Causes of teenage laziness and how to cope with it
The vulnerable age when a person passes the threshold of growing up is called adolescence. Hence the complex teenage behavior. A person at this time overcomes his own fears, complexes and tries to find his "I".
Adolescent parents education is difficult. During this period, you need to be especially attentive to your child, so as not to harm his psychological health. The editors decided to understand what depends on juvenileism Is it possible to influence it for the benefit of the child?
Parents often complain that their teenage children (ages 10 to 19 according to UNFPA) are lazy and lacking in initiative. There are several causes of laziness in adolescents. But not everyone knows what it is. a very fine line between the concepts of laziness and apathy. Distinguishing these concepts is very important.
Disinterest in school subjects, lack of hobbies and continuous social media presence. “How familiar!” exclaimed anxious parents. Do not rush to blame the child for inaction. Apathy and laziness are very close concepts at the household level. Only they require a different approach if you care about the psychological health of the child.
How to distinguish apathy from laziness While laziness does not portend any trouble and it is easy to win if you have a friendly relationship with your child. Apathy can be a harbinger of depression and serious psychological disorders. A child psychologist can deal with laziness, and apathy must be treated by a psychotherapist.
A lazy teenager will tell you exactly what he is lazy to do. He will be reluctant to study for an exam or do housework. But he is excited and interested to discuss with friends the trailer of the new film.
A teenager in apathy is not interested in school, friends, or household chores. If you notice a child with a phone in his hands, it does not mean that he does not view the news feed mechanically, and therefore without interest. Indifference to appearance, food and inhibited reactions should be a wake-up call for parents.
Children grow very quickly in the truest sense of the word. In just a year, a teenager can grow by 12 cm. At this time, the body is under stress: it lacks vitamins and minerals to coordinate the work of the hormonal and nervous systems. There are also changes in muscle tone and vascular pressure. Because of this, the child can play video games or football for hours, and sometimes without reason to fall off your feet from fatigue.
Unlike adults, a teenager is harder given a monotonous load. That's what he'll learn at university later, but now he needs time to reboot. In order for your child with the least loss to survive a difficult age, he needs personal space. There should be at least a small area in the house where the teenager can be alone with his thoughts. Adults need to understand this.
Lack of motivation and insufficiently developed will affect behavior. Laziness appears with hyperprotection, when parents decide everything for the child. In this case, it does not make sense for him to worry about something and make efforts to solve some life situation. Conversely, in an authoritarian upbringing, the child will not do anything until he is given another “magic kick”. In such cases, laziness is only A way to catch your breath before a constant struggle with your parents.
Relationships with parents and peers Another reason for laziness is protest. A teenager who resents his parents for not considering him begins to be lazy. Instead of expressing their feelings in words, the child ignores the requests, comments and questions of the parents.
Low self-esteem also causes laziness in adolescence. If a child believes that he does not shine with intelligence, he is more comfortable being lazy in the eyes of his peers than stupid. A common mistake among parents is to satisfy all the whims of their child. The teenager is also lazy because he knows he can get away with it.
If you are faced with apathy or laziness of the child, carefully observe his behavior. Let the teenager know you care about him. With a trusting relationship, the case with laziness can be solved in the family circle without the help of psychologists. Share your experience with your child, don’t talk down to them.
If lazy teenage This is the result of overload, pay attention to the organization of time and sleep schedule of the child. If you notice signs of apathy, seek help from a therapist. And under no circumstances do not put pressure on the child, You need to be his support and support in the difficult moments of growing up.Not the enemy.
Adolescent parents education is difficult. During this period, you need to be especially attentive to your child, so as not to harm his psychological health. The editors decided to understand what depends on juvenileism Is it possible to influence it for the benefit of the child?

Parents often complain that their teenage children (ages 10 to 19 according to UNFPA) are lazy and lacking in initiative. There are several causes of laziness in adolescents. But not everyone knows what it is. a very fine line between the concepts of laziness and apathy. Distinguishing these concepts is very important.

Disinterest in school subjects, lack of hobbies and continuous social media presence. “How familiar!” exclaimed anxious parents. Do not rush to blame the child for inaction. Apathy and laziness are very close concepts at the household level. Only they require a different approach if you care about the psychological health of the child.
How to distinguish apathy from laziness While laziness does not portend any trouble and it is easy to win if you have a friendly relationship with your child. Apathy can be a harbinger of depression and serious psychological disorders. A child psychologist can deal with laziness, and apathy must be treated by a psychotherapist.

A lazy teenager will tell you exactly what he is lazy to do. He will be reluctant to study for an exam or do housework. But he is excited and interested to discuss with friends the trailer of the new film.
A teenager in apathy is not interested in school, friends, or household chores. If you notice a child with a phone in his hands, it does not mean that he does not view the news feed mechanically, and therefore without interest. Indifference to appearance, food and inhibited reactions should be a wake-up call for parents.

Children grow very quickly in the truest sense of the word. In just a year, a teenager can grow by 12 cm. At this time, the body is under stress: it lacks vitamins and minerals to coordinate the work of the hormonal and nervous systems. There are also changes in muscle tone and vascular pressure. Because of this, the child can play video games or football for hours, and sometimes without reason to fall off your feet from fatigue.

Unlike adults, a teenager is harder given a monotonous load. That's what he'll learn at university later, but now he needs time to reboot. In order for your child with the least loss to survive a difficult age, he needs personal space. There should be at least a small area in the house where the teenager can be alone with his thoughts. Adults need to understand this.

Lack of motivation and insufficiently developed will affect behavior. Laziness appears with hyperprotection, when parents decide everything for the child. In this case, it does not make sense for him to worry about something and make efforts to solve some life situation. Conversely, in an authoritarian upbringing, the child will not do anything until he is given another “magic kick”. In such cases, laziness is only A way to catch your breath before a constant struggle with your parents.

Relationships with parents and peers Another reason for laziness is protest. A teenager who resents his parents for not considering him begins to be lazy. Instead of expressing their feelings in words, the child ignores the requests, comments and questions of the parents.

Low self-esteem also causes laziness in adolescence. If a child believes that he does not shine with intelligence, he is more comfortable being lazy in the eyes of his peers than stupid. A common mistake among parents is to satisfy all the whims of their child. The teenager is also lazy because he knows he can get away with it.

If you are faced with apathy or laziness of the child, carefully observe his behavior. Let the teenager know you care about him. With a trusting relationship, the case with laziness can be solved in the family circle without the help of psychologists. Share your experience with your child, don’t talk down to them.
If lazy teenage This is the result of overload, pay attention to the organization of time and sleep schedule of the child. If you notice signs of apathy, seek help from a therapist. And under no circumstances do not put pressure on the child, You need to be his support and support in the difficult moments of growing up.Not the enemy.