How heat affects the human

People say that a fever bones ache, but it turns out that hot weather can become a situation close to the extreme. Heat affects all the processes of the body, and it is important to know how this effect is minimized. Temperature records
The heat effect on the person people always interested. During the experiments it was established that man is able in one hour to temperatures of 71°C. for 49 minutes to withstand temperatures of 82°C, 33 minutes the temperature of 93°C and is only 26 minutes — temperature of 104°C. the purity of the experiment the measurements were performed in dry air.
The maximum temperature at which people can smoothly breathe — 116°C.
However, in the history there were cases when people have survived higher temperatures. So, in 1764, the French physician Tillett provided the Paris Academy of Sciences the data about a single woman who was in the furnace with a temperature of 132°C for 12 minutes.
In 1828 it was documented in a 14-minute men stay in a furnace with a temperature of 170°C, and in 1958 in Belgium man was in a heat chamber with a temperature of 200°C.
Wadded clothes people can withstand the increase in temperature up to 270°C, without clothes — 210°C.
In the aquatic environment the human resistance to high temperature experiments below. In Turkey, a man headfirst into a cauldron of water heated to 70°C.
The heat and the heart Doctors say that the most serious impact during extreme heat subjected to the cardiovascular system. At elevated temperature the heart begins to work harder, pulse quickens, blood vessels dilate, often falling blood pressure.
In the heat the body loses lots of fluids, and mineral salts. The potassium and magnesium, deficiency of which in the heat felt particularly acutely needed for the heart and maintaining cardiac rhythm.
Another consequence of dehydration is the blood clots. In tandem with low blood pressure, this increases the risks of blood clots.
Sweat in the three streams , the First reaction of the body to the heat — active sweating. This is a way of thermoregulation. In this respect we were lucky — the animals have sweat glands are underdeveloped and the regulators they occur mainly through the mouth.
The intensity of cooling the body in the heat depends on the amount and rate of evaporation of sweat from the body surface.
In addition, through the sebaceous glands also highlighted in fatty substances, which also contributes to more efficient sweating.
Dehydration, water shortage is not the main problem. Importantly, together with then the body loses salt and minerals. Their deficiency directly affects the cardiovascular system and on the functionality of the brain.
Dehydration in the heat depends on the level of human activity. During intense work or sports loss can be 5-6 liters. When walking in the sun sweating is increased twice, during the run — in 4-6 times.
Seriously affects the health of not only increased temperature but also humidity. Temperature of 40°C and relative humidity of 30% is perceived by the body as well as temperature of 30°C and humidity 80%.
The heat and the level of aggression the Heat not only affects the human physiology and psyche. And has a negative effect. Doctor of psychology David Myers studied crime rates in six States and found the following trend: the increase in temperature of only two degrees will seriously increase the aggression in society.
According to Myers, each year, cases of aggressive behavior of citizens will be 50,000 more.
The most critical and provoking aggression temperature, according to Myers, 27-30 degrees. If the temperature is less than 27°C, then the person successfully cope; if the temperature is above 30°C and approaching 40°C, it is not up to aggression. The body in this heat spends a lot of energy to maintain homeostasis (constant internal environment) and the person turns on "power saving mode".
What to do? How to protect yourself from the heat and keep not only health but also the health? The most important thing is to avoid long exposure to the sun. If you have the opportunity to hide in the shadows, take cover.
In the heat you need to wear the right clothes. Ideal to it was loose-fitting and covered the entire body (think of the robes of the Bedouins).
Shorts and a shirt is all well and good, but for a long stay in the sun, this bow is not suitable. Large exposed areas of the body can cause not only heat, but also heat stroke, you can also get a sunburn.
Especially in the heat you need to protect your head. Panama hats and caps are bright colors to be just right. Is the same — a turban or scarves like a Bedouin.
Of course, you need to drink a lot. And not necessarily the water. Good save from dehydration unsweetened juices, broth hips, Linden or thyme, lemon water, fruit drinks. Since then go out of salt, it's good to quench your thirst in the heat of carbonated mineral water and isotonically that will restore water-salt balance. Alcohol should be avoided. It will only increase dehydration.
During the heat it is also recommended to avoid Smoking as it impairs cardiovascular work, prevents the oxygen supply to the blood and thicken it.
Can help point cryotherapy — applying cold to the lymph nodes, the wrists and behind the ears.
In a month you need to avoid heavy meals, not eat fried, fatty meat, salty foods (salt retains water in the body and worsens heat transfer). Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, little and often, 5-6 times a day. Cores doctors strongly recommend to carry drugs, such as "Korvalol", "Validol", and "Nitroglycerine."published
Author: Alex rudewicz P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: russian7.ru/2015/05/kak-zhara-vliyaet-na-cheloveka/
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