Heat in Moscow. Weller
I know that the story is not new, but very important, looking at the situation in Moscow.
M. Weller, "The heat in Moscow" (from the book "Samovar»)
Heat in Moscow was initially invisible. That is, of course, still as noticeable, but who is surprised by July hot day. Sweating, rap, fanning themselves with newspapers, in the hot bus caught skvoznyachok from windows, suffering in a stampede of others hot bodies, and an unpleasant sense of touch out of keeping only if pritiskivalo to young women who tried to push their roundness not so much reluctance and dignity, but simple and it's so hot.
- Well, the heat today. Promised day thirty-two.
- F-Fuh, for crying out loud!
Although mad, of course, no one went. Houses rested in his underpants, double climbing into the shower.
So the day passed, and another, and the thermometer ran into 33. There was no wind, and calcined in the air stood the city of evaporation. Clothing propotevala getting dirty and light gate before was getting from home to work. Moscow agile trot alternated slow southern perevalochkoy: otherwise have in a cool room with you continued to pour sweat shirts and blouses soak, and patterns of bras were shown for all to see frankly not worn them Circe slouch otleplyaya the thin fabric of the breast, solely for reasons of ventilation.
According to forecasts of the heat is already supposed to be saved, but by noon the next warm-up has reached 34. This has happened in a rare year. Scandalous Moskovsky Komsomolets gave a chronicle of heart attacks in public transport and on the streets and in the subway last kerf full ventilation is not working out energy saving five years. Crazed citizens clattering wagons enjoy the cool streams. [next]
Saturday issued a 35, and on the beach was not crowded. Sand burned feet: ran, pouhivaya. In the shadow huddled closely; tanning enthusiasts streamlined to litter, turning. Steam water swarmed.
Sunday trains were upressovany, if declared emergency evacuation, lobbies were taken from the battlefield. Moscow rushed out, the nature, under bushes, on their own and other people's cottages; burdock stuck under each head, and his eyes loomed notice: I want a cold beer.
Sale of beer and lemonade is really blocked records. The main pleasure beckoned sip pricking bubbles fresh swipes from the refrigerator, the company was removed from the television advertising of soft drinks: drinking and so everything flows.
With some even masochistic glee listened:
"Meteorological centers reported today in Moscow was registered an absolute record of temperature in this century in some parts of the capital thermometer showed 36, 7 ° C. In the coming days is expected to continue this unusual for our latitude the heat, after which it will begin to subside. The drop in temperature will be accompanied by heavy rains and thunderstorms. »
Breathing became difficult. Sunny side of the street died. Sailing in the haze of the soft asphalt, pedestrians unconsciously occasion set aside arms, trying to cool the slightest movement of air through the body.
July was sailing and swimming, and the sun ached with whitish sky.
And the long-awaited evening did not bring relief and coolness. Drenched with water floors, sleeping naked on top of the sheets, dissolving the windows and wet the bed in the morning hung on the balconies, which already burned hands poisonous ultraviolet.
It was not raining, but has risen to 38, and it has the smell of disaster. It is noteworthy that those whose lives are directly threatened by the heat is not, do not hurt the heart and does not prop up the pressure, perceive what is happening with some curiosity and even fun to meet: Oh yes, a fig yourself! Well, well, and so it will be a long time? Now yes.
Cores have been worse. By flying ambulance siren, and a dozen fallen in the street with heat stroke being taken away on a daily basis.
Fans table, floor, pendant and pocket, with the sector and without Rotate, simple and multi-mode become a mandatory part of everyday life; spinning, buzzing, entered the room a breeze surroundings this summer.
And obviously sick paranoia thermometer showed 39, and his friend and co-defendant barometer dead rested in the great drought.
-Nothing On Me Summer!
Climbed demand for car covers, and only white, reflecting the sun. Abandoned car in the full sun burned, sitting biting through clothing - ripped away, let obduet soon. Rich molded automobile air conditioners that countries normally hot or even necessary.
Air became the king of the market of electrical products.
They were exhibited in the window boxes companies and warm facades sprinkled with drops of passers-by, leaving untidy streaks on the pavement.
On the upper floors of the water came only at night. Recruited pots and buckets of cooking filled the tub to drain the toilet, wash out the scoop over the sink.
Due to the increased fire hazard forests have been banned from traveling in the country, the station and the highway traffic police blocked mleyuschie pickets and riot police. Flimsy yellow could smolder over the capital.
In these tropical conditions the first resorted to marquis (forgotten word voile!) McDonald. Blinds help small and closed windows of storefronts prostrated, hiding their shadow, fabric awnings. And disputes hardworking telescopic aerial platform mounted on the metal roof solar facades of Tverskaya and the entire center heyday as flags, colorful canopies made of cloth.
Oh hell, when did it end f fu Sahara;
There were ads: Laundry temporarily closed for technical reasons. Steam is temporarily unavailable due to renovation pipeline.
The unprecedented drought struck the suburbs. The drying up of sources led to the shallowing of many waters. The water level in the Moscow River has dropped to the level of the two point seven meters below the normal level.
With 40 experienced a real shortage of water plants. Mirrors treatment plants and septic tanks sank, leaving in place the water surface brown stinking mud, under the searing heat turns into a rough film lamination.
Caravans flooded multi-ton trucks with trailers water in plastic cans of Finland and Germany, these canisters with blue stickers were sold in all the shops and stalls.
A thermometer climbed, and finally the city was established headquarters for disaster management, which was headed by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. Hard hourly schedule of water supply to residential areas. Tips in the papers wearing only light, move slowly, do not go out in the sun, drink plenty of fluids, eat cold food, and a fun little family in the television show Family hour busily shared experience: ka-ak only give water husband quickly washes floors, wife smartly prostiryvaet (not zanashivat!) clothes, daughter playfully rinses (do not eat fat in the heat!) bowl for twenty minutes, then take turns jumping in the shower, seven minutes per person, wipe in the hallway another twenty minutes and twenty minutes is filled with bath for the next day: hour and everything is fine, everything is clean and fresh.
Previously, the plan and the general plan is getting up businesses and offices on the collective vacation. Anyway consider working cast. Tired. They waited for the recession, rain, cool.
And there were blue-water carter tanker. Rattling buckets. Activists of the residents collected money on the schedule: the machine was ordered by phone, the company turned around instantly, drove from Sheksna and even Svir, expensive and prestigious was the Ladoga water, but the call queue grew machines lacked.
And out on the street with a decrepit old woman forgotten in the history of the subject of the pre-war parasol. Brilliant walk and carry on a shadow! Prices jumped rush, spun advertising, container bamboo umbrellas with a list of synthetic silk dragged shuttles from China.
-Listen, Well it is already possible to die! What to do ?! Wow went to the greenhouse effect.
Well, no need to dramatize. For Tashkent normal summer temperatures.
There was not a Tashkent, and forty-three degrees lawns become dry up. Nights watering machines were sprayed sparingly only the center. Leaves rustled and folded tin dry rustle.
Stuffy upper floors under the roofs became physically and hardly. City headquarters studied the experience of the South and the measures sought: white roofs were run, solntseotrazhayuschey, paint effect! Any white paint was suddenly (another forgotten word) deficit samosilno citizens are protected from the heat.
Not fashion, but uniforms have become shorts. Fashion was, in contrast, do not wear sunglasses and hats highly recommended. Private originated from clipped fashion boys in sports convertible white pith helmets.
The first night on the graph crossed Restaurants ones that night were just closed for the day as unnecessary. From eleven to five days stopped work shops, making up for the morning and evening. And very quickly familiar, because naturally, it has become the most heat of the day to sit at home, relax, take a nap went into normal everyday life Siesta. Frozen daily life but a real boil the night, at dusk crept people on the street, showcases burned cars rushed even nice and romantic as in the rest of Greece.
At forty-five all finally realized that it does not cool well. Daily Times informed about the search for the scientists of the ozone hole and the next climate projects. Information was brisk, businesslike, but the causes of the phenomenon of the interpretation did not respond.
The home fires blazed like a tent. Firemen in helmets and canvas were falling into a swoon. Penogonov lacked water Hydrocentral was no phone calls about the inclusion of emergency could not be late. As preventive measures turn off the gas; posters implored prudent use of electrical appliances and carefully extinguish butts. During his cigarette burned on the lawn gave two years.
At forty-seven drip asphalt pavements and bitumen from the rooftops. Under air-conditioning could breathe, but to move around the city dangerous day: sandals with cork soles (different shoes old enough bad) sank, and barefoot break it burn like the stove.
Empty hospital. In the wild sauna chambers could not survive and healthy. Some were taken away relatives, others hammered morgues refrigerators.
Nights excavators dug trenches even cemeteries. Steel bucket teeth clinked beat caked in clay stone.
And the eyes ceased to be surprised at the fiery streets of corpses that have not had time to pick up the van the night. Gaza wandered into their bloated and crash of falling stomachs, skin blackened by a white light, and the body turns to a decline in dry firebrand, not even from a distance the stench.
Yet in fifty cities still lived. On the pavement of the old lanes and alleys sand charred cars slipped on the asphalt crossroads slamming deep black track and throwing from under armor burnt by bus. Still working air-conditioned power, chasing light and cool money and power. Others were buried in basements, janitorial, underground warehouses: in the depth of breathing.
Another central supermarkets open at night, calling the comparative freshness and abundance, and for the poor lanterns sold at markets. Rattling in the mist of buses and passengers with bags of bread and potatoes collected money to the driver when the path is blocked by delivered on caterpillar tracks jeep with guys in white robes and pith helmets, casually stroking machines.
During the day was dominated by two colors: dazzling white and lifeless gray. The ashes scattered weeds squares, fragile skeletons were white pigeons under the monument, and in the dry litter the exposed bottom of the Moskva River dotlevali devour their remains once the rats did not find water in the latter stream.
Longer lived by those who collect more families were able to organize, work together to take care of the cool, water and food. At night, in the courts of the men drilled wells with manual gate, trying to reach the aquifer. Digging toilets, shadow canopies built over the dugout. By turns on duty, guarding their meager wells, groups get to markets, by all means try to get a weapon.
Bailout it seemed the subway, do not remember when closed; They told that there suffocated without ventilation; that under the venting wells ruled by gangs and cut between them; spetsohrana that protects the transitions to the city government, firing without warning; they kill for a jar of water.
Thermometers for a long time for any high level of 55, and remained alive only the young and hardy. Televisions sour for a long time, unable to withstand the regime, but kept the ancient wired loudspeakers, conveying messages of underground hospitals, where to establish normal life, about the next downturn of temperature and light music at the request of the audience.
Light the fire and collapsed to the empty heavens, no one has been repaired curved rail sidings and stranded concrete runways, and the night came when no aircraft landed at the Moscow airport, and none of the train approached the platform.
The final was held on Novy Arbat, a supermarket, the new Russian support, but supply has stopped, and it stopped, and neither car did not break silence of the night.
On the last stop of the power plant stopped the phone, stopped an empty buzz loudspeaker, ragged wheeze sdohshie conditioners.
Happy city rang: it cracked and crumbled glass of dried-out skewed frames, the heat dries the disclosure of inside houses postrelivat divergent furniture, wallpaper clicked bursting with the rustling delaminated bubbles settling on the linoleum. Tiny dripping with stucco facades.
The temperature rose. Blinding desert sun beat over the white and black sarcophagi monuments of the city, on the esplanade of the collapsed Russian cinema, settled over the fritted machines, rack-wheel over the red Kremlin on Tverskaya lain lampposts, gaping stations ...
M. Weller, "The heat in Moscow" (from the book "Samovar»)
Heat in Moscow was initially invisible. That is, of course, still as noticeable, but who is surprised by July hot day. Sweating, rap, fanning themselves with newspapers, in the hot bus caught skvoznyachok from windows, suffering in a stampede of others hot bodies, and an unpleasant sense of touch out of keeping only if pritiskivalo to young women who tried to push their roundness not so much reluctance and dignity, but simple and it's so hot.
- Well, the heat today. Promised day thirty-two.
- F-Fuh, for crying out loud!
Although mad, of course, no one went. Houses rested in his underpants, double climbing into the shower.
So the day passed, and another, and the thermometer ran into 33. There was no wind, and calcined in the air stood the city of evaporation. Clothing propotevala getting dirty and light gate before was getting from home to work. Moscow agile trot alternated slow southern perevalochkoy: otherwise have in a cool room with you continued to pour sweat shirts and blouses soak, and patterns of bras were shown for all to see frankly not worn them Circe slouch otleplyaya the thin fabric of the breast, solely for reasons of ventilation.
According to forecasts of the heat is already supposed to be saved, but by noon the next warm-up has reached 34. This has happened in a rare year. Scandalous Moskovsky Komsomolets gave a chronicle of heart attacks in public transport and on the streets and in the subway last kerf full ventilation is not working out energy saving five years. Crazed citizens clattering wagons enjoy the cool streams. [next]
Saturday issued a 35, and on the beach was not crowded. Sand burned feet: ran, pouhivaya. In the shadow huddled closely; tanning enthusiasts streamlined to litter, turning. Steam water swarmed.
Sunday trains were upressovany, if declared emergency evacuation, lobbies were taken from the battlefield. Moscow rushed out, the nature, under bushes, on their own and other people's cottages; burdock stuck under each head, and his eyes loomed notice: I want a cold beer.
Sale of beer and lemonade is really blocked records. The main pleasure beckoned sip pricking bubbles fresh swipes from the refrigerator, the company was removed from the television advertising of soft drinks: drinking and so everything flows.
With some even masochistic glee listened:
"Meteorological centers reported today in Moscow was registered an absolute record of temperature in this century in some parts of the capital thermometer showed 36, 7 ° C. In the coming days is expected to continue this unusual for our latitude the heat, after which it will begin to subside. The drop in temperature will be accompanied by heavy rains and thunderstorms. »
Breathing became difficult. Sunny side of the street died. Sailing in the haze of the soft asphalt, pedestrians unconsciously occasion set aside arms, trying to cool the slightest movement of air through the body.
July was sailing and swimming, and the sun ached with whitish sky.
And the long-awaited evening did not bring relief and coolness. Drenched with water floors, sleeping naked on top of the sheets, dissolving the windows and wet the bed in the morning hung on the balconies, which already burned hands poisonous ultraviolet.
It was not raining, but has risen to 38, and it has the smell of disaster. It is noteworthy that those whose lives are directly threatened by the heat is not, do not hurt the heart and does not prop up the pressure, perceive what is happening with some curiosity and even fun to meet: Oh yes, a fig yourself! Well, well, and so it will be a long time? Now yes.
Cores have been worse. By flying ambulance siren, and a dozen fallen in the street with heat stroke being taken away on a daily basis.
Fans table, floor, pendant and pocket, with the sector and without Rotate, simple and multi-mode become a mandatory part of everyday life; spinning, buzzing, entered the room a breeze surroundings this summer.
And obviously sick paranoia thermometer showed 39, and his friend and co-defendant barometer dead rested in the great drought.
-Nothing On Me Summer!
Climbed demand for car covers, and only white, reflecting the sun. Abandoned car in the full sun burned, sitting biting through clothing - ripped away, let obduet soon. Rich molded automobile air conditioners that countries normally hot or even necessary.
Air became the king of the market of electrical products.
They were exhibited in the window boxes companies and warm facades sprinkled with drops of passers-by, leaving untidy streaks on the pavement.
On the upper floors of the water came only at night. Recruited pots and buckets of cooking filled the tub to drain the toilet, wash out the scoop over the sink.
Due to the increased fire hazard forests have been banned from traveling in the country, the station and the highway traffic police blocked mleyuschie pickets and riot police. Flimsy yellow could smolder over the capital.
In these tropical conditions the first resorted to marquis (forgotten word voile!) McDonald. Blinds help small and closed windows of storefronts prostrated, hiding their shadow, fabric awnings. And disputes hardworking telescopic aerial platform mounted on the metal roof solar facades of Tverskaya and the entire center heyday as flags, colorful canopies made of cloth.
Oh hell, when did it end f fu Sahara;
There were ads: Laundry temporarily closed for technical reasons. Steam is temporarily unavailable due to renovation pipeline.
The unprecedented drought struck the suburbs. The drying up of sources led to the shallowing of many waters. The water level in the Moscow River has dropped to the level of the two point seven meters below the normal level.
With 40 experienced a real shortage of water plants. Mirrors treatment plants and septic tanks sank, leaving in place the water surface brown stinking mud, under the searing heat turns into a rough film lamination.
Caravans flooded multi-ton trucks with trailers water in plastic cans of Finland and Germany, these canisters with blue stickers were sold in all the shops and stalls.
A thermometer climbed, and finally the city was established headquarters for disaster management, which was headed by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. Hard hourly schedule of water supply to residential areas. Tips in the papers wearing only light, move slowly, do not go out in the sun, drink plenty of fluids, eat cold food, and a fun little family in the television show Family hour busily shared experience: ka-ak only give water husband quickly washes floors, wife smartly prostiryvaet (not zanashivat!) clothes, daughter playfully rinses (do not eat fat in the heat!) bowl for twenty minutes, then take turns jumping in the shower, seven minutes per person, wipe in the hallway another twenty minutes and twenty minutes is filled with bath for the next day: hour and everything is fine, everything is clean and fresh.
Previously, the plan and the general plan is getting up businesses and offices on the collective vacation. Anyway consider working cast. Tired. They waited for the recession, rain, cool.
And there were blue-water carter tanker. Rattling buckets. Activists of the residents collected money on the schedule: the machine was ordered by phone, the company turned around instantly, drove from Sheksna and even Svir, expensive and prestigious was the Ladoga water, but the call queue grew machines lacked.
And out on the street with a decrepit old woman forgotten in the history of the subject of the pre-war parasol. Brilliant walk and carry on a shadow! Prices jumped rush, spun advertising, container bamboo umbrellas with a list of synthetic silk dragged shuttles from China.
-Listen, Well it is already possible to die! What to do ?! Wow went to the greenhouse effect.
Well, no need to dramatize. For Tashkent normal summer temperatures.
There was not a Tashkent, and forty-three degrees lawns become dry up. Nights watering machines were sprayed sparingly only the center. Leaves rustled and folded tin dry rustle.
Stuffy upper floors under the roofs became physically and hardly. City headquarters studied the experience of the South and the measures sought: white roofs were run, solntseotrazhayuschey, paint effect! Any white paint was suddenly (another forgotten word) deficit samosilno citizens are protected from the heat.
Not fashion, but uniforms have become shorts. Fashion was, in contrast, do not wear sunglasses and hats highly recommended. Private originated from clipped fashion boys in sports convertible white pith helmets.
The first night on the graph crossed Restaurants ones that night were just closed for the day as unnecessary. From eleven to five days stopped work shops, making up for the morning and evening. And very quickly familiar, because naturally, it has become the most heat of the day to sit at home, relax, take a nap went into normal everyday life Siesta. Frozen daily life but a real boil the night, at dusk crept people on the street, showcases burned cars rushed even nice and romantic as in the rest of Greece.
At forty-five all finally realized that it does not cool well. Daily Times informed about the search for the scientists of the ozone hole and the next climate projects. Information was brisk, businesslike, but the causes of the phenomenon of the interpretation did not respond.
The home fires blazed like a tent. Firemen in helmets and canvas were falling into a swoon. Penogonov lacked water Hydrocentral was no phone calls about the inclusion of emergency could not be late. As preventive measures turn off the gas; posters implored prudent use of electrical appliances and carefully extinguish butts. During his cigarette burned on the lawn gave two years.
At forty-seven drip asphalt pavements and bitumen from the rooftops. Under air-conditioning could breathe, but to move around the city dangerous day: sandals with cork soles (different shoes old enough bad) sank, and barefoot break it burn like the stove.
Empty hospital. In the wild sauna chambers could not survive and healthy. Some were taken away relatives, others hammered morgues refrigerators.
Nights excavators dug trenches even cemeteries. Steel bucket teeth clinked beat caked in clay stone.
And the eyes ceased to be surprised at the fiery streets of corpses that have not had time to pick up the van the night. Gaza wandered into their bloated and crash of falling stomachs, skin blackened by a white light, and the body turns to a decline in dry firebrand, not even from a distance the stench.
Yet in fifty cities still lived. On the pavement of the old lanes and alleys sand charred cars slipped on the asphalt crossroads slamming deep black track and throwing from under armor burnt by bus. Still working air-conditioned power, chasing light and cool money and power. Others were buried in basements, janitorial, underground warehouses: in the depth of breathing.
Another central supermarkets open at night, calling the comparative freshness and abundance, and for the poor lanterns sold at markets. Rattling in the mist of buses and passengers with bags of bread and potatoes collected money to the driver when the path is blocked by delivered on caterpillar tracks jeep with guys in white robes and pith helmets, casually stroking machines.
During the day was dominated by two colors: dazzling white and lifeless gray. The ashes scattered weeds squares, fragile skeletons were white pigeons under the monument, and in the dry litter the exposed bottom of the Moskva River dotlevali devour their remains once the rats did not find water in the latter stream.
Longer lived by those who collect more families were able to organize, work together to take care of the cool, water and food. At night, in the courts of the men drilled wells with manual gate, trying to reach the aquifer. Digging toilets, shadow canopies built over the dugout. By turns on duty, guarding their meager wells, groups get to markets, by all means try to get a weapon.
Bailout it seemed the subway, do not remember when closed; They told that there suffocated without ventilation; that under the venting wells ruled by gangs and cut between them; spetsohrana that protects the transitions to the city government, firing without warning; they kill for a jar of water.
Thermometers for a long time for any high level of 55, and remained alive only the young and hardy. Televisions sour for a long time, unable to withstand the regime, but kept the ancient wired loudspeakers, conveying messages of underground hospitals, where to establish normal life, about the next downturn of temperature and light music at the request of the audience.
Light the fire and collapsed to the empty heavens, no one has been repaired curved rail sidings and stranded concrete runways, and the night came when no aircraft landed at the Moscow airport, and none of the train approached the platform.
The final was held on Novy Arbat, a supermarket, the new Russian support, but supply has stopped, and it stopped, and neither car did not break silence of the night.
On the last stop of the power plant stopped the phone, stopped an empty buzz loudspeaker, ragged wheeze sdohshie conditioners.
Happy city rang: it cracked and crumbled glass of dried-out skewed frames, the heat dries the disclosure of inside houses postrelivat divergent furniture, wallpaper clicked bursting with the rustling delaminated bubbles settling on the linoleum. Tiny dripping with stucco facades.
The temperature rose. Blinding desert sun beat over the white and black sarcophagi monuments of the city, on the esplanade of the collapsed Russian cinema, settled over the fritted machines, rack-wheel over the red Kremlin on Tverskaya lain lampposts, gaping stations ...
