The Japanese have created a high-speed bipedal robot
Scientists at the University of Tokyo have designed a small two-legged robot able to ignore the algorithm that use machines according to the type of Honda ASIMO. Instead Achires relies on high speed cameras and actuators. In the past, the same research team have developed a robot that can defeat a human in the game "rock-scissors-paper".
Much harder to program robots, which have not four legs but two. Until recently, the basis of many approaches lay technology Zero Moment Point ("point of zero moment"), which limits the speed of movement of vehicles. A new robot that does not use the ZMP algorithm, moves faster than any other biped robot, writes PhysOrg.
To date, the manner of moving Achires allows it to reach speeds up to 4.2 km/h, despite the relatively short legs with a length of only 14 cm. the Researchers say that if you create a robot life-size human, then his speed will increase to 20 km/h. At this new robot will consume more energy. The current version is able to run for about ten seconds. Researchers say that working on increasing this time.
Achires makes six steps per second. During the movement of the robot body tilted slightly forward. Balance controls a computer that receives data from the high speed camera (600fps) watching every movement of the robot. High-speed response of the actuators smooths out your gait and allows you to use less energy. Achires still able to do flips. The researchers are confident that his abilities will be put to good use.
The goal of engineers from the laboratory of Ishikawa Prefecture to make the robots move faster than a human. The use of high-speed machines in production and construction will reduce labor costs and achieve higher results. The idea is to find new ways to control robots, sometimes using unconventional methods suitable for the tasks with which we have to face in the future.
Source: hi-news.ru