What you should not do in the heat
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To escape the heat in the shade – it does not mean to do maximum for your health. According to doctors, in the heat it is not necessary to do a number of things, not to harm your health.
What not to do in the heat: 6 нюансов1. Can't drink icy drinks
Because you can easily trigger a sore throat or even bronchitis.
2. You can't drink water in one gulp
To drink water, even at room temperature, quaff in large quantities is strictly prohibited, especially in the heat. So you can trigger a heart attack, overloading the cardiovascular system with excess fluids. Should drink in small portions, a couple of SIPS, but after every 30 minutes.
3. Do not wear synthetics
Synthetic clothes can cause overheating, even if you are in the shade. This is especially true of children. Is strictly prohibited in the heat wearing synthetic hats.
4. Can't do sports
Active exercise than swimming, and in the shade, is prohibited during the hottest time of day. So training is postponed until the evening. The thing is that when the ambient temperature is above 25 degrees and the body begins to produce more sweat. While washed away the necessary minerals and salts, the lack of which is difficult to replenish. And if the sport is to connect the situation and it will be dangerous to health.
5. Do not use cosmetics too heavily
Creams and powders postponed until a cooler time of year. In the heat use cosmetics to a minimum, so as not to trigger clogged pores, because it is dangerous not only for the skin irritation, but also increases the risk of heat stroke.
6. Cannot be nervous and worry
When you're nervous, you blood pressure rises, heart rate quickens. But in the heat it is especially dangerous because it can lead to arrhythmia and failure of heart rhythm. So try heat to escape from stress.
By the way, according to some experts, the heat is also dangerous to have sex.
Source: globalscience.ru
To escape the heat in the shade – it does not mean to do maximum for your health. According to doctors, in the heat it is not necessary to do a number of things, not to harm your health.
What not to do in the heat: 6 нюансов1. Can't drink icy drinks
Because you can easily trigger a sore throat or even bronchitis.
2. You can't drink water in one gulp
To drink water, even at room temperature, quaff in large quantities is strictly prohibited, especially in the heat. So you can trigger a heart attack, overloading the cardiovascular system with excess fluids. Should drink in small portions, a couple of SIPS, but after every 30 minutes.
3. Do not wear synthetics
Synthetic clothes can cause overheating, even if you are in the shade. This is especially true of children. Is strictly prohibited in the heat wearing synthetic hats.
4. Can't do sports
Active exercise than swimming, and in the shade, is prohibited during the hottest time of day. So training is postponed until the evening. The thing is that when the ambient temperature is above 25 degrees and the body begins to produce more sweat. While washed away the necessary minerals and salts, the lack of which is difficult to replenish. And if the sport is to connect the situation and it will be dangerous to health.
5. Do not use cosmetics too heavily
Creams and powders postponed until a cooler time of year. In the heat use cosmetics to a minimum, so as not to trigger clogged pores, because it is dangerous not only for the skin irritation, but also increases the risk of heat stroke.
6. Cannot be nervous and worry
When you're nervous, you blood pressure rises, heart rate quickens. But in the heat it is especially dangerous because it can lead to arrhythmia and failure of heart rhythm. So try heat to escape from stress.
By the way, according to some experts, the heat is also dangerous to have sex.
Source: globalscience.ru
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