Why tomato juice is the best seller among airline passengers

The managers of the airlines in charge of supplies, I know what the juice is the most popular among their customers. Tomato! For example, only passengers from Lufthansa were consumed 1.7 million liters of the drink in 2008.
Why do people in flight, often drink tomato juice, which is not a bestseller in stores and restaurants? Maybe it's a "Domino effect"? Neighbor ordered — and I also take? But why he chose a roommate?
For this reason several studies have been conducted. The results showed that in the sky, probably due to low pressure, long familiar taste of drinks and dishes changed. In this regard, many of the products that are supplied to power on Board, the dosage of salt, sugar, spices and herbs increased, otherwise the taste and smell will be perceived as muffled, as if a bad cold.

Usually salt in flight perceived taste by 20-30% weaker than on earth, and sugar – 15-20% lower. Coffee will become more bitter, and Riesling wine is more acidic. Familiar food and drinks, which on earth seem to be surprisingly tasty, at an altitude of 9000 meters are fresh.
In this effect, which is subconsciously felt by almost every passenger, and the secret of the popularity of tomato juice. It turns out that the taste remains unchanged at altitude, and "our bodies somehow know about this". But orange and Apple juice seem to be more tart and sour, and we're not thirsty.
Conducted by an international team of scientists, nutritionists study will surely help airlines in developing the most successful and tasty menu for their passengers.
source: koko.by
Source: /users/1077