The largest swimming pool in the Soviet Union and one of the biggest pools in the world
It was the largest pool in the Soviet Union and one of the biggest pools in the world at that time. He implemented a new concept of leisure on the water, in the pool when the track was only a small segment, and all the rest of the space was available for navigation up and down. Construction of the pool on the site of the demolished in the 30 years of Christ the Savior Cathedral began in 1958, and in 1960 took his first pool of visitors. New sports facilities quickly became the favorite place for Muscovites, where they can relax and play sports. The pool is open all year round, even in winter you could see it bathers.
Start of construction of the Palace of Soviets. Photos of the 1930s ...
The palace was never built ...
It's time for a fascinating story. All of you probably know that there is a sea of Moscow. It is located at a depth of 1000 - 1400 m). So, when they built the famous swimming pool in Moscow it had the idea to fill the pool of sea water, but for some reason it did not happen.
Previous drilling of wells to the sea Moscow has. The wells for the extraction of ancient seawater drilled workers trust Promburvod Ministry erection and special construction works of the USSR. One of the well - to the Moscow meat-packing plant, in the street Talalikhina. On the street there is another Talalikhina well - at the balneological hospital. Drill a well and a number of suburban resorts - "Dorokhovo", "Monino", "Arkhangelsk" and others. In wartime, these waters extracted from the salt when the path to the primordial salt producing area has been cut off by the enemy.
Eyewitness: "Hearing about this, the director of Moscow I.S.Stopani pool at your own risk, began drilling in the place where now stands a monument to the king. Mortising machines have been 70 meters. And no matter how you walk on by, because the fence is solid drilling mat. Interested in - what is it? Drillers say the cap cutter is constantly clogged with something and not give work, we have to lift the instrument to the surface. He took this "something" in his hands, it was a piece of metal of irregular shape with the characteristic luster to the saw cut. Rather, it was an alloy of lead and tin poured into a well during the works for the construction of the temple in 1839. Wow foundation, elements of which went to 70 meters.
But back to the drilling operations of modern times. Then came the day when Mortising machine had to be replaced on the drilling to go through more about 1650 meters. For the work done drillers put Moscow Sports Committee bill, almost equal to its annual budget no. And it stuck in the proceedings. The upshot was that the well drowned in accordance with the provisions of the rules. »
The first time after its opening in Moscow was rumored that there is often drowning people. Especially in winter. Allegedly operated some sect "topiteley" mstivshego for the construction of a church on the spot "giant puddle." How is untrue is not known. Most likely, another urban legend.
Pool Moscow had a circular shape, divided into several sectors, with offices locker male and female. There was also the sports sector with a separate entrance and no access from the general sectors. In the sports sector, there was a tower with different levels of altitude diving, sauna and steam room.
To swim in the pool Moscow did not need a doctor's note. Tickets are sold at the ticket office near the exit of the metro Kropotkinskaya. The pool were given for rent swimwear, slippers, caps, fins, mask and snorkel for diving. For the disinfection of water used various disinfectants. Medical staff pool Moscow strictly followed the sanitary condition of the water, swim out and shower compartments.
For all 33 years of the Pool "Moscow" sanepidemstantsii never make claims to water quality. Water basin not only passed through sand filters, but also chlorinated. The pool is constantly working its own laboratory, water extraction was carried out on a sample every three hours (and weekly samples picked sanepidemstaniya).
In the first ten years in the cycle of water treatment included antibacterial installation irradiating the water with ultraviolet light (mercury-quartz lamp PRK-7, 1, 0 kW). Studies have shown that the water treatment cycle can be carried out without them, the water quality is not affected.
Eyewitness: "I worked part time in the pool" chasovikom "(to keep order on the water) .Each day, we took a diversion of water for analysis. The water has chlorine and copper sulfate. I sailed 5 years and infection is not caught when the water begins to bloom, then lowered water and clean the bottom. In the bath more chances to catch the infection. By the way a lot of the children we were taught to swim there. They came from DSSH coaches and selected the most promising. »
Student joke - Archimedes pool "Moscow": a body immersed in water Basso "Moscow", pushes out another body of water.
Memories of Eyewitness: "I remember that it is not always time to clean, and once had to swim with algae (green so that was the bottom and sides of the pool are covered). Along the pool there were benches, and many people since April could not only buy, but also to enjoy the sun, sitting on these benches. Still remember that in recent years the work of the basin there is something like "disco" was arranged, were either night, or just the evening sessions, with loud music and colorful lighting.
1968. Please note that most of the area of the pool "Moscow" in those years, was closed for swimming (pictured left). This was due to the fact that at a depth of 2 to 40 meters very badly looked through the bottom. Especially in the winter, and when the water was so strong pair, but then there's the bottom overgrown with green algae. Visibility was poor, and see the man sank to the bottom, it was difficult. In a few years - the depth of flooded concrete bowl is lifted to the level of 1, 85 m, and the entire area of the pool will be available again for swimming.
The pool was open all year round, even in winter. The water temperature was maintained by artificial heating ... Memories dedushkin1: "In the winter, I remember, it was terrible to look at the land" crazy ", splashing in the 20-degree frost in clouds of steam. But he did not go in the winter time. The water was warm, it was quite cold. Just had to dive often, and that the hair began to be covered with ice. & Quot;
Pool had such a huge area of water surface evaporation, which was the cause of the corrosion of the neighboring buildings. It is particularly true in winter, when above all the construction of the wall was a constant steam. Swimming pool located in front of the Pushkin Museum, the latter complained that such a neighborhood spoils are there exhibits.
This baby bath ("pleskatelnitsa") on the edge of the fourth (male) pavilion pool Moscow. The temperature is kept 32-34 degrees.
Central swimming pool "Moscow" ceased operations four years before its demolition. In 1991, prices for hot, cold water and electricity have soared enormously, the cost of the service became unprofitable. Over 3 years bowl pool was without water, leading to deformation of the expansion joints. The pipeline network is heavily corroded.
After removing the concrete pad pool builders discovered huge pits (clogged debris and drenched ground water, the remaining towers of the Palace of the Soviets.
Eyewitness: "When cleaned concrete base of the Palace of the Soviets, then drove a small brown machine for subsoil studies. And when taken out drilling tool from the hole hit a water fountain to a height of 10-15 cm. Code in the day I came to the construction site, the hole was plugged with wooden stopper. And so in several places. More so the start of construction we forecast a strong foundation backwater groundwater underflow is not only a drain pipe driven into the creek Chertory (namely underflow, that is not included in the collector). But registered one more direction - from the Museum of Fine Arts on Volkhonka. / --- / I previously thought to pass the concrete will be very difficult, because it is designed to cement the brand was "DS". But drilling tool wall with ease flashed array base. At expressed my surprise, chief engineer of the construction site said that the concrete can be good, but the quality of the sand was far from perfect ... »
Source: zyalt.livejournal.com

Start of construction of the Palace of Soviets. Photos of the 1930s ...

The palace was never built ...

It's time for a fascinating story. All of you probably know that there is a sea of Moscow. It is located at a depth of 1000 - 1400 m). So, when they built the famous swimming pool in Moscow it had the idea to fill the pool of sea water, but for some reason it did not happen.

Previous drilling of wells to the sea Moscow has. The wells for the extraction of ancient seawater drilled workers trust Promburvod Ministry erection and special construction works of the USSR. One of the well - to the Moscow meat-packing plant, in the street Talalikhina. On the street there is another Talalikhina well - at the balneological hospital. Drill a well and a number of suburban resorts - "Dorokhovo", "Monino", "Arkhangelsk" and others. In wartime, these waters extracted from the salt when the path to the primordial salt producing area has been cut off by the enemy.

Eyewitness: "Hearing about this, the director of Moscow I.S.Stopani pool at your own risk, began drilling in the place where now stands a monument to the king. Mortising machines have been 70 meters. And no matter how you walk on by, because the fence is solid drilling mat. Interested in - what is it? Drillers say the cap cutter is constantly clogged with something and not give work, we have to lift the instrument to the surface. He took this "something" in his hands, it was a piece of metal of irregular shape with the characteristic luster to the saw cut. Rather, it was an alloy of lead and tin poured into a well during the works for the construction of the temple in 1839. Wow foundation, elements of which went to 70 meters.

But back to the drilling operations of modern times. Then came the day when Mortising machine had to be replaced on the drilling to go through more about 1650 meters. For the work done drillers put Moscow Sports Committee bill, almost equal to its annual budget no. And it stuck in the proceedings. The upshot was that the well drowned in accordance with the provisions of the rules. »

The first time after its opening in Moscow was rumored that there is often drowning people. Especially in winter. Allegedly operated some sect "topiteley" mstivshego for the construction of a church on the spot "giant puddle." How is untrue is not known. Most likely, another urban legend.

Pool Moscow had a circular shape, divided into several sectors, with offices locker male and female. There was also the sports sector with a separate entrance and no access from the general sectors. In the sports sector, there was a tower with different levels of altitude diving, sauna and steam room.

To swim in the pool Moscow did not need a doctor's note. Tickets are sold at the ticket office near the exit of the metro Kropotkinskaya. The pool were given for rent swimwear, slippers, caps, fins, mask and snorkel for diving. For the disinfection of water used various disinfectants. Medical staff pool Moscow strictly followed the sanitary condition of the water, swim out and shower compartments.

For all 33 years of the Pool "Moscow" sanepidemstantsii never make claims to water quality. Water basin not only passed through sand filters, but also chlorinated. The pool is constantly working its own laboratory, water extraction was carried out on a sample every three hours (and weekly samples picked sanepidemstaniya).

In the first ten years in the cycle of water treatment included antibacterial installation irradiating the water with ultraviolet light (mercury-quartz lamp PRK-7, 1, 0 kW). Studies have shown that the water treatment cycle can be carried out without them, the water quality is not affected.

Eyewitness: "I worked part time in the pool" chasovikom "(to keep order on the water) .Each day, we took a diversion of water for analysis. The water has chlorine and copper sulfate. I sailed 5 years and infection is not caught when the water begins to bloom, then lowered water and clean the bottom. In the bath more chances to catch the infection. By the way a lot of the children we were taught to swim there. They came from DSSH coaches and selected the most promising. »

Student joke - Archimedes pool "Moscow": a body immersed in water Basso "Moscow", pushes out another body of water.

Memories of Eyewitness: "I remember that it is not always time to clean, and once had to swim with algae (green so that was the bottom and sides of the pool are covered). Along the pool there were benches, and many people since April could not only buy, but also to enjoy the sun, sitting on these benches. Still remember that in recent years the work of the basin there is something like "disco" was arranged, were either night, or just the evening sessions, with loud music and colorful lighting.

1968. Please note that most of the area of the pool "Moscow" in those years, was closed for swimming (pictured left). This was due to the fact that at a depth of 2 to 40 meters very badly looked through the bottom. Especially in the winter, and when the water was so strong pair, but then there's the bottom overgrown with green algae. Visibility was poor, and see the man sank to the bottom, it was difficult. In a few years - the depth of flooded concrete bowl is lifted to the level of 1, 85 m, and the entire area of the pool will be available again for swimming.

The pool was open all year round, even in winter. The water temperature was maintained by artificial heating ... Memories dedushkin1: "In the winter, I remember, it was terrible to look at the land" crazy ", splashing in the 20-degree frost in clouds of steam. But he did not go in the winter time. The water was warm, it was quite cold. Just had to dive often, and that the hair began to be covered with ice. & Quot;

Pool had such a huge area of water surface evaporation, which was the cause of the corrosion of the neighboring buildings. It is particularly true in winter, when above all the construction of the wall was a constant steam. Swimming pool located in front of the Pushkin Museum, the latter complained that such a neighborhood spoils are there exhibits.

This baby bath ("pleskatelnitsa") on the edge of the fourth (male) pavilion pool Moscow. The temperature is kept 32-34 degrees.

Central swimming pool "Moscow" ceased operations four years before its demolition. In 1991, prices for hot, cold water and electricity have soared enormously, the cost of the service became unprofitable. Over 3 years bowl pool was without water, leading to deformation of the expansion joints. The pipeline network is heavily corroded.

After removing the concrete pad pool builders discovered huge pits (clogged debris and drenched ground water, the remaining towers of the Palace of the Soviets.

Eyewitness: "When cleaned concrete base of the Palace of the Soviets, then drove a small brown machine for subsoil studies. And when taken out drilling tool from the hole hit a water fountain to a height of 10-15 cm. Code in the day I came to the construction site, the hole was plugged with wooden stopper. And so in several places. More so the start of construction we forecast a strong foundation backwater groundwater underflow is not only a drain pipe driven into the creek Chertory (namely underflow, that is not included in the collector). But registered one more direction - from the Museum of Fine Arts on Volkhonka. / --- / I previously thought to pass the concrete will be very difficult, because it is designed to cement the brand was "DS". But drilling tool wall with ease flashed array base. At expressed my surprise, chief engineer of the construction site said that the concrete can be good, but the quality of the sand was far from perfect ... »

Source: zyalt.livejournal.com
A selection of photographs from the archives of the criminal chronicle of one New York newspaper
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