Products from your kitchen, an overdose of which is harmful to health
Sixty five million eight hundred fifty two thousand one hundred sixteen
The human body is an incredibly sophisticated mechanism, which largely depends on the quality and properties of fuel that we supplied, that is, foods consumed by us as food. Even the most seemingly harmless fruits and vegetables can cause serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs if you eat them without any action, and this vital element, water, can easily become a deadly poison.
To avoid this, it is necessary to study the beneficial and harmful properties of foods and try to diversify the diet, not getting stuck on, for example, salads with carrots or exotic cuisine like sushi and sashimi. Here are a few foods that in large amounts can cause development of certain diseases and even cause death.1. Moskovichenko all know that carrot is one of the most beneficial roots, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are good for health, but this does not mean that you can freely consume it in large quantities. Beta-carotene which carrots are rich, are useful for the immune system, but also, it can cause discoloration and yellowing of the skin.The fact that the molecules of beta-carotene are readily soluble in fat and accumulate in the upper layers of the skin, which gives it a yellowish tint, usually more pronounced this is manifested on the palms, soles of the feet, the knees and the skin of the nose.
This phenomenon, known as carotenemia, is not harmful to health and to the exclusion of products with a high content of carotene from the diet after some time passes. Carotenemia most often seen in children but can occur in adults, if you regularly consume more than the recommended five milligrams of carotene per day.
By the way, a large amount of carotene in the diet can not only give a person the "carrot" color, but also increase the risk of developing cancer in smokers and people working with harmful and toxic substances, while the rest of this effect of enhanced consumption of carotene is not observed, and the causes of this phenomenon are still unknown.
2. Tribunepretty fact for sushi lovers with tuna — fish (like any other) can accumulate a huge amount of methylmercury, which in some cases leads to severe poisoning and damage to the nervous system.
Tuna is on top of the food chain, it eats small fish that feeds on algae, and they absorb the methylmercury and heavy metals in small amounts present in sea water. Methylmercury accumulates in the muscle tissue and internal organs of the fish and very slowly excreted from her body.
According to research, the results of which are published in one of the rooms of the journal "Biology Letters" in 2010 year, the fish in sushi restaurants and sushi bars usually have a higher content of methylmercury than sold in supermarkets. These institutions often buy the big Tunas that are able to accumulate more harmful substances in the body than smaller, younger individuals.
Recently, the American experts have conducted an extensive survey of fish from 291 th reservoir of the country on the subject of mercury, and found that approximately 25% of fish mercury in the tissues of the body above the safe level, so the study does not suggest there are too many sushi and other seafood, first and foremost, it concerns pregnant women and children. A safe rate of fish consumption for an adult is considered to be about 200 grams a week.
3. Grobanites infusion tea-based Kombucha, which in the US is called Kombucha, is believed to have healing properties and boosts immunity. Kombucha is a symbiosis of yeasts and some bacteria, depending on the specific conditions in which the fungus grows, its composition may be different.
Mushroom is produced from the nutrient solution (most often it is sweet tea): if you pour the tea into a container and then leave for a few days, its surface is formed a layered mucous membrane, which gradually becomes thicker. Kombucha is finally formed after 5-6 weeks, while every few days, flush it and change the nutrient solution.
Many attribute the infusion Kombucha is downright miraculous properties, however, in some cases it may contain mold or pathogenic fungus. Registered several cases of poisoning by infusion of Kombucha, in addition, the acetic acid present in the infusion, can provoke metabolic acidosis (shift of acid-alkaline balance of the body), destruction of red blood cells, and sometimes even the liver and kidneys.
The drink is based on the fungus is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity, as well as the individual allergic reactions.
Scientists say that a healthy adult can drink about 100 ml of the drink a day without risk of side effects, a larger number are capable of inflicting injury.
4. Cofinoga people can finally Wake up without a Cup of strong coffee, while others drink it in large quantities at every meal. Doctors do not recommend drinking more than two or three cups of this wonderful drink per day, which corresponds to the 500-600 mg of caffeine. If your range of caffeine consumption from 600 to 900 mg, be prepared for such side effects as insomnia, anxiety, tachycardia, muscle spasms, nausea and headache.
The case when the caffeine even cause death: 21-year-old Swede drank incredible amounts of coffee, which is in her body is hit about 10,000 mg of caffeine, which triggered a cardiac arrest. The doctors managed to bring her back to life through defibrillation, but as it turned out, briefly — three days later, the woman died.
5. The vodavod of course necessary for human life, but do not think that it is possible to drink as much as you want without harm to health — there is such a thing as water intoxication (water poisoning) or gipergidroza.
Water poisoning occurs when the balance of electrolytes in the body caused by decreased concentration of sodium in the blood, and are more at risk of other athletes, drinking plenty of fluids during training.
To reduce the risk of water intoxication, experts recommend to weigh yourself before and after sport, to make it easier to control the amount consumed and egested, together with then liquids.
Sometimes gipergidroza even becomes the cause of death — as in 2007-m to year in California, when a woman drank a lot in order to win the competition, organized by a radio station.
6. Aragacity walnut nutmeg — a common ingredient in confectionery products, various dishes and drinks, but in some countries it is used as an inexpensive hallucinogenic drug.
Consumption of nutmeg in large quantities in a few hours can be anxiety-provoking, unconscious feeling of fear and hopelessness, and sometimes visual hallucinations, psychosis and other distortions of perception of reality.
As a rule, of poisoning by nutmeg are not fatal, but some precedents are still there. For example, in 1908, a year after entering the body of 14 grams of nutmeg died 8-the summer child, and in 2001, he killed 55-year-old woman who later said doctors had died because of a combination of action of two substances: myristicin contained in the essential oil of nutmeg, and a sedative drug flunitrazepam.
Source: /users/1077
The human body is an incredibly sophisticated mechanism, which largely depends on the quality and properties of fuel that we supplied, that is, foods consumed by us as food. Even the most seemingly harmless fruits and vegetables can cause serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs if you eat them without any action, and this vital element, water, can easily become a deadly poison.
To avoid this, it is necessary to study the beneficial and harmful properties of foods and try to diversify the diet, not getting stuck on, for example, salads with carrots or exotic cuisine like sushi and sashimi. Here are a few foods that in large amounts can cause development of certain diseases and even cause death.1. Moskovichenko all know that carrot is one of the most beneficial roots, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are good for health, but this does not mean that you can freely consume it in large quantities. Beta-carotene which carrots are rich, are useful for the immune system, but also, it can cause discoloration and yellowing of the skin.The fact that the molecules of beta-carotene are readily soluble in fat and accumulate in the upper layers of the skin, which gives it a yellowish tint, usually more pronounced this is manifested on the palms, soles of the feet, the knees and the skin of the nose.
This phenomenon, known as carotenemia, is not harmful to health and to the exclusion of products with a high content of carotene from the diet after some time passes. Carotenemia most often seen in children but can occur in adults, if you regularly consume more than the recommended five milligrams of carotene per day.
By the way, a large amount of carotene in the diet can not only give a person the "carrot" color, but also increase the risk of developing cancer in smokers and people working with harmful and toxic substances, while the rest of this effect of enhanced consumption of carotene is not observed, and the causes of this phenomenon are still unknown.
2. Tribunepretty fact for sushi lovers with tuna — fish (like any other) can accumulate a huge amount of methylmercury, which in some cases leads to severe poisoning and damage to the nervous system.
Tuna is on top of the food chain, it eats small fish that feeds on algae, and they absorb the methylmercury and heavy metals in small amounts present in sea water. Methylmercury accumulates in the muscle tissue and internal organs of the fish and very slowly excreted from her body.
According to research, the results of which are published in one of the rooms of the journal "Biology Letters" in 2010 year, the fish in sushi restaurants and sushi bars usually have a higher content of methylmercury than sold in supermarkets. These institutions often buy the big Tunas that are able to accumulate more harmful substances in the body than smaller, younger individuals.
Recently, the American experts have conducted an extensive survey of fish from 291 th reservoir of the country on the subject of mercury, and found that approximately 25% of fish mercury in the tissues of the body above the safe level, so the study does not suggest there are too many sushi and other seafood, first and foremost, it concerns pregnant women and children. A safe rate of fish consumption for an adult is considered to be about 200 grams a week.
3. Grobanites infusion tea-based Kombucha, which in the US is called Kombucha, is believed to have healing properties and boosts immunity. Kombucha is a symbiosis of yeasts and some bacteria, depending on the specific conditions in which the fungus grows, its composition may be different.
Mushroom is produced from the nutrient solution (most often it is sweet tea): if you pour the tea into a container and then leave for a few days, its surface is formed a layered mucous membrane, which gradually becomes thicker. Kombucha is finally formed after 5-6 weeks, while every few days, flush it and change the nutrient solution.
Many attribute the infusion Kombucha is downright miraculous properties, however, in some cases it may contain mold or pathogenic fungus. Registered several cases of poisoning by infusion of Kombucha, in addition, the acetic acid present in the infusion, can provoke metabolic acidosis (shift of acid-alkaline balance of the body), destruction of red blood cells, and sometimes even the liver and kidneys.
The drink is based on the fungus is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity, as well as the individual allergic reactions.
Scientists say that a healthy adult can drink about 100 ml of the drink a day without risk of side effects, a larger number are capable of inflicting injury.
4. Cofinoga people can finally Wake up without a Cup of strong coffee, while others drink it in large quantities at every meal. Doctors do not recommend drinking more than two or three cups of this wonderful drink per day, which corresponds to the 500-600 mg of caffeine. If your range of caffeine consumption from 600 to 900 mg, be prepared for such side effects as insomnia, anxiety, tachycardia, muscle spasms, nausea and headache.
The case when the caffeine even cause death: 21-year-old Swede drank incredible amounts of coffee, which is in her body is hit about 10,000 mg of caffeine, which triggered a cardiac arrest. The doctors managed to bring her back to life through defibrillation, but as it turned out, briefly — three days later, the woman died.
5. The vodavod of course necessary for human life, but do not think that it is possible to drink as much as you want without harm to health — there is such a thing as water intoxication (water poisoning) or gipergidroza.
Water poisoning occurs when the balance of electrolytes in the body caused by decreased concentration of sodium in the blood, and are more at risk of other athletes, drinking plenty of fluids during training.
To reduce the risk of water intoxication, experts recommend to weigh yourself before and after sport, to make it easier to control the amount consumed and egested, together with then liquids.
Sometimes gipergidroza even becomes the cause of death — as in 2007-m to year in California, when a woman drank a lot in order to win the competition, organized by a radio station.
6. Aragacity walnut nutmeg — a common ingredient in confectionery products, various dishes and drinks, but in some countries it is used as an inexpensive hallucinogenic drug.
Consumption of nutmeg in large quantities in a few hours can be anxiety-provoking, unconscious feeling of fear and hopelessness, and sometimes visual hallucinations, psychosis and other distortions of perception of reality.
As a rule, of poisoning by nutmeg are not fatal, but some precedents are still there. For example, in 1908, a year after entering the body of 14 grams of nutmeg died 8-the summer child, and in 2001, he killed 55-year-old woman who later said doctors had died because of a combination of action of two substances: myristicin contained in the essential oil of nutmeg, and a sedative drug flunitrazepam.
Source: /users/1077