Spice — alternative to chemical vitamins
All people know that useful — all-natural, and artificial food can be only delicious, but is quite useful. Spices are one of the few food that is not subjected to refining, which leads to the destruction of vitamins and minerals.
Magnesium deficiency in humans is manifested inner, unexplained anxiety, fatigue, irritability, worries, tingling in fingers and feet, may disrupt heart rhythm, night cramps in the calf muscles, migraines, hair loss.
The highest amount of magnesium is found in fennel, cumin, mustard seeds and the coriander. Magnesium deficiency occurs when potassium deficiency, when cold hands and feet, worsening memory, to heal cuts, skin itching, progressing tooth decay and a lack of confidence in yourself. Potassium is Chile.
Calcium deficiency is accompanied not only by diseases of the teeth and bones, it is necessary for the regulation of the nervous system and muscles. Calcium is the cumin, cinnamon, coriander and cloves.
Iron deficiency is accompanied by pallor and weakness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath. Source of iron - Shambhala, saffron, cumin, cinnamon and turmeric.
Rare consumption of seafood rich in essential for normal functioning of the body with iodine leads to thyroid disease. The use of turmeric is a reliable prevention of these diseases.
Lack of vitamin C reduces efficiency, leads to bleeding, tooth loss. Cloves, ginger, and Chile — source of vitamin C. its Content in 5 times more than in Limone.
The lack of vitamin B1 leads to violations of nervous function, depression, disease beriberi. Vitamin B1 is needed for proper metabolism of carbohydrates. Its a lot of mustard beans, fennel.
Vitamin a deficiency is manifested by dry eyes, decrease in visual acuity. This vitamin is important for normal growth physical development. It is found in cloves and cinnamon.
A deficiency of vitamin B2 causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and eyes. Broken processes of hematopoiesis. Vitamin B2 a lot of fennel, saffron and chili.
You must pay attention to dosage and contraindications of spices! Any product has positive and negative properties.
Proper use of spices reduces the effects of negative and positive reinforces.
Gas-forming foods. Spices in one way or another reduce flatulence.
Potatoes best combination of coriander, turmeric and asafetida.
Bean — cumin, asafoetida, ginger, pepper and coriander.
Cabbage — coriander, fennel and cumin.
Fatty food requires saffron, ginger, fenugreek, mustard or turmeric.
To the caffeinated products better to add cardamom.
Slime products. In hot milk add cinnamon, cardamom, saffron.
Dairy products: coriander, fennel, cinnamon, ginger, cumin.
Ice cream: cinnamon, cloves, cardamom.
Store spices should be in a dark place, tightly closed. After a year of storing spices lose most curative and taste properties.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ecology.md
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