5 tips how to get rid of laziness
Seventy million one hundred eighty nine thousand seven hundred twenty two
Waking up late the alarm for a few hours to put aside for tomorrow, to do things half-heartedly, and wonder at the lack of good results... Someone familiar with this? Familiar. But to accept the circumstances and that laziness has become a part of you is not worth it. Let the phrase "laziness overpowered!"will not treat you.
So, a few tips on how to get rid of your laziness and change your life for the better.
1. Analyze. Before you start working on anything, you have to admit that something you plan to work, you have. Not everyone is willing to admit that he's lazy or lazy in one area or another, but in order to see the changes, you first need to truthfully say to yourself about their pros and cons.
2. Put a goal. It is important to set a goal. For example, to eliminate the habit of throwing things and lazy to put their time into place. Or: six months to learn to play the guitar, learn a foreign language by next summer either to accustom oneself every day to run around the Park. Each person has their own goals, dreams and desires, but laziness pushes us to our dreams for a long time or does not allow them to be at all. Compromise with laziness – move dreams and goals further away from yourself.
3. Get motivated. What inspires you to get rid of bad habits and lifestyle change? Everyone is ready to move forward on its grounds, but it is important in achieving the goal to understand what it is you are doing. To learn the language in order to become the best specialist in their activities and to increase... to Quit Smoking, to have good results in sports and take care of your health... Or will it be a study of cooking in order to be a good housewife for her family, and so on. The results are inspiring. Imagining my life without a particular habit, you have yourself to help to get rid of what prevents you on the way to the goal.
4. Seek like-minded people. "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are" – a well-known saying and it also can help you on your way to the goal. After all, when you surround yourself with people who support you and your ambitions, much easier to move and get rid of unnecessary temptations. Supporters, of course, didn't have to sit with you side-by-side, although it's great. But if you converse on the forums with colleagues or to read special literature, it will also inspire you and support.
5. Not afraid. Fear of change or fear that you will fail, can truly ruin your life. Many people are ready to change something, to start with a clean slate, to quit Smoking and to get back on skis, start to drive a car and so on, but fear that will not work or that something is not as easy as you imagine, your dream breaks to pieces. Don't let fear overwhelm your life.
Every day we have a choice which way to go and the kind of life to live. It depends on us what our life will be a day, a year, or twenty years. Our habits form our future, give up all excuses and fears and take a step toward change. You to overcome laziness or lazy – you. You decide who will be the winner in this battle.
Author: Anna Shatrova
Source: livinglife.ru
Source: /users/4
Waking up late the alarm for a few hours to put aside for tomorrow, to do things half-heartedly, and wonder at the lack of good results... Someone familiar with this? Familiar. But to accept the circumstances and that laziness has become a part of you is not worth it. Let the phrase "laziness overpowered!"will not treat you.
So, a few tips on how to get rid of your laziness and change your life for the better.
1. Analyze. Before you start working on anything, you have to admit that something you plan to work, you have. Not everyone is willing to admit that he's lazy or lazy in one area or another, but in order to see the changes, you first need to truthfully say to yourself about their pros and cons.
2. Put a goal. It is important to set a goal. For example, to eliminate the habit of throwing things and lazy to put their time into place. Or: six months to learn to play the guitar, learn a foreign language by next summer either to accustom oneself every day to run around the Park. Each person has their own goals, dreams and desires, but laziness pushes us to our dreams for a long time or does not allow them to be at all. Compromise with laziness – move dreams and goals further away from yourself.
3. Get motivated. What inspires you to get rid of bad habits and lifestyle change? Everyone is ready to move forward on its grounds, but it is important in achieving the goal to understand what it is you are doing. To learn the language in order to become the best specialist in their activities and to increase... to Quit Smoking, to have good results in sports and take care of your health... Or will it be a study of cooking in order to be a good housewife for her family, and so on. The results are inspiring. Imagining my life without a particular habit, you have yourself to help to get rid of what prevents you on the way to the goal.
4. Seek like-minded people. "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are" – a well-known saying and it also can help you on your way to the goal. After all, when you surround yourself with people who support you and your ambitions, much easier to move and get rid of unnecessary temptations. Supporters, of course, didn't have to sit with you side-by-side, although it's great. But if you converse on the forums with colleagues or to read special literature, it will also inspire you and support.
5. Not afraid. Fear of change or fear that you will fail, can truly ruin your life. Many people are ready to change something, to start with a clean slate, to quit Smoking and to get back on skis, start to drive a car and so on, but fear that will not work or that something is not as easy as you imagine, your dream breaks to pieces. Don't let fear overwhelm your life.
Every day we have a choice which way to go and the kind of life to live. It depends on us what our life will be a day, a year, or twenty years. Our habits form our future, give up all excuses and fears and take a step toward change. You to overcome laziness or lazy – you. You decide who will be the winner in this battle.
Author: Anna Shatrova
Source: livinglife.ru
Source: /users/4
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