12 genius tricks to curb appetite
All occasionally want a snack, whether sweet, food with a high content of carbohydrates or carbonated drinks that contain lots of chemicals. The ability to cope with these urge of hunger is one of the key factors of a healthy diet and maintain a normal weight. This article discusses 12 natural ways to cope with the desire to eat these unhealthy foods.
1. Know what you are missing If you often want the same foods, it may mean the body is trying to tell you that he needs certain elements. Here are four major categories of fast food and ways to eliminate them from the diet: Chocolate: you probably need magnesium. Instead of chocolate, try to consume the following products: mineral water rich in magnesium, pumpkin seeds, spinach, Swiss chard, soybeans, black beans, sesame seeds, cilantro, cashew, sunflower seeds, beet greens.Chips, crackers: Try eating seaweed, nori, rye bread, tomatoes and olives to raise daily salt intake.Fatty foods: you May not consume enough calcium. As a replacement you fit the tofu, sesame seeds, sardines, yogurt, Collard greens, spinach, cheese, turnip greens, leaf mustard and beets.Simple carbohydrates: Often spontaneously arises the desire to eat more foods that contain simple carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, pasta and rice). Below you will read tips on how to get rid of addiction to them. 2. Say "no" to simple prevederile of all, it is necessary to remove foods that contain simple carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, pasta and rice), for its cuisine. Replace them with the bread of the flour is coarse, unrefined cane or brown sugar, whole grain pasta and brown or wild rice. Always read the products that you buy, on the packaging and do not buy products containing sugar or corn syrup with high fructose.If you have tried everything listed here and still are unable to fight the desire to enjoy the simple carbohydrates, here is another trick that can help you: 3. Make grevatt the Council may seem strange, but please read it.Many manufacturers of semi-finished products that we love is added to these products, sugar and other substances deliberately "lifting" people in inexpensive and convenient in the consumption of food. In other words, the producers of this "garbage" manipulating the people, causing them to consume more junk food and thus destroying their health for the sake of profit! Think about it next time in the supermarket reach for the pack of greasy, salty chips with monosodium glutamate: somebody profits from that is destroying your health. Let yourself go a little nuts. It can help you to move towards the right choice. 4. Psychological nastroju next time you want to eat something unhealthy, tell yourself, "I can't eat that!" Studies have shown that this simple technique in 80% of cases leads to success. In most people, the word "no" makes you feel that they took away something desirable. If to put it another way, on a subconscious level will have a sense that you are confident in your choice. This may sound silly, but all worth a try. The chances of success four out of five. You will be pleasantly surprised. 5. Vizualizacijas one effective psychological technique is to visualize your goals. Challenge yourself. For example: "I want to lose weight to _____ size." Find the picture of a man with a body similar to the body of your dreams, print it out and glue it to your face, cut from another picture. As soon as you want to eat something out of what you decided to give up, just look at this picture and imagine that you already look like this. This can considerably strengthen the power of your will. 6. Replace fast food other productlike all the time you eat the same varieties of fast food – chips, cookies, ice cream, etc, ask yourself what you like in these products. It might not taste. Sometimes we are attracted to the food of its physical properties. If you like crunchy snacks, try to replace them with more healthy foods with a similar texture, such as carrots or raw almonds. If you like cold or frozen foods, fill the ice-cube tray with fruit juice without added sugar and put it in the freezer. Sticky candy can be replaced with dried fruit or oat bars with low sugar content. 7. Assign a "day off"the easiest way to sabotage the attempt to improve his diet, suggesting to yourself that you never again in life will not be able to eat your favorite fast food. Select the day of the week that will be for you "weekends". So you will be able to indulge yourself a little without feeling guilty that I blew my diet. 8. Plan your shopping saranapala how to go for groceries, make a list of useful products that you intend to buy. Stick to the list and try to stay away from the ranks on the semi you are trying to eliminate from your diet. It is best to avoid internal rows of the supermarket where the decomposition of these products. Try to take as many products as possible at the perimeter of the trading floor. When you get home, immediately prepare snacks, so they would be ready by the time you get hungry. 9. Drink more, eat senseview a glass of water, fruit juice without sugar, a Cup of green tea or other healthy beverage, you will be able to overcome the feeling of hunger. It often happens that the feeling of thirst, which occurs when the body is dehydrated, very similar to hunger. So you should try to remember to drink before meals. 10. Periodicially you want to eat, find a way to escape for 15-20 minutes. If you feel strong hunger, try a five-minute approaches of vigorous exercise, such as squats, jumps and running in place. In most cases, the desire to eat will pass quickly, especially if you are hungry for real. 11. Light an aromatic socinova spicy or fruity smell is enough to keep you held the desire to eat dessert. Get yourself a candle or incense with natural flavors. 12. Black chokolade not only rich in antioxidants but also increases production in the body leptin – the hormone that is responsible for the feeling of satiety. The following time you go shopping, buy a bar of organic dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher). Two small pieces (about 15 grams) is enough in order to enjoy a great delicacy and at the same time to overcome famine. источник:water-for-life.ru
Source: /users/1077

1. Know what you are missing If you often want the same foods, it may mean the body is trying to tell you that he needs certain elements. Here are four major categories of fast food and ways to eliminate them from the diet: Chocolate: you probably need magnesium. Instead of chocolate, try to consume the following products: mineral water rich in magnesium, pumpkin seeds, spinach, Swiss chard, soybeans, black beans, sesame seeds, cilantro, cashew, sunflower seeds, beet greens.Chips, crackers: Try eating seaweed, nori, rye bread, tomatoes and olives to raise daily salt intake.Fatty foods: you May not consume enough calcium. As a replacement you fit the tofu, sesame seeds, sardines, yogurt, Collard greens, spinach, cheese, turnip greens, leaf mustard and beets.Simple carbohydrates: Often spontaneously arises the desire to eat more foods that contain simple carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, pasta and rice). Below you will read tips on how to get rid of addiction to them. 2. Say "no" to simple prevederile of all, it is necessary to remove foods that contain simple carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, pasta and rice), for its cuisine. Replace them with the bread of the flour is coarse, unrefined cane or brown sugar, whole grain pasta and brown or wild rice. Always read the products that you buy, on the packaging and do not buy products containing sugar or corn syrup with high fructose.If you have tried everything listed here and still are unable to fight the desire to enjoy the simple carbohydrates, here is another trick that can help you: 3. Make grevatt the Council may seem strange, but please read it.Many manufacturers of semi-finished products that we love is added to these products, sugar and other substances deliberately "lifting" people in inexpensive and convenient in the consumption of food. In other words, the producers of this "garbage" manipulating the people, causing them to consume more junk food and thus destroying their health for the sake of profit! Think about it next time in the supermarket reach for the pack of greasy, salty chips with monosodium glutamate: somebody profits from that is destroying your health. Let yourself go a little nuts. It can help you to move towards the right choice. 4. Psychological nastroju next time you want to eat something unhealthy, tell yourself, "I can't eat that!" Studies have shown that this simple technique in 80% of cases leads to success. In most people, the word "no" makes you feel that they took away something desirable. If to put it another way, on a subconscious level will have a sense that you are confident in your choice. This may sound silly, but all worth a try. The chances of success four out of five. You will be pleasantly surprised. 5. Vizualizacijas one effective psychological technique is to visualize your goals. Challenge yourself. For example: "I want to lose weight to _____ size." Find the picture of a man with a body similar to the body of your dreams, print it out and glue it to your face, cut from another picture. As soon as you want to eat something out of what you decided to give up, just look at this picture and imagine that you already look like this. This can considerably strengthen the power of your will. 6. Replace fast food other productlike all the time you eat the same varieties of fast food – chips, cookies, ice cream, etc, ask yourself what you like in these products. It might not taste. Sometimes we are attracted to the food of its physical properties. If you like crunchy snacks, try to replace them with more healthy foods with a similar texture, such as carrots or raw almonds. If you like cold or frozen foods, fill the ice-cube tray with fruit juice without added sugar and put it in the freezer. Sticky candy can be replaced with dried fruit or oat bars with low sugar content. 7. Assign a "day off"the easiest way to sabotage the attempt to improve his diet, suggesting to yourself that you never again in life will not be able to eat your favorite fast food. Select the day of the week that will be for you "weekends". So you will be able to indulge yourself a little without feeling guilty that I blew my diet. 8. Plan your shopping saranapala how to go for groceries, make a list of useful products that you intend to buy. Stick to the list and try to stay away from the ranks on the semi you are trying to eliminate from your diet. It is best to avoid internal rows of the supermarket where the decomposition of these products. Try to take as many products as possible at the perimeter of the trading floor. When you get home, immediately prepare snacks, so they would be ready by the time you get hungry. 9. Drink more, eat senseview a glass of water, fruit juice without sugar, a Cup of green tea or other healthy beverage, you will be able to overcome the feeling of hunger. It often happens that the feeling of thirst, which occurs when the body is dehydrated, very similar to hunger. So you should try to remember to drink before meals. 10. Periodicially you want to eat, find a way to escape for 15-20 minutes. If you feel strong hunger, try a five-minute approaches of vigorous exercise, such as squats, jumps and running in place. In most cases, the desire to eat will pass quickly, especially if you are hungry for real. 11. Light an aromatic socinova spicy or fruity smell is enough to keep you held the desire to eat dessert. Get yourself a candle or incense with natural flavors. 12. Black chokolade not only rich in antioxidants but also increases production in the body leptin – the hormone that is responsible for the feeling of satiety. The following time you go shopping, buy a bar of organic dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher). Two small pieces (about 15 grams) is enough in order to enjoy a great delicacy and at the same time to overcome famine. источник:water-for-life.ru
Source: /users/1077
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