The women's exercise qigong
Eight million two hundred nine thousand two hundred ninety nine
The most serious problems and consequences for women's health causes stagnation of energy and blood in the pelvic organs.
What is the result? To the menstrual cycle, constipation, hypertension, sexual problems and urinary infections (Yes, it's not intrusion from the outside, and for the most part the growth of microbes "in still water"!). And neurosis and depression are both a cause and a consequence of stagnation, forming a "vicious circle". Women are generally most acute, and the consequences of reaction to stress. And then there's the sedentary office regime, and fitness, and in General the whole Western way of life...
Over time, develops not only stagnation, but also the deficit of energy and blood in the kidneys, liver and pelvic organs, i.e. the female organs.
Young all this threatens PMS and even infertility, and in more Mature age — heavy climax and the various entities in the mammary glands and pelvic organs: breast, cysts and tumors of the breast, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, adhesions, endometriosis, etc, nothing good…
There is a super-weapon against all these problems! It is intuitively clear that any stagnation is necessary "to disperse" movement, so all the elements of "belly dance": forward-backward, right-left, the circular movements of the pelvis etc... But this is not enough, because stagnation is deeper inside. Besides, it is also necessary energy gain in the abdomen! Dossy invented a special exercise for this. It is not complicated.
Standing, feet shoulder width apart, exhale and bend forward at the knees, and straight the fingers of both hands strongly push in the lower abdomen (right above pubic bone, across the entire width of the abdomen).
Holding the breath (exhale) muscles start to dramatically pull up the belly, anus and the perineum, thus forcing the hand of the stomach, at the same time zazhmurivaya and squinting his eyes, straining pursed lips and even brains!
Make such pull-push movements on the breath as many times as comfortable (for example, 20 times).
Then take a strong inhale and straightening in standing position (just get up not too drastically...) and raising hands upwards.
Then make a slow exit nose with relaxation and lowering the hands down in front of him.
Make three such cycles, twice a day.
Also, very well, as often as possible (when performing any gymnastics, walking, sitting at home or in the office, and even driving!) to perform so-called reverse Taoist breathing: when you inhale pull the anus and perineum, expanding the chest, exhale to relax and drop back.
This is a very good exercise, which will not allow to develop stagnation and will add energy in the female organs!
source: stan-molozhe.ru
Source: /users/1077
The most serious problems and consequences for women's health causes stagnation of energy and blood in the pelvic organs.
What is the result? To the menstrual cycle, constipation, hypertension, sexual problems and urinary infections (Yes, it's not intrusion from the outside, and for the most part the growth of microbes "in still water"!). And neurosis and depression are both a cause and a consequence of stagnation, forming a "vicious circle". Women are generally most acute, and the consequences of reaction to stress. And then there's the sedentary office regime, and fitness, and in General the whole Western way of life...
Over time, develops not only stagnation, but also the deficit of energy and blood in the kidneys, liver and pelvic organs, i.e. the female organs.
Young all this threatens PMS and even infertility, and in more Mature age — heavy climax and the various entities in the mammary glands and pelvic organs: breast, cysts and tumors of the breast, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, adhesions, endometriosis, etc, nothing good…
There is a super-weapon against all these problems! It is intuitively clear that any stagnation is necessary "to disperse" movement, so all the elements of "belly dance": forward-backward, right-left, the circular movements of the pelvis etc... But this is not enough, because stagnation is deeper inside. Besides, it is also necessary energy gain in the abdomen! Dossy invented a special exercise for this. It is not complicated.
Standing, feet shoulder width apart, exhale and bend forward at the knees, and straight the fingers of both hands strongly push in the lower abdomen (right above pubic bone, across the entire width of the abdomen).
Holding the breath (exhale) muscles start to dramatically pull up the belly, anus and the perineum, thus forcing the hand of the stomach, at the same time zazhmurivaya and squinting his eyes, straining pursed lips and even brains!
Make such pull-push movements on the breath as many times as comfortable (for example, 20 times).
Then take a strong inhale and straightening in standing position (just get up not too drastically...) and raising hands upwards.
Then make a slow exit nose with relaxation and lowering the hands down in front of him.
Make three such cycles, twice a day.
Also, very well, as often as possible (when performing any gymnastics, walking, sitting at home or in the office, and even driving!) to perform so-called reverse Taoist breathing: when you inhale pull the anus and perineum, expanding the chest, exhale to relax and drop back.
This is a very good exercise, which will not allow to develop stagnation and will add energy in the female organs!
source: stan-molozhe.ru
Source: /users/1077
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