10 saving tricks for true lazy
Seventy three million seven hundred eighty four thousand four hundred ninety four
Let the energetic workaholics and condemn those who do not like unnecessary movements, but they themselves are lazy you know: laziness is not a defect but just a habit to rest before you get tired. And the coolest stuff invented by people who did not want to strain once again.
Site gathered indisputable proof that laziness — the engine of progress.
When too lazy to water the flowers
Pierce with a thick needle cap and the bottom of the bottle, fill it with water and insert into the flower pot. Let flowers semiprivate!
When too lazy to iron the clothes
While taking a shower, hang a t-shirt, shirt or jacket on a hanger on the back side of the blinds — vapor itself is smooth them.
When too lazy to wash the dishes
Put on a plate of lavash thin dough, and it is your lunch, and the plate will stay clean. How you can wrap the plate in plastic wrap.
Scrambled eggs can be cooked, Bay mixture of a couple eggs, milk and vegetables in a bag Zip-Lock. Dip it in hot water for 10 minutes and Breakfast is ready, and a pan to wash is not necessary.
When too lazy to hold the tablet in the hands of
If you are going to watch a movie, the tablet can be secured with clip hanger for trousers and hang in a suitable place.
In the plane sufficient to put the smartphone in the package with Zip-Lock and clip in the lock from the folding table. Image quality may suffer, but the hands are free.
When the tea is too hot and too lazy to wait
To coffee or tea instantly warm, put in a Cup 3-4 tea spoons. Or a couple of canteens.
And to not have to stir the sugar, throw it in a bowl first and he will dissolve under the pressure of the jet of boiling water.
When too lazy to write a shopping list
Just take a picture of what you have in the fridge before leaving the house and looking at this photo in the supermarket, understand what is missing.
When too lazy to wipe the dust
When cleaning, add a water softener, soak a rag in it, wipe shelves and can safely skip the next cleaning dust will settle in 2 times more slowly.
When too lazy to put things back in place
At the end of the week, unload all the litter in a plastic basin (or box) and go around with him the apartment, placing everything in its place. And no need to run here and there for every little thing.
I love to play sports
If you imagine that you will be going to the gym 3 times a week, exercise at home. Associate the sessions with what you do every day. If you love video games, give yourself 10 push-UPS for every loss. Unwillingness to do push-UPS force you to try to play better, but if lost — also good: the muscle pump.
I love to chill drinks
So that heat does not wait for the drink to cool, keep in the freezer a couple of empty glasses or cups. They drink will instantly become cold.
When all the laziness
Nothing to worry about! Just relax and enjoy doing nothing like a true lazy.
Photo on Pixabay preview, depositphotos, depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/search/%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%88%D0%B5%D1%82.html?qview=9381224&utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
Let the energetic workaholics and condemn those who do not like unnecessary movements, but they themselves are lazy you know: laziness is not a defect but just a habit to rest before you get tired. And the coolest stuff invented by people who did not want to strain once again.
Site gathered indisputable proof that laziness — the engine of progress.
When too lazy to water the flowers

Pierce with a thick needle cap and the bottom of the bottle, fill it with water and insert into the flower pot. Let flowers semiprivate!
When too lazy to iron the clothes

While taking a shower, hang a t-shirt, shirt or jacket on a hanger on the back side of the blinds — vapor itself is smooth them.
When too lazy to wash the dishes

Put on a plate of lavash thin dough, and it is your lunch, and the plate will stay clean. How you can wrap the plate in plastic wrap.
Scrambled eggs can be cooked, Bay mixture of a couple eggs, milk and vegetables in a bag Zip-Lock. Dip it in hot water for 10 minutes and Breakfast is ready, and a pan to wash is not necessary.
When too lazy to hold the tablet in the hands of

If you are going to watch a movie, the tablet can be secured with clip hanger for trousers and hang in a suitable place.
In the plane sufficient to put the smartphone in the package with Zip-Lock and clip in the lock from the folding table. Image quality may suffer, but the hands are free.
When the tea is too hot and too lazy to wait

To coffee or tea instantly warm, put in a Cup 3-4 tea spoons. Or a couple of canteens.
And to not have to stir the sugar, throw it in a bowl first and he will dissolve under the pressure of the jet of boiling water.
When too lazy to write a shopping list

Just take a picture of what you have in the fridge before leaving the house and looking at this photo in the supermarket, understand what is missing.
When too lazy to wipe the dust

When cleaning, add a water softener, soak a rag in it, wipe shelves and can safely skip the next cleaning dust will settle in 2 times more slowly.
When too lazy to put things back in place

At the end of the week, unload all the litter in a plastic basin (or box) and go around with him the apartment, placing everything in its place. And no need to run here and there for every little thing.
I love to play sports

If you imagine that you will be going to the gym 3 times a week, exercise at home. Associate the sessions with what you do every day. If you love video games, give yourself 10 push-UPS for every loss. Unwillingness to do push-UPS force you to try to play better, but if lost — also good: the muscle pump.
I love to chill drinks

So that heat does not wait for the drink to cool, keep in the freezer a couple of empty glasses or cups. They drink will instantly become cold.
When all the laziness

Nothing to worry about! Just relax and enjoy doing nothing like a true lazy.
Photo on Pixabay preview, depositphotos, depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/search/%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%88%D0%B5%D1%82.html?qview=9381224&utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand