Skin folk remedies
There are many recipes for cleansing at home. They knew even our grandmothers. We have selected some of them better do their job.
One of the foods that are good clean skin. Here's one way of cleansing the skin with the help of potatoes: choose potatoes Pinker, clean, grate and wait until she let the juice. Then apply it to the places that flakes or covered with age spots. You'll feel a burning sensation, but the skin cleared. HerbsHave wonderful broth, two ways of application of which we and will tell. The first method used to cleanse the skin from acne. To do this, take the chopped nettles, burdock root, celandine and series. It all pour boiling water and let cool. Drinking a glass of this decoction once a day for a month, You will forget about the problem of acne. There is a second option use this infusion. You can wash them down to get rid of dandruff. Infusion of grass and daisies and violets are great for washing. To prepare this infusion just pour a liter of hot water a teaspoon of violet and a teaspoon of daisies and leave to infuse overnight. And all – in the morning you can wash. Cornmeal isa Good cleanser is also corn flour. The recipe is extremely simple. On wet skin massage movements, apply cornmeal. After that, the remains of the flour is washed with water. After a few treatments Your skin will become clean and smooth. TarAlso to continually cleanse the skin, can wash with lye soap. Use it for washing in the morning and evening. The principle of its use is no different from the way of using ordinary soap. After you've cleaned your face, for better effect you can apply a special ointment. You can cook it from birch tar, olive oil and grease. This mixture should be applied with light massaging movements. Then the remnants of ointments to remove with a paper towel. You just have to choose the one you like the recipe! Most importantly, that You are pleased with the result – a clean and healthy radiance skin.
Source: estet-portal.com

One of the foods that are good clean skin. Here's one way of cleansing the skin with the help of potatoes: choose potatoes Pinker, clean, grate and wait until she let the juice. Then apply it to the places that flakes or covered with age spots. You'll feel a burning sensation, but the skin cleared. HerbsHave wonderful broth, two ways of application of which we and will tell. The first method used to cleanse the skin from acne. To do this, take the chopped nettles, burdock root, celandine and series. It all pour boiling water and let cool. Drinking a glass of this decoction once a day for a month, You will forget about the problem of acne. There is a second option use this infusion. You can wash them down to get rid of dandruff. Infusion of grass and daisies and violets are great for washing. To prepare this infusion just pour a liter of hot water a teaspoon of violet and a teaspoon of daisies and leave to infuse overnight. And all – in the morning you can wash. Cornmeal isa Good cleanser is also corn flour. The recipe is extremely simple. On wet skin massage movements, apply cornmeal. After that, the remains of the flour is washed with water. After a few treatments Your skin will become clean and smooth. TarAlso to continually cleanse the skin, can wash with lye soap. Use it for washing in the morning and evening. The principle of its use is no different from the way of using ordinary soap. After you've cleaned your face, for better effect you can apply a special ointment. You can cook it from birch tar, olive oil and grease. This mixture should be applied with light massaging movements. Then the remnants of ointments to remove with a paper towel. You just have to choose the one you like the recipe! Most importantly, that You are pleased with the result – a clean and healthy radiance skin.
Source: estet-portal.com