Modern pool cleaning— not a drop of chlorine

Natural swimming pool in Switzerland
The swimming season is in full swing, and surely everyone would like to get out of the house and dive into the cool pool. However, the recognized problem is the use of chlorine in swimming pools. The Swiss decided to refute the prevailing condition of things, and built Naturbad Riehen, natural chlorine-free pool. Designed by Swiss architectural office Herzog & de Meuron, a public pool opened in June.

Natural swimming pool in Switzerland
In the pool there is nothing superfluous, only be used systems for water purification. This creates a feeling of swimming in the beautiful fresh pond and a pool.

Natural swimming pool in Switzerland
Construction began Naturbad Riehen in 2013 with the full support of Riehen's residents, who have long wanted a new public pool in the water which would not contain chemicals. Studio Herzog & de Meuron originally came up with the design of similar natural pool in 1979, but the idea was postponed for more than three decades before the municipality did not support the idea.

Natural swimming pool in Switzerland
Feature of Naturbad Riehen is that it does not use any chemicals, the water is purified using plants and special filtration system. Such simple and environmentally friendly method provides clean water for 2,000 bathers each day.

Natural swimming pool in Switzerland
In the water treatment process, the first filter filters out grease, skin particles and hair. Then the water is sent to the regeneration zone, where plants such as water lilies and irises work with aquatic sediment and absorb bacteria and other compounds. Finally, clean water is pumped back into the area for swimming.

Natural swimming pool in Switzerland
Naturbad Riehen is not just a pool, is a recreation complex on the water, where you can find swimming pool, diving area and a relaxation area, children's pool, grassy lawn for sunbathing and picnics, as well as auxiliary facilities, locker rooms and bathrooms. Lots of plants around the pool creates an indescribable feeling of swimming in this pond.
Source: www.ecobyt.ru/
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