, cover with a towel and leave as long as the brew will not cool down so much that it will be warm. Hours 8 -9 in the evening diluted in ¼ glass of this kvas 7 – 9 spools yeast and pouring them into the brew, stir up; 10 -11 hours through the brew zabinitsa and lemons will rise to the top. Then, strain the kvass through a silk sieve or through a napkin, pour it in the bottle, leaving the bottle empty, bottle cork stoppers and tying them with rope or cloth, take out in the cold. After 4 -5 days the kvass will be ready. If the brew need to hurry, zakuporit brew, leave it for a few hours in the heat, and then stand in the cold, then another – the third day of kvas can be served. This brew can be added 1 – 2 pounds of cranberries, cooked in water, then the number of lemons save on 1 – 2 pieces.
1897. A TEXTBOOK of COOKING "Advice to a young mistress»
Brew lemon.
Take 5 lemons, cut into slices, remove the seeds, 1 pound raisins, 4 pounds of honey, put in a tub, fill 30 bottles of hot water; when cool, pour a Cup of yeast, bruised 3 tablespoons of wheat flour. The next day pour the brew 6 bottles of cold water, and when the lemons and raisins will rise up, then remove them with a slotted spoon, kvass strain and pour into bottles, putting in each two raisins. A good seal and keep in a cool place for 6 days. Then you can use.
1891. N. And KOLOMIITSEVA "a Required reading book ..»
Brew lemon.
The proportion of 36 bottles.
Good lemons Mature 5.
Raisins 1 pound.
Molasses sugar 4 lb.
Brewer's yeast ½ tea Cup.
Flour krupitchatoy 1 table. Spoon.
Water boiled cold 36 bottles.
In the early to prepare arcoroc and cut a square hole 1 ½ inches, or the tub with a good lid. Then, cut circles 5 lemons with the skins (grain off), put the chopped lemons in ancorar or tub, add back and molasses, pour it all in one kettle the boiling water, close tightly the hole Ancora or, if there is a tub, then cover tightly kryshkoi to leave the room for a day.
Then take a good brewer's yeast ½ tea Cup, mix with one tablespoon krupitchatoy flour, slightly diluted with cold boiled water, stir and pour into ankerok or tub, pour all 36 bottles of cold boiled water, cover and leave where he stood.
When fermentation begins, which will be noticeable on the white bubbles, and the raisins and the lemon will float to the top, the brew will be ready. It is necessary to drain in a special dish, through a sieve, and immediately pour or champanski bottles, or in jugs and selerski, sukupolvi, take three hours to make the glacier and after 5 days or a week it can be used.
NB. This brew is so good that isn't too complicated, is simple and its composition is not expensive, the taste is also very pleasant.
1892. P. f SIMONENKO "the model KITCHEN»
Brew lemon.
Put in a tub 1 fun. Raisins and 5 cut up lemons with the skin, taking away the bone, pour 10 fun. Molasses and add 30 booth. the boiling water; stir everything well and allow to cool, then add 3 evils. dry yeast, loose in 1 Cup cold water ½ Cup. sorrow.
The next day we can add another 5-10 booth. cold water. When the raisins with a lemon will float to the top, the brew is strained through a cloth, pour into bottles, well stoppered, the bottle tied with rope or wire and kept in the supine position on the cellar.
Instead of molasses can be to taste, take honey or sugar.
This way you can prepare all of the fruit or berries of excellent kvass, which is called berry or fruit.
Seventy eight million two hundred eight thousand five hundred forty four
The basis was taken the recipe Filatova and Symonenko. Of course with the changes.
LEMON KVAS (based on 6 l of water).
Take ample enamel pot ( in this case a pot with a volume of 8 litres).
Dry the pan (in the oven or on the hob, stirring frequently to prevent burning ) 1 Cup wheat flour (see photo), until the flour starts to change color or the flour color will be cream, ie slightly dry).Allow to cool flour.
Take 2-4 lemons (in this case, were used 3 lemons) is about 450-500 g. Remove lemons from the tips, slice across the rings and remove seeds.
Place the cooled flour into a bowl and, stirring with a whisk pour 1 Cup of cold water. Stir it well.
In a pot (tank or barrel, if you have one) place the prepared lemons, diluted in water and flour 6-8 tablespoons sugar (or honey) and pour the prepared boiling water stirring with a spoon or wooden phallus (available in 2 call to boil the kettle, pour boiling water, stir and when ready missing boiling water add there).
Cover the pan with a lid and allow to COOL! to a temperature of fresh milk (room summer, if you will).
After the water has cooled down, add either a starter - 50 ml (bread leaven "thick sour cream", rye or wheat..) or, if no leaven, yeast (wet) – 1 tablespoon.
Add a handful of raisins (preferably light) .
Leave for 2 days. Then the brew to filter through a sieve and pour into bottles. Cool.
If any brew, bottling, tightly sealed, the brew is tart and will "dial degrees"! IT is NECESSARY to CONSIDER THOSE DRIVING CARS, planes, boats and swimming mattresses J. And from such a brew literally get drunk children.
Adding in a ready-filtered, dispensed in bottles of kvas raisins and tightly stoppering the brew to type "bitterness" in addition to degrees.
Resealed conveniently brew in bottles with screw caps. If tubes, then the tubes must be carefully tied with wire. And, in any way, when the time comes to uncork a bottle, we should expect rapid foam out of the bottle, it is better to put a tray or bowl (especially fruit kvass cherry, raspberry, Apple...) . Opening bottles with kvass is very similar to champagne. Careful J.
Best drunk fresh and chilled brew, which was not hermetically sealed. In addition, this brew is not bitter.
Taste of lemon kvass can be made soft if you cook it after cleaning the lemons from the skin (bone to remove anyway).
RASPBERRY KVASS (based on 3-liter jar).
To cook like a lemon, instead of lemon, take 1 Cup of raspberries, ½ Cup of flour and a minimum of 3 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon of yeast (or leaven 25ml).published
Seventeen million five hundred twenty three thousand one hundred six
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: bufetum.livejournal.com/
Lemon kvas
Lemon – 6 pieces
Molasses, honey or sugar – 1, 2, or 1, 4 kg.
The boiling water – 26 booth.
Raisins white – 400 gr.
Yeast – 50 gr.
Wheat flour – 1 tablespoon.
Recipe. Taking good Mature lemons, wash and slice them into thin slices, not cutting off the peel; remove all the seeds, otherwise the brew will be bitter, put the lemons in the barrel, the best stone to add there white refined raisins, which also remove the seeds and white sugar molasses sugar or the sugar, but it is best fresh honey, pour it all in one kettle (5 booth.) the boiling water, cover and leave it until the next day in a warm place. The next day to wash it down with cooled boiled water in an amount of 21 booth. to add the yeast, preferably brewer's or, in the absence of the latter, ordinary dry, diluted with lukewarm water and seasoned with a little flour (1 tbsp.) Put the yeast, leave the brew in a warm place until, until the sour: it is easy to learn because lemons and raisins will rise to the top. Then strain the brew through a fine cloth, pour into bottles, cork it and put it on the cold.
Use no sooner than in 5 days. To sugar is better dissolved, it can be filled with part water (2 bottles.) and bring it to a boil, and then pour the syrup over the lemons and add rest of the boiling water.
Fifty four million fifty three thousand two hundred seventeen
Brew lemon.
Take the zest that was erased on a grater with 5 lemons and put in the tub and make 10 bottles of hot water. When cool, put the yeast in 2-3 COP. (stir them in lukewarm water – B1/2 stack.) then положить1 ½ Cup sugar, stir it well with a spatula, strain it through a sieve, to add a full spoon to remortared and juice of 5 lemons. Pour into bottles, well clogging and leave the room. When the top is in the bottle will seem foam, make a brew in the cold, in two days it will be ready. The proportion of 10 bottles.
1893. V. FILATOV, "a New Handbook ..»
Lemon kvass.
In a bucket of boiling water put 4 f. honey, 4 sliced lemon (remove seeds), 1 f. raisins and one Cup of flour krupitchatoy. When cool, like fresh milk, put two tea-Cup of good yeast, allow to ferment well (thus the whole mass will rise up and show bubbles), strain, pour into bottles, cork it, tie a rag or, better tar, put on ice, and the next day ready.
Lemon kvass.
In a bucket of water (20 booth) take 6 lemons, 3 ½ f. sugar, 1 f. raisins, 1 Cup of yeast (less than ¼ f.). Raisins, sugar, and lemons, cut into 4 pieces and without seeds, pour boiling water; when you get cold, add the yeast, leave until morning. In the morning drain, let it sit a little, pour into bottles and put on ice. After 3-4 days the kvass is ready.
Lemon kvass.
Having cut cups 4 good ripe lemon, remove the seeds from them and rejecting absolutely the tops of lemons, put them in a pot and add there 3 – 3 ½ lbs of granulated sugar. 2 hours a day it all pour 45 cups of boiling water, and stir the water with the sugar, cover with a towel and leave as long as the brew will not cool down so much that it will be warm. Hours 8 -9 in the evening diluted in ¼ glass of this kvas 7 – 9 spools yeast and pouring them into the brew, stir up; 10 -11 hours through the brew zabinitsa and lemons will rise to the top. Then, strain the kvass through a silk sieve or through a napkin, pour it in the bottle, leaving the bottle empty, bottle cork stoppers and tying them with rope or cloth, take out in the cold. After 4 -5 days the kvass will be ready. If the brew need to hurry, zakuporit brew, leave it for a few hours in the heat, and then stand in the cold, then another – the third day of kvas can be served. This brew can be added 1 – 2 pounds of cranberries, cooked in water, then the number of lemons save on 1 – 2 pieces.
1897. A TEXTBOOK of COOKING "Advice to a young mistress»
Brew lemon.
Take 5 lemons, cut into slices, remove the seeds, 1 pound raisins, 4 pounds of honey, put in a tub, fill 30 bottles of hot water; when cool, pour a Cup of yeast, bruised 3 tablespoons of wheat flour. The next day pour the brew 6 bottles of cold water, and when the lemons and raisins will rise up, then remove them with a slotted spoon, kvass strain and pour into bottles, putting in each two raisins. A good seal and keep in a cool place for 6 days. Then you can use.
1891. N. And KOLOMIITSEVA "a Required reading book ..»
Brew lemon.
The proportion of 36 bottles.
Good lemons Mature 5.
Raisins 1 pound.
Molasses sugar 4 lb.
Brewer's yeast ½ tea Cup.
Flour krupitchatoy 1 table. Spoon.
Water boiled cold 36 bottles.
In the early to prepare arcoroc and cut a square hole 1 ½ inches, or the tub with a good lid. Then, cut circles 5 lemons with the skins (grain off), put the chopped lemons in ancorar or tub, add back and molasses, pour it all in one kettle the boiling water, close tightly the hole Ancora or, if there is a tub, then cover tightly kryshkoi to leave the room for a day.
Then take a good brewer's yeast ½ tea Cup, mix with one tablespoon krupitchatoy flour, slightly diluted with cold boiled water, stir and pour into ankerok or tub, pour all 36 bottles of cold boiled water, cover and leave where he stood.
When fermentation begins, which will be noticeable on the white bubbles, and the raisins and the lemon will float to the top, the brew will be ready. It is necessary to drain in a special dish, through a sieve, and immediately pour or champanski bottles, or in jugs and selerski, sukupolvi, take three hours to make the glacier and after 5 days or a week it can be used.
NB. This brew is so good that isn't too complicated, is simple and its composition is not expensive, the taste is also very pleasant.
1892. P. f SIMONENKO "the model KITCHEN»
Brew lemon.
Put in a tub 1 fun. Raisins and 5 cut up lemons with the skin, taking away the bone, pour 10 fun. Molasses and add 30 booth. the boiling water; stir everything well and allow to cool, then add 3 evils. dry yeast, loose in 1 Cup cold water ½ Cup. sorrow.
The next day we can add another 5-10 booth. cold water. When the raisins with a lemon will float to the top, the brew is strained through a cloth, pour into bottles, well stoppered, the bottle tied with rope or wire and kept in the supine position on the cellar.
Instead of molasses can be to taste, take honey or sugar.
This way you can prepare all of the fruit or berries of excellent kvass, which is called berry or fruit.
Seventy eight million two hundred eight thousand five hundred forty four
The basis was taken the recipe Filatova and Symonenko. Of course with the changes.
LEMON KVAS (based on 6 l of water).
Take ample enamel pot ( in this case a pot with a volume of 8 litres).
Dry the pan (in the oven or on the hob, stirring frequently to prevent burning ) 1 Cup wheat flour (see photo), until the flour starts to change color or the flour color will be cream, ie slightly dry).Allow to cool flour.
Take 2-4 lemons (in this case, were used 3 lemons) is about 450-500 g. Remove lemons from the tips, slice across the rings and remove seeds.
Place the cooled flour into a bowl and, stirring with a whisk pour 1 Cup of cold water. Stir it well.
In a pot (tank or barrel, if you have one) place the prepared lemons, diluted in water and flour 6-8 tablespoons sugar (or honey) and pour the prepared boiling water stirring with a spoon or wooden phallus (available in 2 call to boil the kettle, pour boiling water, stir and when ready missing boiling water add there).
Cover the pan with a lid and allow to COOL! to a temperature of fresh milk (room summer, if you will).
After the water has cooled down, add either a starter - 50 ml (bread leaven "thick sour cream", rye or wheat..) or, if no leaven, yeast (wet) – 1 tablespoon.
Add a handful of raisins (preferably light) .
Leave for 2 days. Then the brew to filter through a sieve and pour into bottles. Cool.
If any brew, bottling, tightly sealed, the brew is tart and will "dial degrees"! IT is NECESSARY to CONSIDER THOSE DRIVING CARS, planes, boats and swimming mattresses J. And from such a brew literally get drunk children.
Adding in a ready-filtered, dispensed in bottles of kvas raisins and tightly stoppering the brew to type "bitterness" in addition to degrees.
Resealed conveniently brew in bottles with screw caps. If tubes, then the tubes must be carefully tied with wire. And, in any way, when the time comes to uncork a bottle, we should expect rapid foam out of the bottle, it is better to put a tray or bowl (especially fruit kvass cherry, raspberry, Apple...) . Opening bottles with kvass is very similar to champagne. Careful J.
Best drunk fresh and chilled brew, which was not hermetically sealed. In addition, this brew is not bitter.
Taste of lemon kvass can be made soft if you cook it after cleaning the lemons from the skin (bone to remove anyway).
RASPBERRY KVASS (based on 3-liter jar).
To cook like a lemon, instead of lemon, take 1 Cup of raspberries, ½ Cup of flour and a minimum of 3 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon of yeast (or leaven 25ml).published
Seventeen million five hundred twenty three thousand one hundred six
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: bufetum.livejournal.com/